You seen the Avalanche?

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
For cryin' out loud, will they never stop thinking of new things to do with aluminum? That is one sharp looking rig! If it can handle a 150efi, put some hydo and a hot foot and I'll buy one for sure. Lighter tow weight, better gas mileage, tougher and easier to fix than glass with the same hull design and pad as glass. And a 92" beam, you know that little bugger is gonna SCREAM! I would dare compete against glass in it. They ONLY drawback I could possibly imagine would be that by giving up the weight, you might sacrifice some rough water ride, but not much I bet. Just wanted to say that IMHO Tracker Marine is heading in the right direction now. That looks like a quality rig to me. Can't wait to see one at the show. I really think it will give the 882 a big run for it's money. What do you guys think?

Rob from NEW YORK!!!!

Yeah I'm talkin to you Trep, you traiter! LOL
Rob,...see the posts below,...alot of talk about that boat.

you might also want to make plans for one now,...'cuz the sucker is rated for a 175 Opti and it WILL FLY!! LOL

I'm with you, only concern so far is rough water performance. The lack of weight could be an issue, but if that's the only thing i can see as a "problem",..I'll just add more tackle!..LOL
well, it will fly til it comes apart, with trackers reputation it won't take long to come undone at the seams
Terry, I have sympathized with your situation from the start; but I could see where your attitude might make it difficult for you to get anything done by your dealer or Tracker. Posts like the one above, with absolutely no constructive value, leave even me wondering why I would offer you any support.


If you ask any of the people on this board, they will tell you that if there is anybody here that understands your plight, it would be me. I have a guide service and started it off with a Tracker Super-Guide V-16. It split in half! They gave me another, IT split also and blew over 3 dozen rivets. They then cancelled my warranty 3 years early because I was a guide. I won't bother with further details, but I was out a boat and revenues from lost business. The people on THIS board put in touch with the right people at Tracker, and with the right attitude, I got my boat fixed to better than factory quality. Given Tracker had some very serious issues with customer service in the past. Are you proud of EVERYTHING you've ever done? They have taken measures and IMHO have made great strides toward rectifying those issues. With regards the boats, all boats have problems, I'm not going to waste time debating that. Riveted boats leak period. Customer service is where it's at. From what I was reading at Walleye Central yesterday, things could be much worse, you could own a Suzuki. If you would like to talk further on the issue, feel free to e-mail me or call me at home, (518) 561-2359. I try to make myself accessable to anyone who has these problems and share my experience. Again, I can sympthize with any problem you may be experiencing, but lets channel your energy into finding a solution. Give me a shout and good luck.

Anyways, I still think the Avalanche rocks!

Scott and Rob,...very well said!!! Terry, need to change your approach and your attitude. We've ALL had problems and we'll all continue to have issues now and then,'s all part of Boating,...get use to it!!! Everybody can empathize with situation,....we ALL feel bad for you and your dilema,..but you'll get much better results with sugar than you will with vinegar!! Too bad you don't live in MI,..Mr. Neeley would make sure you got results!! (If you were nice to him!) Just my .02...
Found the posts below. didn't realize that the Avalanche was more than an 882. I must have looked at it wrong. If that is the case, I would stay with glass. But if price were comparable, I'd go with the "tin" boat. Sorry Mac. Easier to tow and cheaper on gas, tougher, no gel problems, etc. And if the aluminum is that thick, I think the ride will be fine. Hey Mac, have Tracker send one to me for the rally next year will you. You and I could field test it on one of the nastiest days on Champlain to be sure! LOL
As much as I like my 901 (Cracks and ALL!!!!), I'm jonzin' to take an Av for a ride,....reaallly curious about it's performance!! Would love to fish with you Rob, but I don't need to drive to NY to get beat up!! I can do that right here on 'Clair, Erie or the Bay every weekend!!...LOL Thanks for the invite though!!
The Avalanche is 4" wider at the beam and 2" higher at the transom than an 882.

The weight difference is only 200 lbs. so the ride should be comparable...

Mac, I plan on rigging the first one we get and testing it out, I'll make sure to get you on her for a spin.

I'll probably hang a 150 on her.
Hey Rob - So which slides better on Ice - Glass or Tin LOL
Cool Ken,...can't wait to see one, me when it comes in,...I'd like to help you rig it,...I want to climb in and out of that bad boy and see what's it's like thru-out the whole rig,......BTW,..we'll cut limes AFTER we're done!!..LOL
You got it Mac!!!

I just called some Indian friends and they finished performing a ritualistic snow dance. They tell me Trep will see LOT'S and LOT'S of the stuff and the weather will get so cold his casting hand will be numb for months!!!
OK that's it Trep, you insulted my pride....that means DEATH! By hypothermia of course. Scott, "sickem!"

