Where's our foriegn diasaster aid?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
I must have missed it. Where's the stories on diasaster relief from France, Indonesia, Japan?

I'm sure it's coming right?

Close your eyes, what do you see? :angry:

Remember the Tsunami, people approaching me at work for money, past US Presidents doing TV commercials for our donations!

Don't hold your breath, I doubt any other countries will help with anything :angry:

I think Iraq has some gas refineries?

And remember France has a big hand in the US Petro arena, you think there crying over $4.00 a gallon?
I anticipate a possible terror attack any hour, you might think I'm paranoid but let's face it, if there was ever a time they were waiting to strike again, now would be it.
I got a 10% off coupon at the Chinese take-out resturant in my neighborhood.....so I got that going for me.;)

I agree CJ:eek:

I still don't understand the government opening the dams back up for transpotation across them. Stop and think...it would only take some availble chemical to ruin all our drinking water or something as stupid as a dirty bomb.

OR just catching us off guard..like RIGHT NOW!

Scares the bajeebies outta' me and I'm FEARLESS:blink:
Take a look at MSN.com and look under the worldwide section, pick any country and see if you can find anywhere a place to find out how to donate funds to the US Hurricane disaster. I could not find one!

If Bill Gates house burned down, how much money would you chip in to rebuild it? That's the way the rest of the world sees it.

You forget, this is the U.S.A., we only give never receive.:angry::p
I think Soonerfan put it best. The rest of the world sees the U.S. as the richest nation in the world consuming a full quarter of the world's oil output. Why should they help? Add on top of that the New Orleans disaster causing "only" a few hundred deaths and its hard from the perspective of countries like Indonesia (where the Tsunami killed thousands) to pony up.

That all said, I agree that its awfully snotty of the other "developed" countries NOT to express some sympathy or even OFFER to send S&R teams or other assistance. Help doesn't always mean funneling cash. Hell, a top German official was even reported to have said that we brought this upon ourselves with our gluttinous consumption of gasoline and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions (i.e., greenhouse gas) and failure to jump on the Kyoto Protocol bandwagon. Bullsh!t says I. As if the Europeans didn't also have factories or powerplants or drive cars or etc. etc. Where the hell do the Europeans think the Industrial Revoltion start?? They are the last to get all high and mighty. Here's a solution - cut off all of the foreign aid sent overseas and use it for domestic disaster relief.

Sorry - started to rant. JC
JC, well said, I vote for the cut-off of all foreign aid!

As for the German's, does not suprise me one bit! I once worked for BASF, (the worlds larggest chemical company) Parent company BASF AG, as in GERMANY!

Key word is past tense, BASF AG has so many plants & assets in that area, unreal how they blame us for this disaster. :angry:

sorry for the rant as well CJL
Here's a story from today's USAToday on reaction from overseas. While some of our allies have expressed sympathy and their citizens have expressed interest in donations, you can't help but note the tinge of "You had it coming." At least the Swiss seem genuinely interested in helping and the Venezualens have offered aid. Still, the overall picture is an UNDERwhelming response of sympathy...

USATODAY August 31, 2005

World responds to Katrina with compassion
I wonder why Mexico hasn't offered their rescue choppers and crews to help? They could be there in hours. I also wonder about Canada. Don;t they have rescue teams?

As far as the other issues, I agree with Chris..

JimC, I just seen that same article, I also seen that ^&%$# Islamic sh!#-heels calling the storm "Private" Katrina, giving it military status. They pray our oil is $100 a barrel soon.
This is a touchy subject for some. For me not so much. I would prefer we did not provide any foriegn aid and take care of our own. Right wrong or otherwise, I think we as a country can provide everything we need without imports. Maybe I am wrong, not tying to start any arguments. But if we would take care of our own first before we tried to save the world.

We face another disaster and we will survive and provide for ours. Tell the world to pee up a rope the next time they want us to protect them. Tell the ones up north or down south to sell there goods elsewhere. Tell the nazis in Germany and the pansy's in France to kiss our buts.

I should not watch the news it gets me uptight.

I don't want a feud here, but I am tired of being the rich, spolied american. That works 80 hours a week to make ends meet while the rest of the world suffers.

Close the borders, shut off the imports and exports and see who crys then.

If I offended anyone on this board Sorry. If I offended the world "who cares"

If Bill Gates house burned down, how much money would you chip in to rebuild it? That's the way the rest of the world sees it.

I'm sure Ol' Bill is insured enough to have his house rebuilt. Most people with common sense would be as opposed to counting/waiting on someone else to fix them up.

When the rest of the planet needs aid, the U.S. rushes to the rescue. We are their "insurance policy", yet we never get a premium or even the common courtesy of an equal helping hand in time of need. If the rest of the world truly sees us as so wealthy and self-supportive that they need not help, we need to adopt the same outlook and only intervene in world affairs when it suits our own best interests. IMHO

Bruce F - If you're ever looking to run for public office, you have my vote!!


You probably reflect most of what the taxpaying American citizen feels. Notice I said taxpaying citizens. I can almost bet the looters down south aren't what you call taxpaying. I certainly agree with your views. How soon the world forgets the times when the USA came to the rescue. We'll survive this I'm sure, but I't would have been nice to have a huge outpouring of compassion from all the countries that we've added. In my neighborhood you help all that needs it when they need it even if they're not the best of neighbors.


More than 25 countries have offered aid/support/money.

We are currently accepting all donations....according to Sean McCormack of the State Dept.

Thanks great news helps restore some of my faith in the world community. Thanks for the info.

Even Hugo Chavez from Venazuela offered to send "fuel".......after Pat Robertson thought it was time for the US to whack him!!

Times like these bring out the BEST and WORST in people.....

Michigan is sending down a bunch of National Guard folks and Oakland County is sending some Deputy Sheriff's to assist..........just seeing the devestation on the news is unbelievable!

With the exception of the death toll....it's on par with the Tsunami....unreal!!!:blink:

Does anyone know if Gov Granholm has offered the Pontiac Silverdome as shelter to some of the victims of Katrina? It's standing empty and unused.
I heard on the news yesterday that they were preparing to move some of those folks to a closed military base nearby (Alabama or Georgia I believe). As I recall there was also the Belle Chase Naval Air Station near New Orleans. Anyone know if it was affected by the storm? There are some pretty big hangars there that could house people. The Navy also has living barges (designated as YRBM's as I recall), that are 2 & 3 levels tall that could be towed to New Orleans for temporary housing. The barges have showers, galleys, and restroom facilities on them. Just a thought