Where is Uncle Billy????

  • Thread starter Gilbert Scales2
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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hope everything is o.k.. I know awhile back he said he had computer trouble.

I'm right here Bubby! Thanks for asking and the concern. Now I just have to figure out how JR knows so much about me..:p The jumping days are over but he seems to get my old units right on the head:eek::lol:

Bubby, I had problems with my laptop which is where I had all of the birthdays stored. They gave it back to me once and it lasted hardly any time at all. Then they wanted more money and they did get what was wrong fixed but some of my own programming and information, like the member's birthday's, could not be brought back up. So, I sent my laptop to my brother who has insisted that I shouldn't put any more money into my laptop but he'd be willing to look at what I have and figure it out. I SO hate to admit it but he's better at this sort of thing than I am.:huh: I just hope I get it back real soon.

If not I think I'm going to have to head south for a stay with you Bubby, my very good friend.:cool: I haven't been to louisiana since I was at Tiger Land in Fort Polk. <ugh>

As to health, the back isn't much better at all. In fact today I had to go to my pain doctor's and get some shots all across my back from my left to my right. I don't know when, if ever, it'll ever be over..

Thanks for seeing how I was doing and I certainly hope to see you guys sometime.

Uncle Billy
Come on Uncle Billy!!! We would be glad to have you. I could take you fishing, however looks like it all may be soon closed due to the oil. I am soooo glad to hear you are o.k..

Glad to 'see' you online again Uncle Billy, and you know Nancy, the pups and of course YOU are always welcome down here.