Tried to tell all of you

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Tim m

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
I tried telling all of you along with others about how screwed up Trackers warranty service was but the ELDERS or so on here didnt want to hear it becouse they were so proud of their product....Ranting on sites like this is what it takes to get them fixed so you can sell them and buy other brands...DOnt listen to thse VERY select few that may saay it is bad to talk about something on here if it offends a certain brand...This site is viewed by the public and the public should know how the Tracker people handle their customers.....So good luck to you all in getting your stuff fixed and sorry to the others if this hurts your feelings becouse you think I am brand bashing...:D:D:D....
All of your past comments are on record here, are searchable, along with those of the folks who have had good experience with Tracker products and service.

This latest thread adds nothing to the discussion that isn't already available for review by would-be buyers. It only serves to make you look like a brand basher, which is exactly what you claim you aren't.

I have to say you are becoming a broken record and that is exactly why you have no credibility. I, for one am getting tired of it. We have a "live and let live" philosophy here and if you can't seem to embrace that, then perhaps it's time for you to move on. I would be very careful because Rich can arrange for that to happen....permanently. My guess is that you are borderline right now.

Uncle Billy - Whatsamatta! You can't sleep? Dog had to get up and go outside so I am sitting here waiting and thought I'd jump on the PC. Gotta get up in an hour and go meet Jim C at the marina and hit the lake for a few hours.

I don't think anyone will mind that I stole this thread. Boy, I like my Nitro from Tracker Marine! :p:p:p
re: Tried to tell all of you by Terroreyes,8/6/2006 04:17 ET

Someone fill me in. I'm not an everyday visitor. What did he do wrong? Tracker has lots of issues to deal with and I thought this site was a place to discuss them?????? I've seen too many sites over-run by Tracker advertising $$$ and their venomous dealers. I really though this was he exception!!! Very sad!!!

Read this(link below). Sure not bashing. Just the cold hard facts. Sorry if his repsonse was not to Tracker Corporate's liking. Once again, VERY sad!!!

WOW -- that sucks!
You believe folks have a problem with Nitro warranties. Well just think if we all had green boats, with white chevys, and blue houses. We all have a free will to choose what we want. You say a few people here promote Tracker, maybe so, but I never heard of a computer holding a gun. No one is forcing you to buy anything. I also believe this is my last post to you, and I am sure a lot of others feel the same.

Deleted by tritonglenn due to lack of interest.

All the best,

If you are not happy with Tracker/Nitro sell it and move on. I love my Nitro and will get another one when the time comes. I have not been on this site long but I do know the people here Like the product and I don't care to hear someone bashing it.
Steve R. posted this a while back and I thought it applied to this post as well. Hope you don't mind me borrowing it Steve. If you are so unhappy rtlofishing quit the complaining, sell the boat and move on to a boat you can enjoy.

You are not going to change the minds of the members here about their boats, but you have definitely changed our opinions of you.


I looked at your link and pics and find it very hard to believe that Tracker snapped your TM in half, broke your skeg, marred the finish on your motor and would not replace it. That is obvious. Take it back and get them replaced "if" and that's a big "if" they did what you said. As far as the broken weld, guess what, they fixed it once, have them fix it again and again, and again until they get it right...period. As for the cosmetics of the welds, c'mon dude, what did you want them to do grind the welds flush to make it look pretty? I'm a certified welder and the welds themselves look good. Have you ever tried to weld aluminum? Not pretty maybe but functionality is the key here.

Glenn, I'm a firm believer that if you continue to ignore a gnat, it keeps buzzing around. You need to swat them.

Not to state old stats but with the number of rigs that Tracker sells and the number of complaints they get I would guess they are way above and beyond the other manufacturers. I could go scour the net and post THOUSANDS of problems with Rangers, Skeeters, Champions, Tritons and most every other maker. Tracker complaints on the whole are a drop in the bucket.

Unfortunately Toxic, all those things did happen while my boat was in Trackers posession. I took pictures of the complete boat just before I dropped it off and that is what you see in the before pictures. Now how it happened? I couldn't tell you. I am sure the motor cover happened during shipping, but who's job was it to secure the cover before it left? This isn't the first boat they've shipped cross-country. They are slowly making good on the other items. I wheeled out the motor cover myself and a got a new prop.

As far as the broken weld, guess what, they fixed it once, have them fix it again and again, and again until they get it right...period.

