Scott Hammer TOXIC
Well-Known Member
So, I give CIII a call and tell him that the bass ought to be getting ready to put the feed bag on at Lake Anna (aka The Dead Sea):lol: He tells me that he is just getting back off the road and wants to spend some time with the wife......can you believe that.....he would choose being with his wife over taking me fishing?!?!
:lol: As it turns out I get a call from Eric and he is heading down to his lake house to do yard work and asks if I want to get out Sunday.....problem solved. Actually, I threw my Sponge Bob sleeping bag, a bottle of Jack and a couple of Coke's in the truck and headed down Saturday afternoon. It was ccccccold (40's) Sunday morning and Eric's BassCat was acting up. He had to hold the ignition in the "on" position or it would kill. Ended up being a very good day. Fish are in the slowly withering weeds in the backs of creeks feeding on shad. You don't get many days where you can put a strong pattern together on this lake. We caught fish everywhere we went and I caught this kicker at 1pm. Funny thing was, I caught her in one of my old favorite spots. I'll let y'all guess on the weight because we are all liars anyway:lol::lol: I'll give you a's under 10 but over 5:lol::lol: