Lake Anna Shoot Out Results

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Jim in VA

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
It was the clash of the Titans!! Bill in VA fishing his home turf against Carlos. Lots of trash talking had taken place prior to actually hitting the water. Bill was primed and ready to go - not willing to wait at the house, he was already idling his rig on the corner when we pulled in. Straight to the water and onto the launch. From the outset, it looked like Bill was going to be the easy winner. He had boated two along Dike 2 to Carlos' 1. Further on down into the first cooling lagoon he had a couple more - including this monster:


Bill got up to six (several decent size as well!) with Carlos not having had a bite since Dike 2. Then as the sun warmed up, and the temps rose, Carlos started pulling up. Switching tactics from shoreline and riprap, Carlos started fishing docks. Pitching his lures deep under the docks, Carlos started creeping up. First two, then two more. Not to be outdone, Bill got two more. Towards the end of the afternoon, Carlos switched tactics again to drop-shotting. A few hits more and Carlos edged just past Bill with a total of nine bass. Final score 9 to 8.

Mercifully, I was not participating in the contest. Although I had a few solid hits, I learned the hard way that buying bargain bin monofilament line at Walmart is a bad idea no matter how attractive the price!!

Thanks again to Bill and Carlos for a fun day nevertheless.


I hope the trip home went well?

Look at that TOAD!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA

Was fun for sure. Bummer on the line Jim, but I learned from that!

Sooooo Bill, ya are awfully quiet.........


PS Was a great day with jim and Bill(Thansk for the hook Bill). Wx was SUPER and Jim, you are welcome anytime!

Carlos - yup, made it back fine. Thanks for asking. Once inside the beltway I had to deal with the usual DC driving attitude, including a Mercedes sedan doing 55mph in the hammer lane. Oh well. Thanks also for the great hospitality on the boat. You are more than welcome to join me on the upper end of the Potomac - I'll definitely show you where those hidden pilings and Fox Ferry Point are! Off tomorrow to get lots of new line - no bargain bins either!! :lol: :lol:

Looks like a good time for all. I ended up going to Bassarama in Richmond- What a HUGE watse of time !!!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! I'm here. So you beat me by one fish, big deal! LOL If I had been smart I would have kept the one bluegill and 2 catfish I caught and shown you them but I figured you'd give me a hard time and tell me it was on bass.

I am definitely up for a rematch. Gotta go practice some more.

Bad day when I got home. Backing the boat into the cover the front tire on my truck went over the metal drain pipe across the drive and caught the inside sidewall and kabloom. It took me an hour to change the tire with all the new fangled stuff you gotta do. Well now I have order a time (special order due to size) and run the spare until it comes in. Bummer!

Thanks for the company yesterday. I was great to see both of you guys and the like you said the weather was really great with 66 degree temps.

As all of you know, anybody named Bill is as generous and gracious a person as there is. Knowing that, it isn't without reason to think that BILL probably threw back at least two or three hogs just to make his guest feel comfortable and welcome. That's just the kind of person Bill is. Ahhhh, bless you Bill.

Uncle Billy - Sssssshhhhh! Don't give away the "Bill" secret. Of course I would let Carlos win. I am not sure that he would be able to handle it if he didn't. Plus he may come back and take my eye out. I am sure you noticed that he won by only one fish. Had to keep it close so I could maintain a "little" integrity. LIttle did he know I had 4 hogs in the livewell I didn't tell him and Jim about. LOL
I wanna' know if Carlos did an "Ike" and started breakdancing on the front deck after landing the winning fish ???:D:D:D
Steve, I am a little bit more subtle then going "Ike" HAHAHAH

Tox, ya missed a great day man, the sunrise was SUPER man!!!!!
Secret weapons huh? I'd NEVER presume to ask but if Nancy and I had of been blessed to have children, my first born would have been named Toxic....But I won't ask. No, not me...:rolleyes:
Your secret weapon won't do you any good on the hot side since that was the last trip for you guys. I am a terrible loser and since the "Sniper" beat me you ALL lose your privileges to fish the hot side. It was fun while it lasted I'm gonna take my ball and bat and go home!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Bring on your secret weapon as long as you share. No unfair advantages. Jut don't tell us that the secret weapon is wearing your Keelshield shirt. That'll just scare the fish away!

Steve - Do you know of any retired jarhead that would breakdance on the front deck of a Ranger? He hardly gloated. Although, I showed them the 8 I caught I never did since fishes 5-9 so I really don't know (for sure) if he really beat me. Jim C was on board but he could have been bribed. LOL

Let's look into the next Invitational date so Tox can use his secret weapon. What's a good date since I know that C is out to Lejeune for a week.
Bribes? Well, I CAN be bought, but C didn't try this time. In fact, a big thanks to him for eing such a great boat host. When it was clear that the Wally World line (Stren brand) I had was compromised on all my rods/reels, C lent me one of his with the Cajun red line so I could keep fishing. He also kept marking out large primo spots where he told me to fish while he picked less obvious areas to work.

