Modifications to my 2013 Tracker 175TF

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Smyrna TN
I found that mounting my stereo under the dash was convenient at the time, but not so comfortable in the end. After my 2nd Louisiana marsh fishing trip, I just couldn't get my leg comfortable and had to lean it over, which in the long run, wasn't good for either my leg or my ankle. It also interfered with the throttle controls as my leg would bump it back off ideal cruising speed in short order. So my buddy helped me remove it and we pondered where to put it. Since he made the handicap rails for me, it became obvious to mount a plate on the side and then mount the radio enclosure to it. All using aluminum rivets. Now I've never drilled into a round bar before but using a punch to make an indention, it was easy enough.

Course I kinda got ahead of myself initially as I drilled 6 holes for mounting, but soon discovered I couldn't find the other 4 holes below the top ones. Using a 3/16th drill bit for 3/16 rivets (had to rock the drill bit a tad for rivet to fully insert) so once I got one in, just line it up and drill another hole to get the plate lined up. Held the radio up with one hand, and drilled just a little to mark 3 spots. Removed the enclosure and drill the spots, put the enclosure back up and temporarily put rivets in the holes and guesstimate where the hole should be in the plate to feed the wire harness in. So used a step drill bit and drilled the biggest hole (3/4 in) which was just big enough to fit the connector through sideways with the harness bent down alongside to feed it through. Then just held up the enclosure and plugged everything in to the radio, slide the harness back and rivet the enclosure into place (after testing radio works).

I haven't got the split loom harness on it yet to protect the wires from sharp edges and when I get back from Louisiana week after next, then both handicap rails come off again for cleaning and powder coating. Course that means drilling out the rivets to remove the radio enclosure. While powder coating is being done, I'll look or think about something to plug the whole to contour to the split loom but still allow the wire harness to move between stereo housing and console. Actually thinking about some putty on both the backside of the metal plate and the outside of the hole through the console.

I also mounted a 12v plug adapter where the radio use to be, so I could plug in my GoPro for constant power in a skeleton housing (if its not raining). I had found a 12v accessory power harness that will go from the plug up to the cigarette plug for the gopro. I'll tape those two together to insure it doesn't come apart from the pounding. Once I get final pics of the powder coating, I'll post those too.



Oh and in case any wondered what I used for a mounting plate, its 5062 Marine Aluminum, same material I use for underskinning a pontoon boat. I can buy 4ft wide by 10ft aluminum sheets for $92 a sheet (current price) but I got mine 2 years ago at $72 a sheet, so I bought 3 and only used 2. The piece above was a piece of scrap that I never threw away.


and here's a view of the backside of the mounting plate, and the outside of the port side of the console showing the harness going through to the enclosure bottom side.


Now I'm ready for marsh fishing next week and still listen to my oldies but goodies ROCK & ROLL baby. Yeah that's right, I HATE country music my parents made me listen to growing up - I rebelled and rock & roll at night when I could pick up Chicago radio stations on my little transistor radio on the night waves. Yep military service only strengthened my resolve for good ole rock & roll. Like Ina-gadda-da-vida by the Iron Butterfly, even like some bubble gum music, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Cream, etc. Wished I still had my reel-to-reel tape recorder and 8 track tapes along with all those 33's I brought back from the Nam BX/PX's.
Yea ya right Air Force! Love me some good old rock & roll. Here in Louisiana my parents listened to the French Cajun music when I was younger. I found an oldies station on the radio and have never looked back. My wife and I are both retired and we still go to the concerts along the coast. We saw the Moody Blues in Shreveport, the Guess Who in Biloxi, etc. I also have tons of LP's bought at the BX overseas in England and stateside. I still have my turntable and reel to reel.
Barry from Louisiana. Air Force SSgt. veteran.
Barry, I used to live in Lafayette in early 80's. Also a SSgt. Where was you stationed at and when? My favorite base was Barksdale, Shreveport LA, 1970-72, Tuy Hoa Vietnam 70, DaNang Vietnam 69, RAF Lakenheath, England 72-76, and finally Dyess AFB, Abilene TX. 76-77 when I finally got out. Still got friends who live in Lafayette, although he was Navy and he's in about as bad or worse than I am on diabetes (probably worse). Although I was diagnosed with diabetes first, it was the heart diease that ended my law enforcement career and eventually anything physically in nature. Agent Orange did a number on me. Now I got to worry they'll cut my VA disability and SS checks while that fat cats (aka politicians) in Washington get theirs. Barry, I'm gonna be checking into the Houma Quality Inn next Tues. You outta hook up with me for marsh fishing down in the Dularge area end of Hwy 315 (Theriot). I'll be launching from Jugs Seafood Wed, Thurs. Then going to Port Fourchon Friday, Sat hoping I can go offshore with a friend. If not, then its marsh fishing down there while I wait to see if calm seas come in, then back to Dularge on Sunday. I check out the 21st. PM me for my cell if you're interested. (long as you don't smoke).
Charles. I went in Dec 70 and after basic and tech school was at RAF Lackenheath from Jun 71 till Nov 73. Next to Grand Forks from Nov 73 till Nov 74. Then lastly at Keelser from Nov 74 till Feb 78. I hurt my back at Keesler so I got out. I'm also 100% disabled and am also worried about the next check. I retired from the Lafayette Police Dept, maintenance supervisor, in 2011 cause of my back. I presently live in Lafayette. I was born and raised in New Orleans but met my wife thru a friend in the AF and when I got out we decided to live here. Love it. It's quiet and friendly. Sorry I can't go meet you but I'm busy all next week. Maybe another time.
Looks like the blade to a bettle spin (probably the whole thing). I rarely can bend down that far. That pic was I was sitting, not looking in the view finder, just a rough idea what I was taking a pcture of. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll get it out tomorrow. Barry, no problem, I'll be back in April/May 2014 (IF I still get a check)