Three in a boat?

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Larry Harp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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My daughter told me tonight that her boyfriend's feelings are hurt because I've never ask him to go fishing with Andy and me. To tell the truth I had just never thought of it but I also haven't because I just don't like the idea of three people fishing from an 18' tin boat. I have taken one of Andy's friends along a couple of times but two 14 year old kids are a differant story than a grown up and a 14 year old. How do you work out the details like who fishes from which end of the boat and that sort of thing. I'm really thinking about waiting until my son is doing something else to invite the boyfriend.

Would appreciate any ideas you guys may have.

I have fished three out of a 14 foot boat before and it wasn't a bid deal. My dad and I used to fish with a friend in a 16 foot bass boat before we had a "big boat". My dad usually just stayed in the middle not on a deck or anything.

Hope this helps.

BTW-when are we going to go fishing?????

I have fished 3 out of my PT175 many times. Usually try to put the most dangerous casting partner all the way in the back for a little more room. This puts good caster in middle working with the smallest area. Less chance of a hook in your ear this way.
we have fished 3 people in one of those plastic pond boats with 2 seats,lol take them all.
I fish 3 out of my boat, but I'm generally just fun fishing with my kids. Granted, two in the boat is ideal, but it's not always about catching fish! I have also been taking my son hunting with me since he was 8yo. I feel that giving up catching a few more fish or bagging a deer or two will pay off in the long run when it comes to raising my kids.

Bob G.
I take it that your daughter's boyfriend is quite a bit older than your 14 year son. That is a problem and I see your dilemma. I would suggest having an understanding of who fishes where before going. The boyfriend might be part of your family someday. And if his feelings get hurt, your daughter's feeling may also get hurt. Three fishermen in a 18' boat can be worked out. The Captain always gets the front deck. Good luck

I've fished three from my old Nitro 180 (17'6") many times..... Admittedly, a bass boat is a bit wider and more stable than most tin boats..... But everyone did fine without any real concerns.....

Git 'er done, Harpo!
Take both of them when you're going to crappie fish or panfish,(where you're not casting baits w/trebles!!..LOL)

and then take him Bass fishing when Andy is doing something else. You could also have a "side bar" w/Andy and just tell him,....."I gota take the guy fishin' anyway and try and teach him something, so you don't kick his arss too bad and embarrass him....that'll just make your sister mad!"

Andy will eat that up!!...ahahaa...He'll say,"..yeahhh riiight,'ll take more than one time out before he can MY butt!!"...ahahah

Mission accomplished!!


You guys won't believe this, but I've actually had 7 people fish from my PT175! 6 were adults and at the time my 13 year old cousin. As illegal as we were, we all had a blast.
Of course in my 929, I have to use the walkie-talkie function on my phone to talk to the back deck from the front deck. And the Captain's rule: He who makes the payments gets the front deck!! I will let some of the tournament guys up there with me and you can't keep KB on the rear deck!!

3 in a boat PC175 almost all the time...Sometimes I think

I would be safer with your 14 yr olds than my usual fishing

partners!..LOL.....Take the kids out and let them have some fun..It'll be worth it!
Harpo, You could turn this situation to your advantage, you just found the perfect excuse to get a bigger boat!!!

I took 4 adults fishing on my 17'5" Targa all of the time. All I had to say was please watch your hooks when casting. Everyone always had a great time and no one got hurt.

Unless there is some other issue between you or your son with the boyfriend there really isn't a reason to use the size of the boat as an excuse not to invite him, unless you want a bigger boat. :)

Cass :)

You should have NO PROBLEM! I fish three from my 02' 185 all the time. If it's a smaller person or a kid..4 can even be comfortable. One thing I would say...You'll have to be a little more careful with stability issues if you fish more than one up on the front deck. Since they made the nose so sharp..they lost on width for stability.

Unless I'm fishing a tournament I rarely have less than 3 people. I have 2 adults and 2 children 80% of the time.