Now that is just ridiculous!!! Get it right at the time the boat is built......period!!! If you do fix it once, it better be the LAST time!! That's all I have is a file of horror stories of people going back and forth to the factory/dealer and back and forth. 5 times plus for some repairs. This is the third model year with the same problems. Don't use the public as your engineering study! That's just not right and I'm not going through that!! The problem is much larger than just a weld. The whole boat twisted and the bottom cupped. All they're doing is transfering stress from point to point and it just causes a different weld or area to fail. Dozens of Tundra owners going through the same thing. 10-12 trips and back to the factory each time? c'mon dude!!!

As for the cosmetics of the welds, c'mon dude, what did you want them to do grind the welds flush to make it look pretty?

Heck yeah!!! They did it on other spots. Why not even attempt it on the one that's staring you right in the face there? Their whole repair process is just sooooooo sloppy!

Any excuse for them not removing the wax before painting? What does the first instruction line say on almost any can of paint? Prep the surface! You'd think people who paint boats for a living could get that right. :angry:

I saw the welds and if it was my boat I would want them grined down to look pretty. Most all the welders i know grind thier welds down and take pride in thier work. These are done sloppy, they my be functional but they are still sloppy. It only takes a few minutes to make them "look" right.

Fair enough, if you want the welds to be cosmetic so be it, have them grind them down. And as far as
Get it right at the time the boat is built......period!!! If you do fix it once, it better be the LAST time!! That's all I have is a file of horror stories of people going back and forth to the factory/dealer and back and forth

That there is ridiculous....Not one boat manufacturer has a 100% build rate. You can't expect a mass produced product to come off an assembly line perfect every time. You can't expect a repair to be perfect every time, (I personally have had to take a car back to the dealer many times to get the same problem fixed...not my NITRO though:) it was back for an oil leak and fixed...BY THE DEALER) but you can expect to get it fixed to your satisfaction. Your dealer partially is the one to blame. Tracker doesn't have to talk to you period. If your dealer was up to snuff they would replace your rig and deal with Tracker or at least deal on your behalf. Tracker is trying to make you happy. Cut them some slack and be persistent until it is right and if you have that bad of a taste in your mouth, get it fixed, sell it and go get something else.......then take the chance of having to deal with the same or worse problems with the new rig. I'm not gonna trade barbs with you and I'll agree you have a reason to be unhappy but don't go using statements like you have a file of the same problems going back to the factory 10-12 times and dozens of owners. How many boats do you think were manufactured during the 3 model years you stated......and how many of those have problems, and how many of those problems were repaired to the customers full satisfaction? Post those numbers and I will call Tracker on your behalf myself (not that I have any pull mind you). I'm sorry that you have to deal with problems and guess what, I'll wager Tracker is also. They would not be in business long if they produced an inferior product but the last time I checked, they are doing pretty good and have the largest market share and have had for quite a while. Not that it makes a difference in your situation.

I don't want to trade barbs either. I just want a boat I can use. Unfortunately, my boat has no dealer. It's a pro-staff boat straight from the factory. Pro I bought it from no longer fishes for Tracker.

I kid you not about the collection of horror stories. There are dozens of people I have been contacted by and that I know of. Lots of Targa owners too. Average seems to be 3-5 trips and still going. The Tundra is a special case. There was major problems in the first few years and it's well documented and know in the walleye fishing world. I'll bet there's probably a double digit failure rate. And not too many satisfied with the repairs because they're failing again and again. That's what scares the crap out of me. Most people are further along than me and I have a glimpse of how they're handling it after multiple repairs. Just keep fixing it. We bought boats to fish in, not spend the majority of it's life in the repair process. How can I live with, or anyone justify, having to take the boat back every dozen or so trips? You can't. And you can't give a Tundra away that has signs of failure. Most people going to dump $50,000 on a walleye fishing boat know about their history.

Remember their Mako debacle where they ultimately had to buy them all back under order of the Coast Guard? It is very possible to put out alot of a certain model with a major flaw.
Agreed, but Terroreyes has a legit gripe. I never said he didn't. He just needs to settle down and be persistent and reasonable. Setting up a website to promote his cause isn't going to help much. I don't consider him a "basher".

No problem Uncle Billy, I understand. I actually own another Tracker, a 2002 Deep-V 17 that I love. This boat is a different story though. Just keep your fingers crossed because you could be sitting in my shoes at any time. :eek: I also don't know RTLO from the man in the moon, so please refrain from the insinuations!!!

