Invite WomenAnglers website to our 2005 Rally?

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
I wanted to get everyone's thoughts.....

As you may have seen in a couple posts (Right, Bob! :) ) I've also gotten involved over at the Women Anglers Bulletin Board. They are not real active and don't have many members but are listed as one of the top 100 fishing sites.....

Few of the women actually have boats to fish from.....

I was thinking that it could be fun to invite their members to come join us at our rally and fish with some of our members. I don't actually expect that maybe more than two or three might actually take us up on the invitation; but it would be a great way for us to cross-market the two sights and maybe bring some additional enjoyment of our sport to others!

The Rally would remain strictly an NTOWS function; not a joint venture.

I've already e-mailed the idea to a few members.

Some of their responses were:

"Sounds like a workable idea.... I have always believed that I have had a great gift from the people who led me astray into fishing....I have a lot of fun with new people in my boat... So, yeah I would think it was a workable idea... And, I am sure that the Moors have a rental pontoon so no matter how many folks show up we can work out getting everybody out on the water... And, finally, we have few rules on 'membership'... show up on the board and you are invited to the Rally... So, to me the 'Moor the merrier!'"

(Editor's note: I apologize for the awful "Moors Resort" pun. I have omitted the writer's name to protect his reputation.)

"I think it's a great idea when you can get people in general interested in the sport."

"I doubt if very many women would go to the rally if they are by themselves. Especially since they wouldn't know what they are getting themselves into!! I mean, just look at us!! LOL!!! Extend an open invitation and see what happens...."

So whadayallthink?

I thought the rally was for Tracker/NITRO (if it is going to be called the "official" rally) or at least members of this site?? Sounds like it is getting a little off track...... No to be confused with any kind of anti-female sentiment on my part, that ain't it!! I think the key is that they at least be members here and participate (since Tracker/NITRO ownership is not required). There are sponsors (and attendees) who give products that might object to non-members. Don't open the flood gates to whomever you want to invite. If they are not a member on this site then it should be a no-go. IMHO......

I agree with Tox....

But if you do decide to invite them they better be born females. lol

That's easy enough to accomplish, TOX..... If you and others honestly feel that way..... We can invite them and anyone who wants to come can just join on as a Member!

Now..... Since I've been in sales and marketing for over 30 years..... I can assure you that any sponsor trying to get their product promoted would applaud the opportunity to get recognition at additional sites without attaching any restrictions! This is an exceptional way to expand market coverage!

(BTW..... You'll be happy to know that I did a bit on Senko/Stcik-O's at their site over the weekend!)

Also, to the best of my knowledge, we have had participants at every rally that have not been members.....

Several members have brought "fishing buddies" that weren't spouses/significant others who were not members. But, I do like the idea of asking others to join here and get to know some of the people and let themselves get known. It will make anybody attending more comfortable if we aren't strangers to them (stranger than we are already).

This just might be the best yet with the other activities going on at the Moors and on the lake.
Y'All can do whatever you want. Remember I said I would stay "hands off" on the touchy subject of the rally. If attendance numbers are the goal then go over to BFHP and some others and throw out the invite. I'm sure a lot will come. I always thought of this site as a community. Now you wanna invite the next town over..........? Honestly though, it makes no difference. Not trying to stir the pot.

Mini you crack me up.........maybe we can all dress up like Rocky Horror Picture Show!!!LOLOLOL!!! Then we could call them "drag boats"!!Bwhhaaaaa. The TX dinner would look like the bar scene from Star Wars!!HEHEHEHE!

Do as you wish Tox.....homey dont play that! lol

Leave well enough alone....

A question has been posed to me in an e-mail that I am sure others have so I will answer it here as well.....

I do not exploit the anonymity of the internet.

I have been open about who I am on that site as well.

LOL @ mini and his "better be born females" comment!!!!

Bob G.
Hey Mini... You gonna try to get there this time? Lots going on that weekend...
Makes me no real difference, one way or the other to me. However, I would generally not purposely attend some other rally, just because one is going on and I got invited.

I am planning on attending this rally, primarily because of the people that I associate with here.

My goal is to be working. I dont know what my schedule looks like a week from now let alone in May.

My goal is to be rich, handsome and un-employed... Unfortunately, I will be unable to fulfill one, let alone three of those...

But, if your schedule permits you would have a great time...
After giving this some thought, I would not want to go to the rally and fish with someone whom I didn't know. That means someone NOT from this board because I don't know a lot of them from here either but feel that I do. As I will probably ride with someone if I do attend that's not really an issue for me but may be for others?

I don't care.........I I come I am gonna bring my Ranger and my option package...
Bill -

I know exactly how you feel; in some situations, I would feel exactly as you do. As I said, I would think that only 2 or 3 might actually take us up on the invitation; there will certainly be enough of us there that space won't be a problem. We would get to know each other every night at dinner as well just as we get to know more about each other on a face-to-face basis than we do on-line.

I weill have a boat by then; I just mailed my second last car payment this morning! That will mean room for one two or three. Maybe even Neeley again!

JR -

You got the dates. You know the place. You're close enough that you darn well better be there this year! Ranger, option package and all!

Bring minners!

100 Dozen ought to do for a start! :)

I thought there was only about 20 members at the last rally.....

Until the prize giveaway saturday night.There must have been 150 people there.
Geeez, Barry.....

Jill and Cathy send cookies from Detroit.....

Debbie from the lodge bakes us a cake and fries the crappie.....

I microwave a mean frozen pizza.....

Trepper serves home brew in his coulottes.....

What more do you want?


Steve -

Did you notice how many of those people claimed to have tickets for Buzz's Scorpions! LOL!!

Actual final head count was 45.

I agree with Mini and Toxic.

Have them join the site NOW so we can get to know them before the Rally.

And if a couple real cute one's show up, I volunteer to NOT fish and be their towel-boy.

I'll mop their brows, net their fish, tie their line, and generally let them have their way with me...but only under Mini's condition listed above!!!!
Now would be a good time for that web cam picture to show up with the caption:

"I'm a sick... sick.... sick..... puppy....."

What's so sick about a heterosexual strapping young man such as myself wanting to share a boat with some hotties?!?!?!?
Well for starters... The sick will be the "hotties" reaction to what you so loosely describe as a "strapping young man"....

Does the term "butt-ugly" remind you of any past responses to your presence....

Did your parents dress up the dog and leave you at the kennel when they took vacations?

Do small children still run away from you in the mall?

Ouch...that hurt.

Don't make me post the pic of you in the French Maid uniform from the 2003 Rally....roomie!!!
I'm sure none of them will be as hot as this one I saw pictures of. Hey Ken, if you play your cards right maybe.....

