Guest charger question

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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
I have a 3 bank charger. I just noticed, if I un-plug my charger, and plug it back in a few minutes later, one bank lights up red and green. The red light goes off a few minutes later. Is this O.K., or am I having a problem?? It happens on the same bank all the time, the other 2 go to green.

It's fine, Guest does that's probably the bank hooked up to your cranking battery.
I have a simliar situation where both RED and Green stay on for an extended period of time; i.e. anywhere from several hours to overnight. When I go to charge the trolling batteries after being out fishing both banks show Red which is normal. Several hours later I will see one bank Green while the other is Red and Green. I have a Guest 2 Bank 20 Amp Charger, it is always the same bank where I get Red & Green together and doesn't happen everytime. The charger and batteries are going on their second year. Water levels are good. Any ideas???

The charger is sensing the battery voltage and going to the appropriate mode, so it's not a problem.


It could be a bad battery. I would recommend having it load tested.

Thanks Sue - Appreciate your feedback and suggestion. I'll have a load test done this weekend.

It's a bad charger you should send it to me and I will replace it with a 2 bank off brand charger........................:lol:

Just kidding, when I unplug mine to move the boat to mow and then plug it in back in while I am done all 3 of mine show red/green while the charger checks the batts for state of charge.
