Hi Paul;
I understand, our boat is only a Z17. However, here is the sequence of our Order FYI:
When we Special Ordered our Nitro from our Dealer, he checked with Nitro factory to see if they had the basic model we ordered in the Manufacturing Schedule. Nitro had our basic Model in their Schedule.
We confirmed our Order with our Dealer(no money involved). Nitro then assigned our Buyer's Order Number to the Boat. Our dealer revised the Nitro with the Options we wanted for the boat. Nitro Material Control made these revisions and added the Options we wanted. Thereafter, all we had to do was ask our Dealer to check the status of our boat manufacture with Nitro, giving them our Buyer's Order Number. We ordered our Boat on November 16th and it was delivered January 20 and picked-up (paid full amount to Dealer) February 1st.
So, if you wish to know where your Boat is in the Manufacturing sequence at Nitro, ask your Dealer to check with them. All they need and must have, is your Buyer's Order Number. Just do not ask this Too Often.