Thanks Toxic. I'm calming down now. :) But hey, over 2000 hits in 24 hours on my webpage. Wish my business website got traffic like that! :D Just spreading the word to unsuspecting buyers.
Correct me if I am wrong. This web site is all about helping your fellow fisherman/woman. I did not know you had to own a tracker or nitro and could only post how great it is. I still do not own a tracker boat, but I do have an other brand aluminum bass boat, all welded, composite decking with several broken welds. The manufacture so far is no help. I feel your pain.

Without this post or repeated post. How else is anybody new to this site going to find out the pros and cons about this brand, model, etc...

I hope I did'nt open up a new can of worms

I surely think a few of you are misunderstanding of what a good weld for stutural strength and a weld that's ground and finsihed and maybe even polished for looks.

I would much rather have a weld that has a nice round bead that is "fed" and gets that nice wave to it any day. It's ten times stronger....

I'll still stand behind what I said about it always being the welder determines your finished product.

I will also admit that NONE of the newer boats has welds that are not even comparible to the welds on my 02' 185.

I seen a new 190 on the showroom that NO WAY would I accept and neither should anyone else with a little good info.

Been there....done it...and NO TEE SHIRT!:p
Tim - I'm not a list elder. In fact, I'm a relative newbie. As such, I will tell you that I understand your frustration based on your experience. I also sympathize with you on your plight. But frankly, you've had your say. You made your case. Now please move on! Its clear that you are not a fan of Tracker/Nitro and won't buy any other. Clearly, you feel you got lousy service (and I'll grant you that you probably did!) Great! Message heard loud and clear.

My experience is the opposite. I've owned one Tracker - a MY2002 PT175. I LOVE it!! Runs great. Yes, I had some minor fitting issues (leaking speedo, short-lived Interstate deep-cycle battery, non-filling livewell). BUT those were all fixed by the dealer or I addressed the issues myself. I didn't expect that the boat would be perfect in every respect, but to me, it is where it counts. The boat runs well, the motor is strong (wish it were bigger, but that was my choice!) and I plan on enjoying it for many more years. Moreover, I expect it will last many more years! Just as I am not going to convince you to try another Tracker/Nitro again, you're not going to convince me that I have a piece of junk - because it ain't! And if anyone asks me, I'll say what I believe based on my experience - Tracker's are great solid boats that are priced well. Oh, and for the pricing bit, my own view is that even with comparable sized motors as competing brands, Tracker is still a better priced value.

Thank you for your postings (really!). But, please move on to another topic unless you have something NEW to report.

Don't misunderstand. Nobody says you have to love your TM product to post here. As a matter of fact, that is the great thing about this site, post the facts and you will get HONEST feedback and believe me a lot of times it falls on Tracker. A lot of people have been contacted and their problems resolved as a result of posting here but "bashers" are another situation altogether. They show their true colors pretty quickly and are not tolerated because it doesn't serve a purpose or help anyone out. Remember, this site is not affiliated with Tracker Marine in any way.

You gotta be kiddin me.....some other manufacturer made a boat that has problems......go figure. Hope you get them resolved.

Thanks Uncle billy. :) I'm always here, but don't post too often. I'm in the walleye capitol of the world and a little out of place with you bass guys. Love your posts! Lots of good info. Just don't let it out to my walleye buddies that my heart is really with the 4-lettered fish. LOL We do have some good bass fishing here on Erie and the Detroit River. :)

I'll keep you all posted! Hopefully with some good news.

I am one of the long time residents here ( I mostly lurk now) and am saddened to see that when someone calmly makes a post about their issues they are told it's time to leave and move on. Shame on you guys. :(


Most of you know I have had problems also, but not with Tracker Marine, with the dealer, as a matter of fact, Tracker Marine Customer service is the one who called the dealer and told them to step it up after I complained, so i can honestly say their customer service is great in my experience, anyway, dealers can be problems for anyone too and reflect the company.....but I will say I love my Nitro and would buy another one:D

Lets all chill ok?? Jeese.....sometimes it is better to not post anything.....
Oh yeah... Carlos... well take this... your knees look worse than Treppers....LOL

How's that for a "mean" post....:wub:
Cass, I'm sorry, I must have missed it: Who is telling whom to leave?

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