Warranty issues continued,,,,,,

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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For fear of being banned from this website...please go to the BBC Board under Tin Boats to see the outcome of my denied claim from Tracker Marine.


Tee That Is pure junk and no excuse for It..I have never seen a product that was that poorly built..Geez what a rip off..... I Sure did go look at a new crestliner this morning..I don't know If they will take my offer or not..If they do I gotta get a motor ..JR:D
Good luck JR and Thanks for the support;)

Looks as though my "Cracker" Boat will be making a debut at the BPS Boat Show in March:p
TEE...sorry for all your trouble....I have a PT 185 2005 year and now I will be looking at the hull and thinking about your troubles every time I go out in it now....and those pictures of the monkey welds....
Dude...not good, not good at all. Looks like the welder was on crack when he was trying to do that!!! Maybe a journeyman???
TEE, why would you be concerned about being banned? Nobody has been kicked off this forum for relaying a horror story about Tracker warranty issues.
Sorry about all your troubles, Tee. Don't worry about getting banned, only I can achieve that. :)
Purchased a 2011 Nitro Z-7. Upon delivery the boat had serious cosmetic damage. The salesman said we will have it fixed at our authorized repair shop metro east marine. After 3 times at metro east marine the problem still exists and worsening by the day. A rep from tracker marine called me today and said i didnt read the warranty well enough, cracking , hazing and fading or dulling is my problem and they would not make good on the claim. The service department manager at the fishin hole has been everything but honest about how many times the boat went to metro east marine for repair, and now we are stuck with a boat that has continuous hazing and dulling problems at no expense to them and out of our pocket. If you buy a boat from the fishin hole and it is not exactly the way it should be, run a way from the deal, dont walk, run!

UPDATE - Cost to repair this boat (at a discounted price) is up to $1500.00 - out of my pocket.

Sorry to hear about your issues. I have a similar problem that Tracker will not honor because of the wording of their warranty: Lifetime warranty on external welds does not apply to welds that hold the outside of the boat together simply because they found a way to weld them from the inside. My keel weld cracked and was leaking, had to fix it myself. I am careful not to go out of my way to run down Tracker, but if someone asks how I like my boat I give a detailed description of the issue.
I am again back to my sad and disappointed opinion that Tracker is a second rate company when it somes to customer service. Any weld that affects the structural integrity of the hull should be covered. This "inside" versus "outside" weld business is just "weaseling" to avoid responsibility for poor workanship/design or manufacturing.

Wow!! Makes me glad I ended up selling my 2002 PT175. Never had problems but it sounds like it might have been a matter of time! So far so good with my G3 (knock wood). Funny how I've never heard of anything similar with respect to the G3 or Lowe boats (the latter being the brand of the family deck boat). Wish Tracker/Nitro would step up to the plate. Makes me think my first Tracker was likely my last.
Good luck Tee! This post and another one about the poor condition of a boat received leads me to believe that my first Nitro/Tracker purchase will be my last. I got lucky, my 2000 Nitro was good from the beginning and has had no major issues. I wouldn't have a warm fuzzy about making a new Nitro purchase today. Doesn't matter anyways, I can't afford to replace my boat at this time. Would like to upgrade to a 20' bassboat for Champlain someday.
Thanx all for the support guys:cool:

We all need to think about how Tracker makes the claim "Number one in Sales".

Do they sale a cheap package that an average guy like me can afford? Yes.

Do they cut corners on internal welds and bracing? Yes.

Will they cover what they should under warranty? NO:angry:

I recommend paying more and looking elsewhere. It won't be worth the headache or problems to save a little money in the long run.

I looked at a brand new Express 18 footer with a 115 at the same time but, went with Tracker because of how I was gonna save a few grand...hind sight is ALWAYS 20/20.
Tee What year is your boat? And without me knowing that what do you think the lifespan of a aluminum boat should be? I have had a couple of aluminum Trackers and 1 Smokercraft and never had a problem. After seeing your welds I would think tTracker would repair just by the way they look. Good luck
My "other boat" is a 16 foot PolarKraFT... iT IS A 1981!!! They should last for a long time since my 1957 Larsen is still seaworthy.
It seems that every decade passes the life expectancy of things gets less and less. We the consumer are part to blame. As we demand a more affordable product and something has to give. Either quality of goods used, quality of work or total exports. Tees boat should still be sea worthy but do not think many aluminum boats made these days will ever compare to the Larsen of the '50's. I have had 4 Tracker boats and I have always known buying them there was a reason why the price was much lower than other boats. My first boat was a 1991 and now own a '08 Z6 and see a hugh difference in quality. They are trying to advance the brand but allowing something this bad to get denied a warranty repair is a hugh mistake. For Tracker to repair would cost them almost nothing but I think they know the problem will continue and do not want to get stuck. Just my 2 cents.
Rich......the previous 2 posts are spam...we have a troller in the house....delete'em!!:angry:
you must not have seen this thread before Rich cleaned it up......the yahoo spammer had 5-6 posts of all kindsa code/babble.

Now if it was up to me,...I'd spam anybody sportin' a red plaid skirt!! :p