Funny thing was that I went out to Dick's yesterday to pick up some more line. I bought the Cajun red in 10 pound test on a large spool (NOT out of the bargain bin), but when I got it home, I ran a square knot in the line and tugged - SNAP! That spool of line was bad as well!! I ran a few turns in the baitcaster (just in case) ran it through a few eyes and tugged again - PING! Finally, I tied a lure (hookless!) to the line and gave a yank - SNAP! I ended up running down to the Sports Authority ten minutes away and picking up some Yozuri hybrid line in the same 10 pound test. You can bet I tested it IN STORE. Couldn't break it. Now I finally have some decent line on my set ups.

As for the invitation date, say when Bill! I also appreciate the great hospitality you always offer!! In fact, now that I think about it, wasn't the bet over total number of fish, not just bass? So with your sunnies and cats, that would put you ahead of C! (sorry C!!!).

Jim - Always good to check the line. Never know how long it had been on the shelf. Glad it finally worked out for you.

Far be it from me to try and deny C his day on the lake with most "bass". You are right that we didn't say "bass" but total number of fish. ha ha

Let's see if we can get a good crowd for the next visit. C is out of town so we should wait for him. Let's see if Bruce, Uncle Billy, Jaws, Ken, Mike, David, Toxic and other are available. No down turn in the weather for the next few weeks so maybe we can get another 66 degree day to fish.
Bill if you want I will tell you what Toxic's secret weapon is!!!:D:D Since I won't be able to be there, I thought you would like to know, so as your not at such a disadvantage!!!:lol::lol::lol:
Gunny - Thanks! Tell everybody so we all know. It's not right to tell us he has a secret weapon and then not tell us. It is putting himself at an unfair advantage. There are more of us than there is of him. We know where the deep holes are and I have heavy anchors. LOL
KB already sent me a message (email). You two are on for Saturday, although I don't think I can make it.
Im In,

It was good to see you at the Show Toxic / Gunny. It was not that good this year. I did get a chance to talk to Woo for a bit about his cancer. My dad has it right now so I had some questions for him. Thanks for the invite Bill. Looking forward to seeing you all again. Ive got my own secret weapon:blink:!!!!

Rain or shine Saturday is a fishun day in my book. KB and I are going to play regardless. We are planning to just take my boat so you can imagine the hilarity, I might bring my camera but when we get together in the same boat we are usually yapping and laughing too much to take pics!!:lol:We are going to try and raise the bar from "9" fish.

Well, I got a half-day pass for Saturday so a new "challenge" is on. Raise the bar but take pictures of the fish so I know who to believe. You do have to pass on the information about the secret weapon before you go out.

Since you already know the combination the gate I will just meet you both at the launch ramp around 0700 (or earier ha ha).

If anyone else is going to join in please let me know and I wil leave pass(es) under the front door mat at the house.

See ya Saturday mornin'!


Do you want to leave your rig in the shed? KB has offered to pull his mess up. We just didn't know who was going to come.

Im coming up on Sat, Bill you can fish out of the back of mine if you want so Tox and KB can yap all day. You can leave yours in the garage if you want to.


Ill be there to pick you up at 6:45 so we can be at the ramp at 7:00.

See ya all Sat

Next time you all do the cold side let me know I would love to finely meet you all. Looked every where at the show but was blinded buy the prices of some of thoes boats sorry I missed you then.

Hutch - You now have a standing invitation to join us on the hot side. Be at my house at 0645 - 0700 on Saturday morning. Sounds like we have going to have a mini-invitational so get your butt down here. If you need directions let me know and I will email them to you.

Let's see who is coming as to whether or not I pull my boat out. Seems like it sure would be easier for folks since I only have to go the launch ramp from the house.
Sorry Bill:lol:, I thought he knew what a generous guy you were. Thats why I asked the question. I hope I didnt offend you:(, If I did I am truly sorry.

Jaws - No problem and I am not offended in any way. The only one who offends me is Toxic and you know how and why he is so offensive.:wacko::wacko: LOL

You just got to Hutch before me. Hutch - Come on down!
Man, you guys are having the good get together again and I can not play!!!!!!!

Hope that it works out!!!

Jim, bummer on that Cajun line, it is good stuff when it is not old and rotten....
C - we will be doing it again real soon so you can join in and I can have my rematch and recoount. hahaha

Hutch - Will email directions tomorrow
well my kitchen pass has been revoked for this weekend I start a class Sunday through next Saturday 12 hours a day so I got get stuff down on saturday sorry please keep me in mind for the next trip.

Hutch :(:(:(
Sorry to hear about the pass, but understand. Don't forget that you have an open invitation to join us anytime we go! You don't have to ask.
Besides, we are all going to decend on your place to wade for some smallies!! When you decide to go you cam meet me here in Warrenton and follow me down...or ride with me for that matter.

Hey all,

Im out, to much rain in the forcast for me. Ill catch you all next time.

I know fair weather fisherman yada yada yada.


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