Boat location is a no brainer. Your the captain (Front Deck), Andy is your first mate (back deck). The boy friend? Unless there is a ring on your daughters finger he's just "Seaman" and should feel fortunate to even be going even if he has to stand on the floor and fish from the middle.
I'm with the rest of the folks, in my PC 175 3 fishing is not an issue. I've taked 2 business partners in mine. Since they are my guests, if someone is experienced at running a T-motor and knows the lake, I let them take the front, the other person in the back and me in the middle. If no one has a good handle on T-motor/Lake I run the front and like a guide I try to position the boat best for those in the middle/back to get good shots at the right spots.

Is it perfect? Nope, but as long as the folks KNOW how to cast and they keep an eye out it's not a problem. When we're in Canada we put 3 folks in the 14ft deep v's for Walleye/Pike and just keep our eyes open!
LOL at Marke!

I do 3 most of the time in the TV-18 with no problem...

Used to do 3 in the 14' Lowe...that was a bit more challenging...especially because I had an 8 year old and a 13 year old whipping pike lures past my face!!! Never did get hooked though...came close a couple times...

Thanks for all the replies everyone. I see that it can be done and everbody can have a good time. I'll let you know how it works out. This guy is the new boyfriend. We had one boyfriend all the way through high school and the first year of college then they broke up. This new guy is a few years older but seems like a pretty good guy except for being a Longhorn fan and a Republican. I don't know if I could approve of a mixed marriage. ;>))

BJ- I'm ready anytime. Most days I'm done with work well enough that I can twist off by 2 or 3. Just give me a call. You should have my cell # in your address book from the Plaxo update I sent out awhile back. I would love to take a ride in your 882.

Just take him along and have a couple of concrete blocks and some rope in the bottom of the boat. Then you let slip that there are some really deep holes in that lake and if a body were placed there no one would ever find it. Later mention that the only thing that makes you crazy mad is the thought of someone taking advantage of your daughter. He'll probably never want to go again.

Bring him fishing. This will show him a good time.

My dad and I hardly fish with 2 people and when we do it is not near as fun. Dad (he makes the payments) gets the front deck of the 911, and it is big enough that I can fish there right next to him on the front deck. The person that we bring (3rd person) fises the back deck all of the time. Noow if we have 4+ people me and da are in fornt 2 in the bac confordably and 1 or 2 in the middle be the counsoles.


I used to fish 3 at a time out of a guide V 16. Dad (his boat) got the front deck and ran the motor. I got the back seat (next to the tiller). Our guest, usually my cousin, got the middle seat. It was easier for us because our boat did not have a console so the middle was wide open.

Wow...who'da thought this thread would get so many really lengthy responses.

When we go to Lake Fork I usually end up with a boatless person jumping in with me and partner. My 18 foot tracker handles it fine. We are usually three adults who can cast with a little bit of responsibility if you know what I mean.

Theres plenty of room in the middle for someone to fish. A lot of times we are two on the front deck. There is a lot of room on my front deck. Haven't caught a hook in the ear yet but theres always that chance.

Yeah, Yeah, I'll take him. Actually he really is a pretty good guy. Works hard and gives a bundle to his ex (you with me here JR?) and two little kids. Plus he treats my daughter like a princess. And he loaned me his 9mm to take camping this weekend. I'll take him out and show him a good time. I guess I thought he wouldn't be interested in hanging out with an old fat Sooner.

i fish 3-5 out of my boat.sometimes 3-4 is great.1 driver,1-2 riggers,and 1 guy to works out great.i like to fish by myself a lot,great relaxation.2 people is great,3 is good also.
unless they are very experenced i don't allow treble hooks with any amount of people. i have had a great time with even 4 people in a 18 ft boat. stan
I went fishing a couple of weeks ago with two of my adult sons in my Targa 18 at the Chickohominy lake. We had no problem sharing the space. We caught a bunch of these: