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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Ok guys, time to let you in a little secret. I was young and stupid once and I got a tattoo. I am a needle fainter so I asked where it would hurt the least and they told me on my upper arm, so that's where it is.

I am going back tonight after 10 years to get it either reoutlined or hopefully they can put something over it. It's the earth with a peace sign thru it and it's about the size of a half dollar. Pretty dark in color unfortunately.

If I get to choose to put something over it, what should I get? I thought about something from Scales an Tales but thats a copy right infringement I think.

You have tonight until 6:30pm est time to become a permanent part of me.


Ask the artist for ideas on a tasteful coverup. It's easier to make a light tattoo darker with more shading than it is to lighten a dark one. Don't rush into a decision with the art work unless you will be happy with it.

Bob G.
I guess every sailor needs a tattoo 'eh? I'm a real old fuddyduddy when it come to those things. My daughter got one a couple of years ago and is still afraid to tell me. Being an old hippie I'm good with the peace sign but have you considered having it removed with a laser? I'll bet that underneath good ol' tan Teri looks alot better.

$.02 please.

Yes I was listening to Bob and Tom. I thought today was pretty funny. I already have the tattoo and have lived with it for 10 years. It's just really faded now so it needs a little help.
Removing it would be about $1500. I could think of alot of things to do with $1500.
Since you stated, " I was young and stupid once and I got a tattoo."

Just have it scraped off for good after the tissue heels you can have a graft done and in a few months no one would even be able to tell you ever had a tat. Not that I would know about this for other then a good friend of mine had it done that way to cover a couple of tats on her arms that showed when she wore short sleeves.
$1500 That's cool. There are 1589 members here at NTOWS.

$1500/1589 = $0.94

I'm in for 94 cents if everybody else is.

1. I'm surprised Mike Snow hasn't chimed in on this one.

2. Talk to Michael Jackson, I'm sure he can give you the formula to "fade" it out.

3. Do a half dollar sized skin graft. Swap the skin from where the sun don't shine to where It does and vice versa!

4 Seriously, there is not much to do to obliterate it except for laser treatment. It is a long and ugly road unless things have changed.

Also the skin graft thing sounds half way feasable to me.

Seems there sould be some way to grow some new skin.

Good Luck. Really.

Maybe I should not have made light of your situation but I couldn't resist. Sorry.
Teri,..Feel free to use my stuff if you want,...There's already been a couple people from this board who have S&T tattoos. "Rosie" would look great on a babe's arm!! LOL

Hey, no problem Richard. When I look at it, it makes me smile because I think of what I was doing during those days. I definitely had fun. Today, I have people tell me all the time "You don't look like the kind of person that would have a tattoo." More conservative today I guess. Its all good!
Mac, I just looked at your site and saw Rosie's picture. She just might be dark enough. I'll try to print her off and bring her with me tonight. I really thought about a real colorful, cartoon-looking fish to go over it. Rosie may be the choice in honor of you.
Use this's you!!..LOL
S-W-E-E-T !!! I might have to modify the white parts a bit but she might be seen at the Rally. I also printed Issac cuz he's sooo cute.
I would go for Rosie....deff. you Teri! Mac I saw you stuff in Crappie and Bassin last night....lookin good big dog!!

Go with Rosie! I am getting a Spinecrusher Tat in the next couple weeks, once I decide where (leaning toward forearm). You will be surprised what they can cover up. I have one on each bicep, tigger on the left and a full moon with a wolf's face "hidden" on the right. I always thought the cover of "Bat Out of Hell" would make a great back piece, but never wanted one that big.

Rich D
Ouch! Teri! Man they are still "rockin" thru the 2000's!! You know you still sing along to "Livin on a Prayer"!! LOL
How about Jiggy!!!! Everybody does bass... A Walleye is Forever!!!!

How about something textual for our impending marriage?

"I'm with Stupid"

Wow, I'm at a loss... someone defiled my soon-to-be-bride... that's just painful.

It always works and when you look at it upside down it says WOW.

Teri..if your gettin' rework done...just make sure and take your time to get what YOU want! It's gonna be there awhile so make sure also it's a good artist that gets it right the first time. Someone who you can see some of their work and is recommended..just from experience:)

Teri, I might be too late but, I'll remove it for $20.00.

Gene, I think I could cut it off myself for free.