Almost sunk my 2004 Nitro185 F&S

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Tony banks

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score
North Georgia
Hey guys, Hit the lake last week in my 2004 Nitro 185 F&S and after about 30 minutes, I noticed my boat listing to one side. I opened the ski hold and it was full of water. Checked the batteries and they were 1/2 way under water so I made for the ramp. Thanks goodness my bilge pump ran. Got to the ramp and was able to get the boat out of the water. I remembered putting the bilge drain plug in, so I couldn't understand what had happened? Once I got the boat out of the water, the inlet screen for the front livewell was pouring out water. Obviously, this is where the water got in the hull. The water enters thru the screen and goes into a rule pump. I believe this is used to aerate the front live well. So i pulled the pump assembly, but found no cracks or damage to the aerator pump assembly. So not sure how the water is getting into the bilge of the boat. I don't use the front livewell, anyway... so I bought a drain plug to block off the screen inlet. I believe there is also a drain for that livewell. The front live-well always holds water in it, anytime the boat is in the water. I want to seal off this livewell so i can use it for dry storage. So my issue is, water drained out of the bilge thru the front aerator pump. Is was not running and it was all connected and i found No damage to the hose ot fittings. How do i stop this from happening again? Is there a kit or part I can use to block the drain tube for the front livewell? I believe each livewell has a tube that runs to the aerator pump and a separate drain line that runs from the livewell and back thru the transom
Thanks guys!
Hey guys, Hit the lake last week in my 2004 Nitro 185 F&S and after about 30 minutes, I noticed my boat listing to one side. I opened the ski hold and it was full of water. Checked the batteries and they were 1/2 way under water so I made for the ramp. Thanks goodness my bilge pump ran. Got to the ramp and was able to get the boat out of the water. I remembered putting the bilge drain plug in, so I couldn't understand what had happened? Once I got the boat out of the water, the inlet screen for the front livewell was pouring out water. Obviously, this is where the water got in the hull. The water enters thru the screen and goes into a rule pump. I believe this is used to aerate the front live well. So i pulled the pump assembly, but found no cracks or damage to the aerator pump assembly. So not sure how the water is getting into the bilge of the boat. I don't use the front livewell, anyway... so I bought a drain plug to block off the screen inlet. I believe there is also a drain for that livewell. The front live-well always holds water in it, anytime the boat is in the water. I want to seal off this livewell so i can use it for dry storage. So my issue is, water drained out of the bilge thru the front aerator pump. Is was not running and it was all connected and i found No damage to the hose ot fittings. How do i stop this from happening again? Is there a kit or part I can use to block the drain tube for the front livewell? I believe each livewell has a tube that runs to the aerator pump and a separate drain line that runs from the livewell and back thru the transom
Thanks guys!
Did you figure your problem out. I have a 2002 185 fs and I found that I needed to pour rv antifreeze in the livewells before winter. What happens is water freezes and pushes the water lines off the barbed connectors and lets the water in when your on the first or second trip in spring. I almost sunk mine like you did. After that I installed an automatic float on my pump. Good luck!
Related issue is water freezing in the bilge.... Before the weather freezes, make sure you drain it completely or pour in RV antifreeze. Don't ask how I know this...
Did you figure your problem out. I have a 2002 185 fs and I found that I needed to pour rv antifreeze in the livewells before winter. What happens is water freezes and pushes the water lines off the barbed connectors and lets the water in when your on the first or second trip in spring. I almost sunk mine like you did. After that I installed an automatic float on my pump. Good luck!
After owning severial new to me boats, my first stop is to Walmart and get the biggest pump they have and install with a auto float switch, has saved me a bunch of times. As when I see that pump come on! It's time to head to the trailer ASAP.
I have had the same issue with a 2003 Nitro 288 Sport. Consistent water in the bilge. I did find a cracked hose near the front live well but just plugged it and use that live well for storage (never used it). Last fall when I pulled it I used a hose to fill the bilge and ski locker to see if I had a cracked hull. Not one drop dripped out so the hull is sound. My assumption is that water is flowing in from the live well intakes, somehow. I've caulked around them but still no luck. I added an additional bilge pump that works off a float and that has eased my mind a bit. My suspicion is that the live well hoses and fittings need replaced. But, I rarely use the livewells anyway and have decided to just plug the intakes. Finding a cap for them has proven very difficult. Does anyone know the proper size?