The Fight is ON

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2002
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Dealer called me yesterday and Tracker is refusing to take my Avalanche back for warrenty on the Hull. Stated reason is pictures show scratches on hull and a dent near the front, therefore I hit something and damaged the hull. Problem is the only part I'm having problems with is the hook/concave thats in the running pad at the back of the boat. This concave causes the engine to over heat because it's working harder than it's suppose to at full throttle. Dealers still trying to fight with customer service but if it's not solved soon, good-by Tracker and hello Ranger. I'll have a brand new RANGER 188vs sitting in my yard by spring. Problem is I really like my Avalanche as a fishing platform but I can change and adjust.:(:(
James, ask your dealer who they talked to at tracker and make the calls your self. Be respectful and firm as I know you will be. Take picts yourself with a straight edge to show the concave on the running pad and send them. I was very pissed at tracker for letting a hull go out the door like mine did and I wanted a new boat but they took it back and now it,s perfect.

I did talk to alot off people there, Richard Jennings was one of them.

CJ: Thats exactly what they did. They put the straight edge on the pad and took pictures. I haven't seen them yet. I've already been warned by the dealer to expect a call from TRACKER

as they push for something to be done. So, for the moment I'm taking a wait and see attitude. I want to see if Tracker will step up to the plate and do what they say, like take care of their customer. If not, then everyone needs to know that. I'm a very patient person but only to a point. ;)
Richard Jenning is like tits on a boar hog,,,He is useless...Give it to them,work your way straight to the top....Dont stop
Here we go again....

This is what I do not understand. Pat's post illustrates that Tracker is very aware of this issue. Aware to the point that others have been observed and probably fixed.

Once again, this borders on unimaginably poor business management. For every good step that Tracker takes... a situation like this floats to the top and any good will is burned up faster than a bookies' flash paper.

Mr. Long, if you or your staff is monitoring this posted thread. Please step up.
Tracker replaced my 1992 2000TF with a new 1994 2000TF, and then two years later replaced the 1994 2000TF with a new 1996 2000TF (1995 mold). All because of hull damage from the rough waters of the Potomac.

I traded the 1996 for a new 2000 NX 882. The 882 had weak deck problems and Tracker replaced it with a new 2000 901 CDX.

All of the replacement boats were done at zero cost to me. I even got extras like the upgrade from the 882 to the 901, Hydraulic steering, Power Gator Mount, etc., for free. Just don't let up.

I stopped fishing for a while and sold the 2000 901.

I moved to South Florida 2002 and I got back into fishing a couple of years ago. Since then I have purchased a 2004 NX 882 and just traded it in this past October for a 2006 901.

I have stuck with Tracker/Nitro because they have stood by their product. (or am I a glutton for punishment?:wacko:

Typical Tracker crap!

Sorry it's happening to you now Jim but it doesn't surprise me in the least. Do what I did and just quit playing around with them and go right to legal actions. It seems to be the only language they understand. They certainly don't give a damn about customer satisfaction and haven't for a LONG LONG time.

Now go ahead everyone and RAIL me and tell me how I'm wrong and this is a rare case (just like the 30 or 40 others we've had here) and that I'm being biased.

People of integrity expect to be believed, and when they're not, they let time prove them right!
Read Arthritic minniow's post Rob. And a bunch of others that have had their rigs fixed or replaced. So just when is Tracker justified in denying a claim......ever? I'm not saying that is the case now but every single time somebody has a problem the bashing begins and all of the cases that have been taken care of are forgotten. Companys don't stay in business accepting every claim submitted and I'm sure they are very critical of every claim submitted. They have to be. If it was $$ off your bottom line so would you. Sombody, somewhere, sometime has damaged their boat and tries to get it fixed for free and Tracker denies the claim. It happens more that you probably would guess. If they posted it here they would get Greg telling them to "step up to the plate and do the right thing" and posts that go back years lambasting them for every boat ever made. The bashers don't come out of the woodwork like they used to and I know why......because there are less and less horror stories that are present day. I do believe that if you are right and willing to stand behind your claim, you will get a fair shake (look at most insurance companies). That being said, I hope that Jim gets his rig fixed. From what I have seen they have been fair, give them the benifit of the doubt befor you start with the "always" and forevers". I know you had a bad experience but that was then and this is now. A failure in manufacturing is no different in my mind than my failure as a guide to put people on fish. Do I give clients their money back because they didn't get what they paid for (a productive day on the water)? Do you? Sometimes I give them a break on another trip unless it is their inability to catch fish.

