Take a Soldier Fishing - Lake Fork - Need boaters

  • Thread starter John Astrello [URL]http://www.lindalebass.com/take
  • Start date
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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Our club is sponsoring a Take A Solider Fishing tourney on Lake Fork - September 27. We have 100 Soliders that are participating, and have many fine sponsors. Right now, we have confirmed 73 boats, but could use some more. Although many of the 'boaters' have indicated that they can take 2 soliders out for the day, we would certainly like to have some additional boaters.

Most of us in the club, can't take out anyone, since we will be doing the 'shore work' and prep. Dinner on Friday night, and a fine outing planned for Saturday. Follow the link below, if you can help out.

Hey Tex, can't help as I'm on the backside of a Korea tour, but just wanted to thank you and your club for supporting our military, God Bless. Please pass along my thanks to your buddies!

JP (AKA: CW3 Heintzman, US Army)
Will do, and THANK YOU for all that you and our military folks all over the world do for us! You get back home and over in this area, be glad to host you one weekend!

I'd encourage all who can to participate! I did the TIPS-UP Michigan event and it was a very humbling and great experience. When you see a vet missing limbs from defending our freedom, going to his car to get his tackle box, barely even making it with walking aids and refusing help out of pride, all for his love of fishing, it makes you really appreciate what you have!!!!
I'm going to try and do a second event this year. Already did the Wounded Soldiers Tournament for Bethesda Medical Center and Walter Reed on the Potomac. CIII did it with me, we have been doing this event for around 5 years. Now there is another one organized and planned for Lake Anna. It all hinges on my bank closing schedule (they are ALWAYS over a weekend). I strongly encourage anyone who can to participate in these events. It is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my life. It truly makes you a better person not to mention what it does for our American Heros.

I'm really looking forward to this. I'll be the official photographer, so I'll get to meet and talk to many of our servicemen.
