Scott Hammer TOXIC
Well-Known Member
You know, one of life's little mysteries to me has been why does the Senko catch fish the way it does?:huh: Is it the scent? Is it the action? Doesn't look like anything....A bic ballpoint pen maybe....So why does it work?? In my home lake (Lake Anna) I think I have it figured out....Stay with me here, there is a point....I went out "prospecting" yesterday, looking for some new water and different spots, for upcoming tournaments. Weather was cold and misty/rainy all day. I venture off the main lake and head for a big creek that I rarely fish (been blanked in there too many times):angry: because the fish are there for a short time during the spawn. About 1/2 way back in the creek there is a little cove with a good sized hump out in front in 20+ feet of water. I set the boat down and start fishing to the back of the cove. 1/2 way back, there is a good sized laydown. I fish the laydown with a Senko thinking that for sure I was gonna get such luck....I continue to the back of the cove and manage a 3 pounder in about 2 feet of water at the creek mouth. On my way out, I decide to hit that tree one more time. As I am slowly pulling my Watermellon/Black Fleck (color 297) Senko through the submerged tree, I feel that familiar "thump" that we Senko fishermen live for!! I go on point....lower my rod tip, reel up slack line getting ready to cross Mr. Bass' eyes........I am at defcon 5....if there is the slightest tug on my line, I'll rare back for everything I am worth. As I raise my rod on a tight line, I feel no tug....just it a leaf....a piece of bark.....or is that wiley 10 pound bass (my personal goal) swimming at the boat? My heart is racing, my adrenelane pumping.....Closer and closer the Senko comes to the boat and still no indication that there is a fish on my line, all the while I am on a hair trigger...."just give me a reason" I mumble to myself....all the while keeping an eye peeled on the crystal clear water for any sign of a fish.....As my Senko surfaces what do I see....
At first I thought I had snagged him with the hook as I pulled it through the tree branches and felt sorry for him but then I noticed that this little bugger WAS DOING THE WILD THING TO MY SENKO!!!
He's holding on for dear life goin to town!! What now????.....Do I let him finish? Do I coitus interuptus.... Do I cover him with a towel? By this time I am laughing my arse off and he just keeps on doin' the deed. Then I realize that hey this is a new Senko we're talkin about here so I decide to pull him off from violating my Senko any furthur but the little dude won't let loose (must have been some good Senko!!). I finally pry the little pervert off my bait and toss him back in the lake. What did I learn? That in Lake Anna, Watermellon/Black Fleck Senkos look like female newts and good looking ones at that!! As an aside....bass eat them little newts also, so that would explain the successful color!!

At first I thought I had snagged him with the hook as I pulled it through the tree branches and felt sorry for him but then I noticed that this little bugger WAS DOING THE WILD THING TO MY SENKO!!!