The "Tracker Gang" at B.A.S.S. University

  • Thread starter Andrew Zuber [IMG]
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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score

What a weekend...

Too much for one post, so expect a few more from me...

Here is the proof that the "Tracker Gang" was indeed in attendance at the B.A.S.S. University at Lansing, MI this last weekend...

This picture has Smitty, Craig, Shaw Grigsby, Marke, and Yours Truly...

Andy - Is that REALLY Craig and Marke of Tracker Aurburn Hills fame??? COOL!!!

Yes it is....but Marke no longer works there. Craig still does....


Sure is...

Notice how 'they' are the ones that Shaw is 'hugging' on...


BTW I talked with Shaw when I was in Cinci. Both at BPS and Dixie Marine.

I'm sorry I couldn't hook up with you guys. I called the hotel saturday but you were already gone. If it's going to be held in Lansing again let me know. Great picture, except for Craig, Marke, and Andy. LOL Some one send that guy in the middle a Nitro shirt!!


naw...not a Nitro shirt...maybe a TRACKER shirt...LOL

sorry we missed you...we were gone from the hotel saturday morning before 0600...we should have arranged ahead of time and met you for breakfast, but we were pretty much 'winging' our whole schedule...

Guess we missed you at BPS Saturday too!

I think we got there around 5:30...

We'll have to 'hook up' once season opens and rip some lips!

Breakfast would have worked. I left my place at 7:30 so I could be there in time to get my rods painted by Mac, and hear his presentation on Johnny Morris products. I left the store around 1pm because I had a play rehearsal at 3(my scene rehearsal lasted about 30 minutes...GRRR!). I can't wait to hit the water with you.

Mini - "but Marke no longer works there. " what the heck?? He just moved his family down last year??
I've got more, but I don't want Rich to get too upset with me for using up all the server's memory...

(I'll probably sneak a few more up...maybe he won't notice)

Hey Michigan tracker guys

why not a michigan Tracker tournament

Team, tin boats only


I have a scale
Hey Scott, check the events board. A bunch of those Chicago boys are meeting a bunch of us Michigan boys (and Marke, too) up in Traverse City area June 14 & 15. Keep an eye out as we get closer. Maybe someone here (in Mi), will step-up and offer to organize the 2004 NTOWS rally on St. Clair!?!?!

What an awesome 2 days of fish talk...!! It was nice to have some Tracker dudes to hang with...Good meetin you in person Andy, you got yourself a fine little boy there..!! Who I might add made out pretty good on the freebies...!!

I'm all for a Tracker tournament here in MI..Us Michigan boys should put our heads together and come up with something..
If there is a 2004 rally on St. Clair you can count myself, Bob G. and the Plattsburgh Motor Mouth to be there..
YES to 2004 St. Clair Rally!!

Love that new nickname for Rob!!! Lets get him an official fishing shirt with his "name" on it!!!!! Later...gotta get to class.

Bob G.
Trep,..Marke made out like a bandit with the move here,...he lives 40minutes from premier smallmouth waters,..20 minutes from premier BPS shopping,...and he's making Rock Star money designing alternative power supply systems for an automotive supply company in Troy. So what if he didn't make any money selling boats,...things have a way of working out!! And it worked out just fine for the Cicero family,...nobody's complaining..especially him!! Now he doesn't have to work retail hours,..long weekends and holidays,..he'll be whackin' toads and refining his mojo on the might 'Clair with his new MEEEECHigan friends...(wait'll we take him down the Miracle Mile!!..BWaahhaha!!)

Life is good!!!


Very well said Mac, Thanks. I guess this officially means you got my back. It means a lot, thanks.

Trep, I gave it an honest try and I'll never have to live with any regrets. The biggest mistake I could have made was to stay in NH and spend the rest of my life saying "What if?"

Selling boats works for some, it's just not my gig.

Now I'm just waiting for the water to soften enough to get out whack some toads with Ken, Mac, Mini, Andy, Craig, Scott, Mike, Mark, Smitty, Gene and all the rest of the great fisherman and friends that I met while working at BPS. I haven't been this excited in a long time. Even the little things are fun like pointing to my left hand to show where I live, drinking pop, learning the difference between the east side and west side and saying things like "I'm Geeked!!" Michigan is pretty cool.

Yeah, Life is GOOD!!

Hey Marke,

I'll be ready for some St. Clair smallie fishing this summer, so keep a weekend open. Maybe we can start a Smallmouth Bass Champlain/St. Clair Timeshare!!

Bob G.
I've ALWAYS got your back Big Dog, need to doubt that!!

Can't wait to take you out to Clair this summer in the new boat and take in an awesome sunrise and a sweeeeet top water bite! That's what this sport is all about!! Rock on!
