What is wrong with people?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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I'm sure everyone's seen the latest news about the young gunman in the Nebraska Mall.

He wanted to go out in style and be famous?

Lil' POS should have been eliminated when he was born!

I'm sorry for ranting but, society better wake TFU !

Kids today have it soooooooooo bad..?

My nephew did something similar because he was done with life and down and out about his ex girlfriend and a kid that was born....couldn't handle it!

At least he didn't take anyone with him.


This POS should NOT be martyrized !
Omaha is within sight of my classroom window. My wife's Aunt and Grandmother(she's 101) were going shopping there(The Westroads) but changed the're mind and went to another Mall on the other side of Omaha yesterday. Everyone one was frantic because they didn't tell anyone they changed shopping locations. Sadly shootings in Omaha are almost a daily occurance but mostly gang related. This was just some loser misfit. Our local channels ran nothing but the shooting news all night.

Extremely sad, but had someone shown this loser misfit some compassion earlier on in his life, they maybe this wouldn't have happened.
Agree...kinda makes you wonder how he was raised.

Unfortunately there are a lot of children that have rough childhoods. The outcome of such children is a crapshoot. I have seen thousands of children in the last 32 years that came from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some have/had really ****** lives but turn out ok. It goes the other way too. BUT!!! ONE thing ALL of them (with the exception extremely mentally disalbed)know is you don't take a gun, car, bomb and randomly kill a bunch of people because you life sucks. PERIOD. NO EXCUSE. May he burn in hell for what he did.

My point exactly!

I don't think anyone of us could have helped my nephew either.

His mind was made up.

But, over what? It's rediculous that the young generation we have now would throw in the towel of life at such a young age. We'll never ever know what their real potential would have ever been either.

He was a great kid at heart, just really messed up thoughts of reality.

The (kid) that shot those people should burn...FOREVER!

Just think of the torn apart families....sad:(
This country needs to become a WHOLE LOT MORE conservative in a hurry or we're going down the perverbial chitter in a whirlpool of regret!! It's too bad this nutjob had to choose a mall to unleash his "revenge".....why couldn't he have picked an "Athiest's Convention" or some ACLU function. Would've been interesting to see how many of them "converted" on the spot as soon as the shooting started!!;)

The media will have a field day with this crap.....and when it's all said and done, it will be "society's fault" that this happened,...NOT the perps!! Nobody is EVER held responsible for their own actions anymore.....that punk is just another "victim" that a certain political party will use to spread their "anti-gun",..."we need more tolerance" messages!:angry: We don't need more tolerance......we need more citizens in public places packin' HEAT (w/CCW's of course), to STOP these lunatics as soon as they start!!
Amen Mac!

Preach it brutha!

Still say he shoulda run down his mommas leg at birth:eek:
Well, since I was born and raised in Omaha (son still lives there), I'll tell you this....There has been a radical change and it is everywhere. No longer are the problems just in downtown Detroit or South Central in LA....Look at the Virginia Tech shooting. I grew up going to the Westroads mall and would have never dreamed something like this would have taken place there. Blame the parents, blame the system, blame rap music, blame video games, blame society, whatever the reason, we have got to take our country back. Is it values, is it morals? I don't have the answers but something has to be done. It's getting to the point where you are afraid to leave the house without blue steel in your pocket. Teenagers have been offing themselves forever but never publicly or taking others with them. My gut feeling is that it starts in the home and goes from there. These kids are what their parents made them. We have got to invest more time and effort into the future generations instead of both parents (if there are even both) working 18 hours a day. Divorce rates through the roof, single parents, gangs (which are surrogate parents). You reap what you sow with children. Every generation gets worse and it is easy to see why.

I'm starting a reverse suicide hotline number for idiots like that kid.

"Come on man... don't go on a shooting spree just yet.... put it in your own mouth first and pull the trigger" :lol:

I fully agree with Macs comments regarding CCW card carrying, packing citizens. Problem with society today though - they would probably end up in court for firing their legal weapon at the perp, and get in trouble for doing so. Won't stop me from doing it anyway though. I think legal carry and use would stop a lot of the idiots in their tracks.

