Forgot what water looks like

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Rich Stern

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2000
Reaction score
We are in a serious drought. All the local lake levels are WAY down. Prediction is for Lanier to be down as much as 20 ft. this winter. Hartwell is eight feet below full pool, and if we don't get some rain, could easily slip to 10 to 12 feet down. My boat hasn't seen water in a couple of months. Haven't felt the tug of a fish on the line in what seems like forever.

Rain dance at 10am, everyone?
It's dry everywhere Rich.

Mad River is about dried up around here.
Absolutely! My dock is literally a dry dock. Water at Lake Anna is at least a good four feet down. At the Occoquan Reservoir, the water levels are down 12 feet plus. So much so that the state park launch ramp is completely out of the water. Harder to tell on the Potomac since its tidal. Regardless, whatever happened to all the hurricanes who's remnants are supposed to refill our aquifers?? :angry:

It's freak'in pouring outside right now. All our little lakes that were half full are brimming. I'm doing a consult with my Native American contacts for a rain dance transfer to Georgia and your area. Many remember the "Trail of Tears" and are telling me tough $hit.:)

low around here too....been too dry, too long. got some rain yesterday and last night, but too little too late. St Clair is down almost 4 feet from where it was 10 years ago....i know 4 feet big deal, but that 4 feet is more water than most of yall have in your entire state....!

There may be something to be said of this global warming.....
Not only that long will it take to bring it back 4 feet?

Icebergs melting in Iceland and elsewhere...where will it end ?

Then again, next year it could rain like it did a few years ago. I forget how many weekends in a row it rained.
Here in So Cal all the lakes are 15'-25' down, but still very fishable. This last rainy season we only got a little over 3" of rain all season. Hope this season is a little wetter.
Most of the lakes I fish are down 2-4 feet; I've not paid much attention to the really big waters like Truman and Lake of the Ozarks. Movements are afoot to worry naught about keeping lakes at fool pool, but to let levels fall ICW power requirements, downstream requirements, etc. I figure I can adjust as long as the ramps change to meet new water levels. If not, I'd be afraid of a recurrence of the Hyde Lake debacle.
Wait'll the polar ice caps melt.....Al Gore won an Oscar for telling us we'll be livin' like Kevin Costner in WaterWorld!! :blink:
Tell you what Mac no way I'm gonna drink my own pee like Cosntner did in WaterWorld.

We were in dire straights too, lake drying up then this year hit here in Iowa. As Fatrap said lakes half full filled to overfull almost over night litterally. Lake Viking was drained bone dry last year for work, not a drop of water. They closed the gates this winter and the lake filled to over full in a couple of months. Maybe a record for filling a lake. You all will get yours soon just hang in there. We know the feeling of no water.
LOL @ FATRAP, might be the best buzz u ever had!!! :wacko::blink::lol::p
If I did THAT I'd be locked up for sure.


Rich maybe your not old enough but there was this cartoon about these Native Americans singing this song "We Want Rain" Then they had a flood.

I forgot what water looks like also, and we have had PLENTY of rain here in the upper midwest this year. I just have been so busy remodeling and working, That I havent gotten out much at all. But i'm thinkin bout a good long weekend at the Moors Resort in the next couple weeks or so.

Wonder if the Ranger will remember how to swim?

Fished many years in the NC/SC/GA area. Been on Clark Hill when it was 15-18' down, and I'm guessing it's there again.

After moving to E. Texas, our lakes are pretty full from all the early year rain, but been dry for awhile. However, I can still get the boat in and fish - if I could find TIME!

Hang in there guy's. Everything changes in cycles.

Hey Tex it is the worst I have ever seen Wylie. One ramp open at 49 5 open at South Point. Got about a foot left behind the trailer wheels at SP, Launch in 20 in of water hard, we need rain bad.

Rain dance at 10am, everyone?

I'm not getting up that early, water or no water!:p

This is all probably due to the bad Karma Rich created by NOT providing his birth date.:lol:

Uncle Billy
Hey Rich!

Water's low, but Ol' Sid is still accessible. The water is cooling down and the fishing is heating up. We had a great day on spinnerbaits, cranks, jerks and some topwater up the river around the house yesterday. (10/2) From River Forks up is the place to be right now. Check the link below and add the lake level (1058-ish current) to get accurate ramp info. Plenty are still open. Just look for a sandy spot to beach the bow. Good luck!
Yeah, been there on Wylie when it's low like that. Not a pretty picture at all. That Buster Boyd launch ramp is not that great when the water is up, much less when it is down.

Hey guys, I have the answer to your problems. Just move to New Orleans, on an east wind you will have 4 foot of water in your yard. If you get a hurricane, you can probally get 10, 12 feet in your house. Fishing is always good in these parts, just have learn how to dodge the bullets. If you live here more than 3 years without getting shot, you either are very lucky or stay in your house. I truly must say, been here for 53 years, hunting, fishing is great, but I am seriously considering moving. No not because of hurricanes, because of the idiots you have to put up with.

Hey, Dan, good to hear from ya! Thanks for the fishing report. As soon as I can grab some free time, I'm gonna hit the water.

That's the way we were last year then this spring it started raining. We went from ramps being closed because of low water to ramps being closed because of flooded parking lots. Now all the lakes, even the really low ones out west are at full pool.
Jeanne suggested a cross-country water pipeline. When we have a drought, you send us water. When you have a drought, we send you water.

If we can do it with oil, why not water?
I'll ship you all the water you need from Shanghai, cheap! just don't drink it!!! LOL
You know thats an interesting point Rich, most of the Chinese resturants don't server forunte cookies, seems to be a "western" implementation of Chinese food! On the other hand in the US Chinese resturants I don't see fresh tanks to pick your fish from including: Blow Fish and Sturgeon!


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