Van Dam at dealer meeting

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Jack Long

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
Kevin was at the dealer meeting at lake Taho, and got up and spoke to all the dealers there. He had just got back from the Lake Erie tourney and told about one of the days he only had two fish and told his co-angler they were going to the Canada side.

There was 6-7 foot waves and his co-angler said no, he did not want to go in that ruff of water and to take him to the bank. Kevin said he didn't have time and took off to Canada. He said the water was no problem and his co-angler was fine after they got there

Kevin then told them that, he didn't care what all the other guys said about their boats, the Z-9 was the best boat available right now. Kevin has been complaining for years wanting Tracker to up grade and refine the 929, or go beyond the 929, and he is now happy.

I though you might enjoy what KVD said about the Z-9 Later<>< <>< <>< <>< Jack

You didn't tell the best part............did he do any better????
Teri, He did get his limit, but he talked mostly about the Z-9. Later<>< <>< <>< Jack
Sorry Mr. Neeley, since this is a Nitro Owners site, I thought maybe some people on here

would like to hear what KVD said at a Nitro Dealers Meeting. Later<>< <>< <>< <>< Jack

PS: I do agree with Kevin.
Great....pony up and buy one then. <><><><><><><>

The Z9 is a great boat, but it's far from the "best boat available right now".

I have been at many Dealer meetings where KVD was present, and have rode in several boats with him.

It seems that through the years, whichever Nitro boat is the "hot new product" is the "best boat available right now".;)

Go to some other Dealer Meetings.....Ranger, Skeeter, Champion, Stratos, Triton.....and listen to all the other "Paid" pro's tell you that "their" boat is the best available right now!!!:D


Awwww c'mon Ken.. Do you mean that those pros would say that kind of thing just to appease there sponsors and promote the gear "given" to them? WoW, that's hard to believe?:cool:

Thanks for the report Jack but from KVD it wasn't really an unbiased report was it? I like what he said about it though.

Uncle Billy
Just maybe KVD was talking the best boat that NITRO has to offer right know .. Otherwise I would also have to take issue with that statement .

I really like these "best boat' topics!!!!

Darrel, Darrel, and his other brother Darrel ask what Bass Boat would you buy?

Mikesxpress response:

When you ask an open ended question like what Bass Boat would you buy, that just brings out the best in everyone!!!!!! And for the most part, the boat they have right now is the best boat, unless it's broke and they are looking for new one? This includes sponsor boats!

You really can't shop for a major purchase like a boat and use input like this. You would end up with a dozen boats and wish you had a dozen more. Or you get one like this "I am a proud owner of a Basscat!! Go with a Basscat" Hummm? I'm just gonna run out and get me one of those!!!!

My suggestion for your shopping:

1. Start off with, "All of these boats SUCK!". None of these bozo's build a rig I can jump rock piles, bounce off stumps, take 12 foot swells, and still drink my coffee while I run at 90 MPH. Now lets go from there.

2. Which of these crappy/overpriced rigs fit what I am going to use it for?

Casual fishing?

Tourney fishing?

Penis extension rig? (biggest/fastest, stop here and buy a Bu***t or an Al*&^*n)

Family and other?

3. Needs to handle rough water. OK, your skipping a flat rock over waves. They all suck at that. Some less than others.They all get you wet. (If anyone says they don't, they lie.) Which one appears to have held together after a couple years of pounding? Look at the splash well sides and where the transom meets the sides. Check for cracks on some of the rigs at the boat landings. Most everyone will let you look through the boat and tell you how good it is. (Don't point out the cracks. they don't like that.)

4. Get some rides. Most everyone will give you a ride! Just don't ask to drive.

5. Don't buy a rig just because everyone else has one. This is a cattle trail thing. BASS switches sponsors and you see everyone dumping Rangers for Tritons, etc.... Moooooooo, don't follow the herd!!!!!! It leads to the slaughter house.....

6. Fiberglass or Aluminum construction? I have a 19' Xpress with a 200 Merc, aluminum hull, and it sucks just as much as the rest of them. And it comes with a lifetime hull warranty?

7. Horsepower? The bigger pig you get, the more HP to push it and stay up with your friends. Bigger truck to pull it. More gas at the pump for both.

8. The trailer brakes are a good idea. I have them and they also suck. The tandem trailer sucks even more. Now you have 4 tires & wheel bearings sets to take care of and can't move it by hand. Hummm, I thought it was a good idea?

9. Get HYD steering! No cables. That way when it's broke, it's really broke! No if's.

10. Get the jack plate. Even if the "lot leach" at the dealership says you don't need it. He lies. That's his job. Know what you want before you go there.

11. Foks with sponsorship crap on their shirt/vehicle/boat got a couple bags of lizards for displaying it. (or maybe nothing?). Remember that when you talk to them. Lot
If they paid me $100,000/yr and gave me 2 freakin' LOGS to ride on, I'd say they were the best logs I ever rode!!!...Especially if I was speaking in a Logger's yard!! LOL

Remember,......Pro's are traveling salesmen with a lot of time to fish!!
Not sure I would be game on the idea of crossing 6-7 footers either in a bass boat. Funny how he said to take him to the bank!

