Holy crap! Anna Nicole Smith is DEAD!!!!!!!

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i might be a little cold,

but it did not suprise me.

mike c
Holy crap! Anna Nicole Smith is DEAD!!!!!!!

sounds like you care???

who didn't see that one coming:rolleyes:
Wow and the law suit to see who was getting the money was already a mess. Now who gets it?

We should all put in a claim, after all if we are all only 7 degrees from Kevin Bacon we should be the same 7 degrees fron Anna.

I know, I am a BAD MAN....:(
Her daughter will get the inheritance and the law will have to determine who her father is.

Man I bet they're praying with that amount of money at stake. Other than that I'm going to wait until I hear the cause of death.

Uncle Billy.
She was given permission to try and get the money back. She was still a long way from it. With her now gone, it's a moot point.

In short, in the 'he said - she said' game, there is no one left on the 'she said' side.

What amazes me, is why is this even a story?

What amazes me, is why is this even a story?

Tex, I couldn't agree with you more. WHY? WHY? WHY? With all the serious life affecting issues going on in the world, is this even the news??? I'll bet you a Lucky Craft lure of your choice that this is going to be all we hear for the next 6 months maybe even a couple of years if the lawyers have their way. Give me a physical break....this gal wasn't even an entertainer....all she did was pose naked and screw a 90 year old guy. Let me tell you a secret....for 400 million dollars I'd sleep with the old guy too. ;):lol: Heck for 400 million geeters I'd even mow the lawn. :lol:

As far as Anna Nicole goes... I hate to sound heartless but....I don't give a HOLY CRAP!!

MSG to the troll, Please provide name, address, phone number and blood type and somebody will help you out.....................................

Like others I can't say that I'm even a little surprised at this. This will go down as a Marilyn Monroe kind of thing and I promise you this, we'll hear news, "stories", conspiracy theories, etc. from now on. I bet "E" tv and all of the gossip news shows are chomping at the bit to do a behind the scenes show on this. I can see it now, did the Hunt family have her done away with? Was it suicide? Was it an accidental O/D? By the time we are all dead and gone, our kids and grandkids will still be hearing about this.

Please don't get me wrong, She had a family and I hate this for them and for that little baby. I just don't want to hear about it from now on.


Edit; I said "Hunt" family, I meant the Marshall family.
All that silicone-WASTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sad in a way even though I didn't care for her.

Her son, now her:unsure:
Pretty harsh guys. She was just a ditsy, dyed blond Texas gold digger but I still feel sorry for her. Who of us could handle the kind of spotlight and attention she attracted? Doubtful anyone will get any of that money now and a 5 month old baby girl doesn't have a momma. I wasn't a fan but I gotta say "Rest in Peace, Anna".

Folks she was still a human being.


If you publicly conduct yourself without dignity, don't expect much dignity in public expressions regarding your departure.

She'll either pop up in France, living with Jim Morrison, or she'll be working the "Help Desk" in Bangalore India with Elvis.;)
Everyone knows Elvis is working in Waterford MI at KD Outdoors. Or the 7-11 around the corner.
I didn't care much for Anna Nicole either but I certainly don't want to celebrate the death of anybody. No matter how undignified she expressed herself publicly she lost a son five months ago and now there is a little girl that will never know her mother and please let's not have any responses that that may be a good thing! I don't believe she deserves the flags to be flown at half-mast, or to lie in state in the rotunda but regardless how dignified she was, a little sympathy for she and her family doesn't cost anything.

Uncle Billy

I don't think anyone here is celebrating her death. And I'm sure we all sympathize for a child who will not know her mother (and maybe not her father, but that's another story). However, I'd be lying if I said I'll miss her influence on the popular culture of our society.
However, I'd be lying if I said I'll miss her influence on the popular culture of our society.

I will agree with that Rich.. Maybe I came on too strong but after reading quotes from the mainsteam media and a number of other boards dismissing her death out of hand, perhaps I became too sensitive.

Uncle Billy