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Mike Tosello

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2002
Reaction score
Hi Guys...

I recently took a trip to Dale Hollow (fishing was slow but managed a few nice smallies). We stayed a week and the 5th day into the trip I was on plane about 20 miles north of our resort and the motor just lost all power. It would start up agao but only idle and that was very rough. As soon as I tryed to get back on pad she would shut down... Finally the problem cleared up on its own and the boat made it back to where we took off from. I am running a 250 Verado on a Z21. Being that the motor is still under warranty, I was not about to check into it much except for checking fuel filters, fuses, killswitches ect... Seemed to me like a fuel problem at the time, Maybe water in the gas or a clogged filter.. Anyways, I trailered the boat to check into that stuff and found nothing wrong. This was the first trip of the year and I was using fuel from late winter of '08 so I decided to go and fill both tanks with fresh fuel. The next morning, we launched the boat and things were runnung fine again. So we ran to a few spots closer to ous cabin for the day. After fishing a couple hours the same thing happened when I went to move to another spot. This time, we couldnt get her running no better than a rough idle. Had to troll in that night and only had trolling motor for the last 2 days of the trip (didnt want to run the verado if it wasnt operating right).

Got home and took the boat to the Dealer (Bedford Sales) in Morris Il. The tech put it on the computer and ran the engine to check for codes and it wasnt giving any... At that time it seemed to be running fine. He took the boat to a local river to run it and finally he got the same problem I had...

Seems there has been a fuel module in the verados that they have had problems with in the past, so after a couple days he now agreed with me that it was a fuel related issue.

He ordered all the parts he needed to replace the molude (inside the pump) and got a delivery date of April 20th.... Over 2 weeks just to get the part. I really didnt have much to say, I was stuck with having to wait. Which at the time, 2-3 weeks didnt bother me. Then I looked at my tournament schedule and found that I had an event at Rend lake on the 25th... Now I start to panic, Thinking I'm gonna want to get the boat back and run it somewhere before I head off to southern Il to make sure everything is fine.

This morning I called Mercury directly and spoke to a very informative person in customer service. He checked into the order that was placed thru my dealer and explained to me that because of the economy they were not keeping as much inventory on their shelves and that the Module would have to be ordered from their supplier, OK. He tells me he wants me to get back on the water ASAP so he was going to call Dan (the service tech at my dealer) and speak with him directly to make sure he ordered EVERYTHING he needed to complete the repair, then he would call me back... Less than an hour goes by and I get a call from Mercury, the same guy called me back personally and tells me that he and the tech talked and he is sending a whole new Fuel Pump instead of just the few parts to rebuild the old one. Parts would be at the dealer on Tuesday of next week and should only take the day to install.

I was amazed at the service I received from Mercury and thanked him numorous times. I even called the Tech at my dealer and informed him that I am in no way upset with him either, that I just wanted to try to expidite the parts to receive them sooner. He told me that it was a good thing to do because when a tech calls in to Mercury to order parts for a waranty job, Mercury will only send what they think with solve the problem. I guess because it has been an issue with the verados. Anyways, I am crossing my fingers that this will take care of my problem.

In these harder times, it is nice to know that some companies will step up and do the right thing for their customers. I do have first and last names of both of these parties and I can't wait to fill out that service questioneer..


Mike Tosello
Mike - great story! Hope it ends as well as its progressing. One thing you might want to consider. If it all works out as planned, in addition to the questionnaire, it might be worth sending a written letter of appreciation to both the dealer and Mercury. Stuff like that tends to guys promotions! At least recognition for a job well done. Also encourages the brass to empower folks like that customer rep to be able to do what he did for you.

Again, great story. Almost makes me wish I still had mercury outboards :D
Good to hear, it's all I've owned other than a couple of ancient 35 'Rudes 30 yrs ago.
Mike, Thanks for posting the story and I hope it all works out for you. Having been on every side of the customer service fence I can tell you a personal thank you goes a long way. Writing upper management is nice but does not always filter down to those who did the good deed. What starts out as Thank You turns into thats why I hired him/her or he/she is just doing there job.

It's nice to hear a good resolution story. Many people are quick to vent with a problem, yet rarely compliment a job well done. Human nature I guess. Thanks for your positive outlook!! ;) :)
I agree, a note is nice but you can do a gesture after the dealer had to install a new engine(yes a comelete new engine), my wife baked 2 home-made pecan pies and bought a gallon of vanilla bean and took it up to the dealership after the work was done. You can bet they all appreciated that. Be sure that the owner got that message of appreciation. And yes, she makes a mean pecan pie.
Mat, ck this for more info on the Verado.


{clap} {clap} {clap}. It sure is refreshing to read something positive for once. I second and third the suggestion to make sure Mercury and your dealer know those who helped you!! It means a lot if we want to keep getting that kind of service.
