what lake

  • Thread starter Anotherdink Scott Chambers [IMG]http://www.zjstech
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Anotherdink Scott Chambers

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
hopefully this map shows up, if not its in my file please take a look and see what ya all think, I like patoko , or monroe, or cave run , what do you all think ? and how about SEPT 6/7 or oct 4/5, votes please
Monroe on your Sept Date..But any of the 3 will work. There all about 12 hours from me..

Either of the three is ok. Naturally I would like the shorter drive, but I realy don't have a prefrence of date or location. I have fished Cave Run before and would like the challange of a new lake. I did some checking and Monroe is about 3 hours from me(Lexington, KY), and I would guess Patoka would be a little closer. So if thats the case Iam leaning tword Patoka for the drive being better/closer for me. Like I said before I realy do not have a prefrence, as long as we can get together. I just wanna go somewhere I can catch fish. LOL

My birthday is 9/8 so it would be a great present to meet everyone for my bday but I have no preference. October is a slower month for me but I could probably make either. I think if you bring family you would be happier with the city of Bloomington for things to do. I didn't see much at Patoka while we were there. Bloomington has restaurants, malls, shops, bars, etc. I think Monroe would be a better experience but I can't believe you guys are picking Indiana for your fishing experience.

Cecil, I'd be happy to take you out if you don't get your boat.
Cecil: I am 2 hours from the Potomac and 4 hrs from Lake Anna. BUT I was born a HOOSIER and proud of it.


P.S If Carlos and or Tox come out we could caravan or car pool but I aint rideing in no GGLASS>>

BF HAHAHAAH You can car pool out with me, but you have to ride with a sign that says "I LIKE GLASS" all the way out HAHAHAHAHAHA I am sure that Tox can come up with something more funny then that too :)
Give Bruce the goose

Put tin in the bin

Strap my a$$ to glass

It's the absolute gaaaaaaaass.

Short notice attempt!!

Yup Tox you were stretching for that one! LOL Are you going to be able to make it to the mini rally??

I'm watchin this thread....I'll let you know when you get things cemented. It is a long ways for me anyway you look at it. I've got a Father/son trip to Champlain possibly in September. I'm eatiing up a lot of my down time. I'm gonna try though!!

My vote would be for Monroe in early October...the fish are fat, shallow, and hungry that time of year! Weather will not be too cold down there at that time of year. Probably in the 60's. I can most likely make the September time as well though.