2003 Pt185 Jet With Merc Sport Jet 175xr2 Trouble Starting

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brian howard

Jan 31, 2005
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HELP!?!?!?! I can't get my '03 PT185 w/ Merc Sport Jet 175XR2 motor started. I was hoping someone might have some insight that might help me get it running. I'm in a bind because I live on a river and the boat is currently in the water behind my house. Since it won't start I can't get it back UPSTREAM to the ramp which means I can't trailer it to the marina to get it worked on. I'm somewhat limited in knowledge of motors and am stumped with this issue. I've tried a couple things that so far have not helped.
Here's a rundown of the activity so far this spring...Sorry for the lengthy post:

- Stored the boat with Stabil in the gas tank for this past winter.

- 3 weeks ago - put it in the water for first time this spring. After filling it with gas and once in the water it started right away and I had no trouble with it while running around to various fishing spots.

- 2 weeks ago - before heading to the ramp, my gut told me to hook up the flushing attachment while it was in my driveway and of course this time it wouldn't start. I suspected the 4 yr old battery and after some time on the charger it still didn't start. It was turning over but just didn't sound like it would fire. Did the 2 yr old spark plugs need to be changed? I went and bought some but it still didn't start. After a few hours of tinkering I was ready to give up. As I went to pull the key I discovered that the kill switch had been tripped. Then I remembered that earlier in the morning I had heard my sons girlfriend ask him about the lanyard and what it was for. It never even crossed my mind that she was messing with it and unknowingly had pulled it and tripped the switch. (note to self....add this to the diagnosis list for future!) Of course, it then started right away. Hit the water and I didn't have any troubles. Hours later, after being tied up behind the house during dinner, etc., I drove it to the ramp to pull out and as I pulled up to the shore it died on me and then I couldn't get it started again to put it on the trailer.

- Fast Forward to this past weekend - hook it up to flushing attachment and it starts first turn. Put it in the water and it starts. Drive it for 5+ minutes and come to a stop and as I do it dies. Then I can't get it to start again. Fortunately I was upstream from my house so I drifted home and used the trolling motor to get me to shore at the house.

- This Monday night - tried to start it with no luck. It seemed like it struggled to turn over with the turn of the key so I decided to go buy a new battery since it was as old as it was. Install new battery and it still wouldn't start. I started wondering if it was a fuel issue because a couple years ago I had to replace the electric fuel pump. I have a universal 12V pump that I hooked up and it still didn't start. Even with squeezing the primer bulb that was previously installed. So I switched the pump back.

- Last 2 nights I've tried again with no luck. I seems to turn over sluggishly when the key is turned and this has gotten worse even with a brand new battery.

So, after that long explanation of symptoms......does anyone have any thoughts? Is it be possible that I can fix this even though I have little motor knowledge? I'm pretty handy mechanically but I struggle with the diagnosis part. Things I'm wondering.....Is it electrical? Is there an alternator or starter that might be bad and can it be easily changed out? Is it a fuel issue? I thought tonight, could it be the the fuel pump is good but it needs a new filter? As I said, I put new spark plugs in it, but should I have changed the wires? There was a 20amp fuse that the manual said to check and I found that it was still good.

Any help, information or suggestions is greatly appreciated in advance. As I said, I'm currently screwed since I can't get it out of the water to take it to a repair shop and I figured I'd pick some of your brains.

have you pulled a spark plug and put a spark tester on it the try starting the engine and see if you are getting fire to the spark plugs. If not you may have a problem in the key switch or a electric issue. Try by passing the kill switch by jumping the wires.
It's possible and even likely that the fuel hose is the problem. The gasoline today breaks the fuel hose down from the inside out. The inner lining then gets passing through the entire system. It is highly recommended to change out the fuel hose (and Bulb) at least every 2 years. Actually, it's cheap and easy enough to do every year. Be sure to get hose that's engineered to prevent (help to anyway), breakdown. One tell tale sign this is occurring is that the bulb won't pump up hard. Or that it goes soft when running. I'd highly recommend changing hose from tank to engine and bulb.