All the best,

The problems of this kids' and others like him starts AT HOME where his parents may/may not have been available to him to hash developing personal issues out ... To me, close communication with your kids is PARAMOUNT! If you dont do it on a regular basis, Start TODAY!

I think another issue at work "today" is the family that HAS to have both parents working at an early age and thus NOT ALOT of bonding time is left available and the kids become kinda "ungrounded" and the "spiral to the chitter" starts from there. The way cost of living is rising there is almost no way to avoid it! Plus, lets face it, with the liberal media the way they are today, kids are exposed to SO much more than say in the 60's to late 70's it just adds "nitro" to the fire! (no pun)

This is a pessimistic thought, but I often wonder ... where in the heck are we "going to be" in this country when my kids are my age (46) ?! :( ... its kinda sad.

I have seen modle parents with a child that is uncontrolable. YES a good homelife really minimizes the chance of a child turning out great. It's a parent's responsiblity to give proper structure to their children. As I mentioned in the above post it doesn't always work out that way. Good parents can have bad children and the other way around. One thing I can say from all my experiences without a doubt is that the media, that being TV, games, Internet etc etc has a more profound negative effect on our youth, than all the effects of parenting, church, and schools.

How the hell you gonna fix THAT mess I have no idea. Yes we are spirling down the toilet in a world filled with Million dollar illiterate, sports figures, rap stars, and glorified violence,



Mike Grandick

teacher 32 years
I concur 100% with you fatrap!

I see it everyday at school. Sometimes it doesn't matter what your background may be, whether it be rich/poor, 2 parents/1 parent, etc. You cannot save them all, no matter what type of [positive] involvment/intervention they (teenagers) may receive. Some of them just don't have their heads screwed-on correctly.
Man that was slap you in the face news when it came. I was on my way to the mall after a meeting and got called by a couple of former co-workers to see if I wanted to meet them for something to eat, so I turned around and went the other way and had a late lunch woth them instead. Just as we were getting done eating my daughter texted me that the shooting was going on. Jesus how many times does our life get re-routed from disaster by some thing like a impulse phone call( like I got) or getting caught at a red light or some other little odd thing that changes our direction.
Ed,..if you don't believe in "Guardian Angel's"..........it's a good time to start!!;)
These people think some wicked thoughts....don't they Mac?

God strike me down if I ever do!:wacko:

I just read that he underwent 4 years of treatment for depression and drug problems.

Didn't work on this one.:angry:
I certainly agree that legally carrying a firearm can help in some instances, But this mall was a gun-free zone. Go to Fox website and read John Lotts article on this shooting and the VT and the Utah mall shootings. One thing they all have in common is that they were all gun-free zones.
"Gun FREE" only applies to the victims...........the nutjobs couldn't care less what the signs say!!!
It does start at home. And it is at home that TV, Internet, videos adn games should be limited and monitored. "model" parents may seem that way, but you really dont know what goes on inside the home on a day to day, hour to hour basis.

Yes good parents can have bad kids, but when it is realized it is how the parents react to it that will have the biggest effect on the child. My parents were good parents. When I was bad, I got treatment that would put parents away in jail these days. THIS is where the problem lies (in my eyes anyway).

Once we let the government dictate to us how we shouldbe raising our children, we lost.

Of course this is all my opinion and I have no kids (by CHOICE). And the reasons I state are the reasons I decided long ago to not have kids.

On the gun free thing......I have siad it before and I will say it again. No one ever gets shot or stabbed at a gun and knife show.....think about it.

What was that slogan a few years ago, Mini and Mac better than crack.. You two should run for election again. You would have my vote. I am not making light of this event. But I don't have anything nice to say other than the little ba$tard should have done some self testing of the gun before he went to the mall. Ed I will be a little more forward than Mac, God changed your plans not you... If you don't beleave like Mac said you might want to start.

Mac and Bruce all I can say is "YEAH" You guys got it right. Angel's it is.

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