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Craig Roberts

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
Just wondering (Mac or Mini) when Bass season opens in Michigan. I know St. Clare is later, and some Oakland County lakes open early for catch & release only, but haven't been able to find any dates yet. Any help? Man is it COLD here! Can't wait 'till spring!
Memorial weekend is the "ofishial" opener,...but there's several lakes in Oakland county (Cass & Pontiac, I forgot the other 2-3) that are open to C&R bass fishing April 1st.

I've heard talk of st.clair being opened to C&R year 'round, but that hasn't been approved yet by the DNR.

If you start jonzin' too bad,...go up on the tank at the store and mess with those toads in there,..LOL That's what Min and I do when we're stuck in the deepest, darkest, inner most sanctums of winter!! LOL...

Oh Yeah... thanks a lot Mac! Tell him he can go fishin beginnin of April! Now he'll wanna take me to Cass Lake for my birthday!!! Last year he took me to Spring Classic to meet Woo, now I'm gonna be freezin my toukus off so he can get an early case of 'Bass Thumb'!!!
LOL!!!,....I've got april 1st off this year,...if you don't want to go fishin' with him...I WILL!!!! and BTW,..Bass thumb is a beautiful thang!!!!....Just like you darlin'!!!

BTW Craig,...I think Oakland is another of the pre-season C&R lakes, the next time your techs need to test drive a new boat,.....bum a ride and take a rod with ya!! Oh,...and a hand full of tools, so when you get back to the SC after 3hrs on the water, can tell Ken,.."Had to make a few adjustments"

Yeah,...I know you Neeley,.....Starting April 1st,'ll make a "Mgt Decision" and only YOU can test drive a boat,.....for 2-3 hours at a time!,,HA!!!
Just trying to be a team player...we may need some "specimens" for the tank here.
Talk to Scott Moody, may know him!..LOL...He can help aquire pre-season specimens!! That dude's got connections!!!
Mac you know Craig would LOVE to go fishin with you ... he's been dying to get out there and take some action pics with you on your boat. Course I can't wait to get out there too .... I'm just not too sure about this "it's your birthday present honey" thing LOL!!!!
Consider it done Cathy. Mac and I will take the two of you out this spring if we all can decide on a date. IF and I mean IF Ken Neeley is nice about the whole thing, we will invite him

I don't care what they said about you guys ... you're the greatest!!!
Oops!!! Hit that enter button too fast.

IF and I mean IF I get invited then WHEN you're boats ever come in for service you can be assured of continuing excellent care. IF not, I'll remove the freaking thrust washers from both your props AND loosen the nut on your trolling motor prop so you all will have to paddle in to shore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That does it!!!! Neeley,'re coming with me!!..ANYTIME you want!! Craig,..there isn't a cynical bone in your body, so I'll take Neeley "fishing",...but I'll take you to Mini's BEST stuff!!! LOLOLOL

I can see a case of amnesia setting in for

I would take you to Mac's best stuff.....but it's all mine! J/K

Of course your invited Ken! But then I guess you cant cast....looks like we'll go to Erie so you can just drag a tube around for a 4lb'er....

LOL...I do appreciate you sharing your "stuff" with me Mini, but everytime I've taken you to one of my spots, always tell me someone else fishes there too!! I don't even know WHAT's mine anymore!!!! LOL!!!!


That works for me...I'll take 'em anyway I can get 'em.

I guess it is because I am out there so much I have the chance to see almost everyone that fishes Clair regularly....REMEMBER if you found it on your own, doesnt mean you "own it" one does. A lesson I have learned in the past.

That said, Ken when do we go wack all Macs stuff????? lol

If you wana put Ken on fish,...don't take him to my stuff......ahahahhah...It hasn't been worth a @!$! since I took Deejo there!!!...ahahahahaahahahahaah
Last time Mac took me to his stuff, I caught the same dog fish TWICE !!!!!
That day, the thrill was in the Corona''s nice to "fun" fish once in awhile, don't you agree?
That day ranked in my "Top 7" last year,......the other 6 days were my family's vacation up north!! LOL

We need to make a concerted effort for more fun-fishing days this year,'s good for the soul!!

Sounds like another title for Gutz's project..."Fish Soup for the Soul"