I guess if he KVD was sponsored by Ranger and said it was the best it would be gospel since there is no way he could believe his Nitro is that good. I know all the guys are going to push their sponsor but this is the Nitro owner page and if someone makes a post like Jack it's ridiculous to pile on with smart ass comments.
you mean, if I buy a Z9 pull it with a toyota tundra, fish with strike king and BPS lures in Plano tackle boxes, wear oakley glasses...i won't win the classic....twice ?

Then why the hell do I bother ?

BTW Guys....KD Outdoors is the best hunting and fishing outlet out there....

Nobody's piling on Jack,.......he's merely stating that KVD is doing EXACTLY what he's paid to do,.........promote his sponsors products!! :rolleyes:
Woody I think your having a sensitive day. There really is no need to get defensive and start using foul language . Long before you were here this was known also as a family site. A site that frowned on those type of words.

After all that's what the BFHP for isn't it. lol

Thanks Mac, I just thought the Nitro owners would like to hear what KVD stated. I have talked to Greg G. a couple of times off to the side and he told me he still likes his 929, but said the Z-9 is fast and a good boat. My Tourney pardner has a Z-9 and he thinks it is the best. Later<>< <>< <>< Jack
Pierre - "BTW Guys....KD Outdoors is the best hunting and fishing outlet out there...." OK now I want a picture of your boat with the KD Outdoors Logo on it!!! LOL

I'm not putting my puppies in this fight!

Always glad to hear about what the pro's think, YUP any prop or paid sponship will cause the person to praise their product otherwise they'd not have a job - Think if Ike said at the weigh in this month after coming in second "Man it was a tough day out there, I had the wining weigh but these crappy BassCat livewell timers don't work worth poo, and I lost my best 10lb fish to heat and didn't win. Don't buy no BassCat boats anyone!" LOL

I'd take a ride in anyone's boat right now!

My question is this......Obviously, KVD could get a boat deal with ANY manufacturer out there and you would be nieve to think that Ranger or Triton couldn't DOUBLE the $$$ he gets from Johnny so........Why stay in a NITRO if it's all about the money like everybasher likes to say?? I know his brother owns a dealership but it just doesn't make sense to me. There HAS to be some loyalty there beyond the almighty dollar.

You beat me to it Toxic. I was thinking the same thing. I'm absolutely sure that if KVD called ANY of the major boat manufacturers and said "I'm thinking of dropping Nitro and moving over to something else", they would be jumping through their you-know-what's to get him into that brand. I hear of tons of people that bash sponsored fisherman now-adays. "Of course they say that... they are PAID to say that". OK. Some do. Actually, I know quite a few that do. That's all they are in it for. But that is not everyone. They are, in essence, "traveling salesman that get to fish a lot" (by the way - well said - I like that one. :lol: ). BUT... there are lots of them that genuinely LIKE or LOVE the products that they are using and promoting. Those are the guys that I have the utmost in respect for. Look at how long someone has been with a particular company, or companies - most of the time, those people genuinely like the products they are using, and the companies that support them. Now, I will be the first to admit that I have moved from certain companies because of the way they end up treating you after a few years - that may happen. Nothing you can do about it but move on sometimes. But look at how long KVD has been fishing with many of the products he is still using and promoting today. He HAS to actually like the products to have stuck with them for so long. He likes his Z-9. Is that so hard to believe? Heck, I got into one at BPS. Not exactly to my 100% liking, but I have to admit, it's a really sweet rig, and I wouldn't be hesitant to drive one / fish out of one at all.

All the best,

Kevin's a lifer with BPS & Nitro...he's got the complete package deal that very few other pro's have. There's no reason for him to ride any other brand other than Nitro's. He's been running those boats since he was a kid in high school fishing the Mi. BASS Federation. His brother's store also sold Champions and Stratos, Ranger's and who knows what else over the years, but Kevin always liked the Nitro line and he's been loyal to them long before he was "who he is now". He's the epitomy of a Professional,...and JLM and his companies know that, so he's being very well cared for!! Between BPS and Tracker Marine,...he's got 80% of his needs "met",...toss in a couple Toyota Tundra's for his towing needs and he's 90% there. Now add in all the $$$ from his "other" sponsors and he's 100% golden. With all of those needs met via multi year contracts, he can focus almost solely on fishing and nobody does that better than him!! His results and accomplishments speak for themselves.....and I'm willing to bet anybody here,....KVD will retire from the sport when he's accomplished everything there is to accomplish (He's almost there now!!) ...and he'll still be with BPS and Nitro when he hangs up his gear!! I just hope he writes a few more books and needs an illustrator!! LOL

Mac is the best cartoonist in the industry....and I dont get paid to say that :)

The Z9 is one hell of a boat. KVD finally got what he was asking for....I just hope they can sell enough to keep making them.

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