Mothballs in the boat

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
Anyone heard of putting moth balls in the boat to keep mice out while in storage? I haven't done this in the past but the the Tundra goes in a Barn this winter next to the grain bins. Instead of Dad's pole shed. Too big. Also can you use the whole moth or just the balls?:lol:

Fatrap - Naptha is a great to keep mice, chipmunks and squirrels out of the boat. I put them in paper cups and place them throughout the lockers and inside of the seat compartments. Also put them in the bilge since they will get in there and eat the wiring. Spearment oil is also very good, but expensivive and very corrosive so be careful with it. Mothballs are a cheap way to deter the little vermin. You can't use too much as far as I am concerned. If you have any openings in your trailer where wiring goes through add one or two balls to the opening. I will breakdown by next season so don't worry about it.
"where do I find them? The round white variety that is."


You lift up the tail on a white mouse....:lol:
The mice chewed thru my trailer wires twice on the Triton when I stored it so be sure you protect your trailer too.
Besides between their little legs you can get boxes of them at Wally World. I used four boxes alone on my 26 foot pontoon boat so don't be stingy with them. LOL
Mothballs underneath the tail of a white mouse? I don't think so; maybe a white moth ....
Yep, the little critters don't like the smell and your rig doesn't smell like grandma's closet in the spring. I'd put the mothballs around and under the boat and the dryer sheets (Bounce, etc.) in all of the compartments and anywhere under the cover where they might come in.

Drier sheets also work well in the summer as a bug repelent. Take one and rub on your arms, face neck legs feet ankles etc. I thought this was ridiculus until one summer I was in Alabama, Lake Guntersville. I was getting covered with these little tiny flea looking bugs. I Mean these things were EVERYWHERE, covering me, my partner and the boat! Another guy in the tx said to try it, and darned if it didnt work !
the drier sheets do work well. We also use them to keep our vacation home (mobile home) up in the north woods clear of mice while it's locked up for the winter. We spread about 4 boxes of them throughout the place & have never had a problem.
i used mothballs in the past to keep the cat down the street from crawling under the cover and taking a nap or using my boat as his personal urinal,(no commets please i like my boat,) it works if you dont mind the smell.

mike c
I put moth balls in my ice shanty in the spring, between the folds in the fabric and they still chewed a small hole in it. I must need bigger moths?? This year i'm going to try moth balls, dryer sheets, poison and a beware of cat sign. :angry:

I've used moth balls before and have had medium success. Now I use Moth Balls, Drier Sheets and Spearmint oil. t seems to work. The cat sitting there with a little shotgun helps some too I'm sure.:rolleyes:

Drier sheets also work well in the summer as a bug repelent.

I found what Ken said to work too only I've used only USED drier sheets. That's what someone told me to try and I did and it worked so I never tried unused sheets.

Uncle Billy

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