Was Home Sick

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I have been home sick for 4 days now. I tried to go to school this morning but I am now back home and have made an appointment with my docter for 11....I am so bored there is nothing to do around here. I have cleaned all my spinnerbaits, replaced hooks on some crankbaits, what else is there to do.....HELP!!!!
Go to monster.com and send resumes to every job listed -

even the ones you aren't qualified for or don't want.
yeah but what do i do when they call me and tell me there is no need for an interview or anything and I start work on monday...and its in New York and I live in Oklahoma!! good idea tho.

I could send text messages to a girl in my class...although i tried that last year when I missed a day to go to a tournament. her phone went off in class and my teacher called me when I was getting ready to leave. He was a good teacher...he thought it was funny and I didn't get in trouble. :)

OK..... If that won't work..... You could try writing love letters to Oprah.....

I have watched your show since I was 4. I am now 18... Hey i will be in you neck of the woods this coming weekend. You want to go see a movie?

Nah shes not my type.

OK, then.....

Go to monster.com and send MY resume to every job listed -

even the ones I'm not qualified for or don't want.
Move everything in the house to the left 6 inches. See if anyone notices.

This is a novel idea. Why don't you go get a book and read it? Get a classic Mobey Dick, H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds" or get a good Techno Novel such as Clive Clusslers series of books. Not only doesn't it need electricity, but you expand your vocabulary increase your awareness of the world around you. Someone who is well read, no matter what age you are, gains more credibility and respect from those around you. It's a thought

M Grandick

Sheesh..... Always one person in the crowd who has to spoil all the fun..... :)

Design flame-proof tightie whities.
Once a teacher always a teacher. It's in the brainwashing at college.

Well I am going to the change the title thing to Was Home Sick. I went to the docter. He said I wasnt contagious and since I have missed so much school I went ahead and went to school. It was fun we had the school play..i forgot all about that being today. Only made it to two classes.


Fatrap-I like that idea...although I dont know why. This year in school we get to read Deer Slayer. My history teacher told us that the author takes 2 to 3 pages (VERY SMALL PRINT) to describe a tree...boy am I looking forward to it.

BJ, just an idea. I'm re-reading The Lord of the Rings for the third time. I'm sure you've seen the movies and they are good but they come nowhere close to the world that Tolkien created.


Reading is one of my greatest pleasures. It's contagious you just find something you like and your hooked for life. Excluding me people you can always tell someone who is well read.


Reading is one of my greatest pleasures. It's contagious you just find something you like and your hooked for life. Excluding me people you can always tell someone who is well read.

Try the Dune series if you like Sci-Fi. You learn another language in the process. Frank Herbert authored and now I think his son is continuing. Another where the movies do not do them justice. I also read a lot of Steven King, just because I lived in New England and can directly relate to a lot of his literary refrences. You have to read him a lot to see his true skill (beyond the scare factor).

I'll second TOX on that one! If you enjoy sci-fi, "Dune" is phenomenal! (I didn't enjoy the movie at all.)

Also "The Foundation Trilogy" by Isacc Asimov!
Tox, did you read the "Skeleton Crew"? It is still my favorite Stephen King book.

Another writer that frequently references New England settings is Patricia Cornwell, I have enjoyed reading all of her books.

Cass :)
I am a bit partial to Heinlein's books. Favorite is Star Ship Troopers.

Still feeling ok BJ?

I like Stephen King too. The Stand is one of the great books ever but I like Rose Madder the best. Have any of you guys ever read his short story "You Know They Got A Hell of a Band"? About a couple who wander off the beaten path and into a town where every long dead rock & roll star is living there. Janis runs the diner and Elvis is the mayor.

I started reading a book about a week ago. It isn't sci-fi or anything like that. It is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. After that I will read his book Cash Flow Quandrant. They are business related books.

when I got up this morning (at 10:00 VERY late for me) I felt a lot better. Yesterday when I got home from school my mom asked that I clean the living room. I did that and fell asleep on the couch...and slept till 6 and I never do that. Yes I am feeling a lot better Carlos. thanks for asking
