Ultrex Troll Motor Install/Use notes-

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Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Natchitoches, La.
After doing the Fortrex to Ultrex troll motor change on my own, there are a few observations that I can share that might save you some grief later:

1. If you are installing the electronic compass puck on you boat be sure that you follow the instructions to use a ONE (1) AMP fuse.. some folks giving advice are suggesting the use of a 3 amp fuse. The instructions say to use a 1 amp fuse only.

2. Be sure that you install the 60 Amp breaker. A lot of wiring for the Fortrex is done with a 50 amp breaker. I did not find anyone telling us this through any online source.

3. The ultrex has sensitive electronic components that can be damaged by faulty battery chargers or electrical current spikes while charging your batteries. The only way to to prevent this is to have a breaker with a manual cut off switch or use a battery isolator switch for your system. I opted to use the 60A breaker that has a manual disconnect switch. If you get a spike in current that, disables your troll motor, you won't know about it until tournament day... (Murphey's law)

With a couple of months use now, I can report that I'm completely satisfied that this change was a great improvement and actually contributes to much better fishing concentration with considerably less fatigue managing you boat on the water. I did purchase the I Pilot LINK system unit and have now attached a Hummingbird Helix. The Helix works very well with the system but the lack of touch screen control makes it a bit tedious to manage the troll motor with it. I have not purchased the Lake Master map card yet. I wouldn't be able to get much use of the software for following contours since there are a limited number of lakes where that capability is programmed. The Link systems with the troll motor includes the cable needed to have the Helix communicate with the motor. You will have to have the adaptor cable for the Helix to connect to the cable provided with the troll motor.
The Helix does not communicate wth the troll motor without the wired connector.

Let me add here that the motor movement operation is much quiter tham I expected. Unless you are making really sharp turns where the motor needs to move a lot and quickly the unit is surprisingly queit to operate. When you mount your foot pedal be sure to keep in mind that you might not want the assembly at the bottom of the front recessed area. I mounted mine about 3/4" inch off the bottom to allow better access to the various foot buttons that control the motor. The unit is still recessed but it's very easy to toe touch spot lock or heading buttons. This is a persosnal choice but I like it much better this way..
You will definitely use less battery power due to easier control to keep you on track while operating. WIth good control, you are able to operate with less power consumed You will have to experience this to undestand the difference fully.

If you can afford to do this change- I can highly recommend getting this system...
Good report Larry. I will say that switching to an Ultrex, or perhaps any trolling motor with spot lock and Nav controls, is the single best improvement I have made in all my years of fishing, bar none. It literally has changed the way I fish. One suggestion I have for the foot pedal, I secured mine with industrial velcro instead of screws. Makes it easier to move around to get it right where you like it and also makes it easy to lift the pedal for cleaning or maintenance. I also place mine a short distance forward to make the Nav and Continuous power buttons easier to toe tap.
Making the move from a Bass Tracker 175 to a Nitro Z19, the Ultrex trolling motor is one of the things I enjoy the most.
Latest update- I did go ahead a purchase the Lake Master card for the HB Helix. You should be aware that the ability to follow contours with the I Pilot link system requires this software- also be aware that few lakes are set up, in the software, to use the follow contour function. In Louisiana, Toledo Bend Lake is the only place it will work- there might have been one other smaller lake in Louisiana on the list but I cant' recall which one, if any? You should be aware that following a contour is NOT dependent upon your transducer or where it is located on the boats. Following contours is strictly a function of the map software- not the current transducer reading.

Just another tidbit here that might help you laster...
If any kind of electrical interference suddenly appears resulting from a transducer, mounted on your troll motor, you should know that there is a ground wire (brown color), 3 amp fuse installed under your minn kota's head cover. That fuse can fail somehow and your motor will still opearate as though nothing is wrong.. If you open it up and install a new fuse (3 amp only) into the fuse holder it will likely correct the EMI (electro magnetic interference) issue- My Garmin unit started showing severe interference on sidescan view only- replacing this fuse solved that issue. If I understand correctly, this brown wire when fused properly, controls the interference that can efffect transducer signals on the view screens.
I can help you a little if needed- I installed mine, changing from the Fortrex, just a couple of months ago...I installed the i-pilot link system unit and didn't have any problems with it.

Thank you. I just finished my install of my two 8inch humminbirds, ultrex, heading sensors,, the ethernet switch,, new li iron phosphate batteries, and charger on my new traker pro combo. Am surprised at your comment on the head and puck sensitivity issue, was totally unaware that humminbird failed to put any filtering hardware in these units. Guess I'm going to get really good at pulling fuses, until I get the next hankering....thanks, spot on as usual