Rob, cut them some slack brother and let's see what happens.

Good luck Jim, if you believe you are right don't back down.


You know that I try to remain observant in these situations and encourage communication. But, I have to say that while I am pleased that Chris' problem got solved, it did take some extraordinary efforts by some good people to get it turned around and "fixed". In the beginning he was being stonewalled. So what I find unacceptable is just this... just as in this case Chris (and this guy) have a dealer that examines the situation and say that Tracker should fix it... Tracker denies the claim... And, it takes some extraordinary pressure to get it taken care of... It shoud not ever take anything other than ordinary quick attention to customer service to resolve any legitimate claim.
Greg, I didn't mean for it to sound like you were a basher, the point I wanted to make is that there are some claims that deserve to be denied. How do we know which ones they are? Have you ever felt that one shouldn't be?

jgarst, I've fished with Rob and know him ortherwise I would have told him the same thing I told you....I guess you didn't hear me too well last time so let me turn up the volume a little.......BITE ME DUDE!!

You notice no one's jumping on your bandwagon......that's because anonymous posters don't get any respect here. You have a beef with me log on with your real info. or email me.

Who the heck is jgarst??? And what puts you on his list Tox??? See why I wish this was changed so people who don't register can't post. They can read the posts and do anything else they want.. The a$$holes just can't post.
Didn't mean to start a verbal fight. Tox is right when he says all damages and problems might not be the fault of the manufacturer. If thats the case then as a company they should take the boat back document the damages, fix it and charge the idividual for the costs. Sounds simple but I know it's not that easy and proving it can be extremely difficult. If Tracker

would talk to people and meet them half way most would be willing to incurr some costs associated with fixing the problem. :unsure:
Okay! At least this site has been an effective "middle-man" in this instance. BF... You should get a fair hearing and resolution from Mr. Long.

Thanks again, Mr. LOng, for stepping up and derailing a potentially bad situation... Communication is the key to most successful resolutions.
Just so everyone knows, I did call and Mr Long is working on my problems. First thing he's doing is calling my dealer to get boat serial number and talk to the dealer. Then we'll see where we go from there. I'm hoping the boat can be fixed. I've got a busy tournament season starting in June. Thanks All Jim Moore:):)
Jim, I am confident they will step up to the plate.:)

I hope so CJ , just have to wait and see Toxic. I think they'll be good to me even if I have to meet them half way. ;);)
OK, good! But WHY did it take THIS much hassle to get his issue addressed? It should have been handled this way right from the start.

I will sit and wait to see how it ends. I hope for Jim's sake it goes well and Tracker repairs the boat as they should and it doesn't go further like the other stories we've hear once a rig gets back to Tracker.

Sorry guys, but I call 'em like I see 'em.

And Tox, you're just mad cause I catch bigger fish than you and can keep my boat off the cribs! LOL

Watch just for that, when I fish the Potomac he's gonna send me up some bay and let me get stranded by low tide!

You can call 'em like you see 'em, but if you're not seeing all sides, is it really fair to react this way? WE don't know the circumstances of Jim's claims, nor the rerlationship he has with his dealer, and theirs with Tracker. I'm sure, now that Nathan is involved, and aware of ALL the details, Jim will get a fair shake.

I love It..I AGREE you should have to be a member to post..Rich do your MoJo and make It that way so we can all pile on the Phntoms......:D JR Hey Rob's Back and with Style..HEE HEE
Shoot, ain't no unibrows on the Potomac Mac, Rob would be the first one.....oh wait a second, Rob is a 1/2 a brow!!LOL!! No Worries Robay, I'll send ya up a nice creek at high tide, let you fill your sack and then when you turnaround to leave.....viola.....only a big sandbar between you and the river. :lol: Let me re-phrase the conversation Rob and I had on Champlain in a howling wind and 3 footers......

"Hey Rob, where are those rock cribs?"


"Right there TOX"

Whatta pal!!:D:lol:

HEY! That's not true.....they were FOUR footers! LOL