What will you do when gas hits $4.00 a gallon...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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I know I'll be fishing alot more in the river with my Jonboat:eek:
Guys, I paid that and more in the 70's when I was stationed in England in the Air Force. But also, the cars were smaller, used less gas and the speeds were slower.

Barry from La. :)
Cry. :( And then fill up my tank. Fewer nights eating out at restaurants to make up the difference.

All the best,

The same thing I do now, just rebudget for the increase and drive on, it sucks, but I'll manage
Yep like Glenn and Mike, ill change some habits to make up the difference and manage just fine.
It already is in some of the places I fish. Actually it is over $5.00. Running a 32 footer with dual 225's 50 miles offshore gets expensive fast. Even sharing on gas it is expensive. Sorta makes freshwater fishing look cheap. Closer to home, I already look at ramps closer to where I fish, it costs much less to drive the truck than the boat.
i will keep driving just like i do, i bought a diesel for just this reason, 60 mpg hwy 50 plus in the city. i gets no better than that, as for the boat, i never go far anyway.

mike c
I know thing I alter....not as much runnin' and gunnin' and more fishing particular areas thoroughly;)
Maybe bring more fish home to eat. Offset the food bill. ;)

)*(^(&_%$$)u_*^(hiyr+^%&^_*y_(&$%#_+)(*t^)*&$ GAS PRICES ANYWAY:angry: 120 Miles a day to work 5 days a week. We gotta get elec. going folks or I do anyway.
My extra jobs help pay for my play expenses right now I currently, Judge gymnastics, work at BPS, refinish guns, cartoon. Hey I'll make up the difference by finding another job.

I'm lovin' my new 150 Opti. I could be wrong but it doesn't seem to burn any more gas than my old 50 horse carb motor. Problem is the trip to the lake is costing over 50 bucks now.

Hey Harpo at least you spend fifty tamales to go to a lake with fish. Ours suck.

I will fish just as much, complain more. Run trolling motor more. Fish don't like gas motors.

Guess I'll have to start using an electric trolling motor. After all, that gas 5hp engine I'm using on the front annoys my partners. They all claim I fish "too fast". Pansies! :lol::lol::lol:

All the best,


Best thing I ever did fishing - changed to a Optimax. I loved my Faststrike 150, but I swear I get better gas mileage with my 225 Opti. Call me nuts, but I swear I do.

ALREADY GOT PAST 3.20 HERE FOR MY CAR jr Teaches me to buy a toy..93 octane..Going higher they say..Indaina just passed gambling machines ,,,maybe this will help... I won't have to drive to the boat anymore....
Telling my age, but I will do the same thing I did when it got to $1.00, $2.00, $3.00. Gripe and complain, fill up, and wait for it to be $5.00.

Do what I do now. Don't make special trips to the store, if it's not between home and work I don't need it. I may try and cut back working from 5 and 6 days a week to 2 or 3 :lol::lol:

Sell my boat and get a row boat. See if it's cheaper for someone else to mow my yard than me?

.....continue to read about oil companies record profits and multi-million dollar salaries of their company execs....watch more US jobs get sent over seas....same old chit!:angry:
:( Like everyone else I'll suck it up and drive on. Not much choice when you live here in the north country. I'll spend a lot less on consumer products to make up the difference. Spending less on consumer products by everyone is where the real hurting is going to begin.:angry:
2 more payments on my house and I won't care. WOO HOO!! :D

I will keep on fishing where i do. My 25 horse prop doesnt suck up much gas.
No change here, I wouldn't have bought a 115hp boat if gas was an issue. Now what are we gonna do that Lucky Craft lures are still $15 - $20?? I guess I'll still by the walmart specials and the one's on sale at BPS!
When and if I can fish again, I guess I'll be doing a lot of salt water striper fishing with the ramp right across the street from me. I've already thought of selling my PT-17 and buying a center console something or other.

Don't forget May 17th...That's the date NOBODY is supposed to buy gas.

Uncle Billy
Hey Bill, If I can't sell my boat, you can't sell yours either!!! I guess I'll start wading more and when I do use the boat, I'll stay on the T/M. Maybe buy a canoe or small jon with a 15 to 25 hp on it.

Thankfully my new Jeep X is getting around 22 mpg.

I'll do exactly what the rest of you will do (no matter what gets posted here). Pay for it and go about my way.:lol::lol::lol:
Guess i will just buy more stock in an oil company...got to offset the price somehow....if ya can't beat em...join em.

I've already begun.....

I'm running around in circles and wringing my hands and screaming, "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!" :wacko:

I'm gonna siphon all of the gas out of y'alls rigs!!:lol::lol::lol: Seriously I'll bet that becomes a problem!!

I'm gonna siphon all of the gas out of y'alls rigs!! Seriously I'll bet that becomes a problem!!

It sure used to be a problem Toxic. Everytime that gas started jumping up in price, or when we had odd/even days, I would go to work and not have any gas in my vehicle. We never did catch anyone and Postal Inspectors spent whole nights there waiting. It was a pain in the butt to have to go and get gas every single day.

Uncle Billy