Hey Ken, with a 150 going 60+ mph, that could troll a turncoat right? You know Trep the faster you crank a bait the more pike and muskie chase them, it's a reaction thing. So at 60 mph, you gonna look a might bit tasty see! BTW for those who didn't know, Lake Champlain does have it's own Lochness monster. Seriously, look it up. He is called "Champy" and it does exist. He feeds on sturgeon, geese and southerners with a bad attitude that come too far north!
Apologies to all GENUINE southern folks on the board. Punns are menat for Trep. I have often considered moving south, but for those of you that visit us at the rally, you will experience why this lake captivates me and holds me here even thru winter.
Just saw the Avalanche at the Atlanta boat show. Great looking boat! It looks like a glass boat until you get close, and even then it's still hard to tell. Great finish.

Can't wait to hear what the performance numbers are.
Good to have you Rick. Thanks for the info. That's screaming for a metal boat. Is that better than tin Mac? Can't wait to see one up close.

Port Henry, New York - Home of "Champ" - the fabled Lake Champlain monster!
"Tin",..aka Aluminum,..same stuff,...the Stretch formed hulls are just a thicker gauge,...tap on a TX hull and it has a "Tink-Tink" sound to it,....tap on a Tundr or Avalanche hull which is much thicker, and it will be a solid sounding "thunk!"...but they're ALL Aluminum!!

and another thing,tin(aluminum) is easiter to fix than fiberglass!!plus hit a stump it dents,doesnt break apart like fiberglass gelcoat!!

stretch forming is a good way to make a strong boat.cold forming is stronger way to make keeps the temper in the base metal.

welding on metal takes the temper out of it,the weld is actually stronger than the metal is prone to cracking right where the weld ends and the parent metal begins.just a observation from years of welding steel and aluminum.

Having a problem with performance #'s... plug it all in and you should only get a MAX speed of 64mph with no slip turning a 23" prop.
A max speed of 64mph with a 150 is GREAT!!,..That's what my friends' 176FS Champion glass boat does with a 150. Put that 175 on there and you're going to reach or top 70mph..I don't see any problems with the numbers.

Well Mac, we'll just have to find out come the rally, should I be able to convince either Scott to buy one or the dealership to order one and let me test run it for the rally. Which odds are better?
I'd have to put my bet on the dealership getting one for you.......Scotts going to be too busy serving strawberries and refilling everyone's Dr.Pepper to be worried about boat performance..LOL!

Yeah just as soon as he figures out how to get out of that perch colored live vest!
Scott - Where you at man, there KILLING us here! I need some support from the other half of the team :)

Scott knows a sinkin ship when he see's one Trep. Be scared Trep, be very ascared!
Don't hide behind your kids BIG DOG!! They should be out building snowmen, (in GEORGIA,..LOL!!) NOT learning how to back up the ol'man!! That doesn't come until College!!LOL

Just look at how ashamed you're going to feel when you have to sit them down and say,.."Boys,..I just let my Alligator mouth overload my 'Tweeter butt!!...No go kick that guy in the shins for me,...PLEEAASE!??"...hahahaa

Trep,'re killin me buddy!!!

Trep, Hope you bring your boys up for the rally. Hope everyone brings their families. I can put my boy Cody and his snoopy pole with them at the launch. There is a blow down willow right at the ramp which is also at the mouth of the river, that holds thousands of sunnies and blue gill, not to mention, bass. Kids love it. But leave them out of this, cause you and me, we have us a failure to communicate see, so I'm gonna make it all betta for ya! My draw partner is going to be Tommy two fingers! Him and you gonna have a little chat see!
I think I can handle Tommy two fingers no problem. I think you need to be ready for the Bubba brothers. You know Little Bubba and Big Bubba. They don't know nothing bout no fellas with just 2 fingers, but Little Bubba weighs in at just under 400lbs and can bench press a chevelle with one hand while watching jerry springer, and he's the little one!

Oh Yeah? Tommy's no light weight himself. With a canole in one hand and plate of pasta primavera in the other, and enough grease in his hair to lube that Chevelle, he can call in all the "fellas" and fugedabout da Bubba brothers, cause the sopranos ain't got nothing on Tommy. He drives a licoln with enough trunk room for both Bubbas if you know what I mean! And Jerry Springer is on the payroll see! Tread lightly Trep, after the encounter with the basher in the other post, I'm liable to snap again! LOL
Hey, Michael!

Like I said in another post...... Just got back from 3 days on the road and this is the first chance I've had to look at the board.......

Maybe, Michael...... Just maybe........ When you get up in your 50's......... You'll realize that they can try to threaten ************ all they like........ BUT....... When you're out there serving chocolate covered strawberries and champaign / Caffiene Free Diet Dr. Pepper to the Ladies....... While they're standin' there soakin' up the suds and pattin' their bellies bragin' about how manly they are.......

You tell me who's got the upper hand!
