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Busch sponsor's the Angler of the Year prize money,....it has NOTHING to do with the Casting Kids program!
Kids are bombarded with alcohol advertisements every day. I don't understand what the fuss is all about.
Well, when is enough enough...You're right kids already get bombarded by ads for products that they should not have to see but until parents start being parents and keep their kids out of booze, tobacco and drugs, we as a society have to look out for them. I turned down a sponsor (tobacco related) just because I thought it was the right thing to do. I mean c'mon, who do you think the tobacco co's are marketing to when they come up with berry flavored chew....Once they are of legal age, okey dokey...do whatever you want but I really don't like to see kids at the shows and seminars with a lip full of snuff and lined up outside the skoal booth bumming samples.

Im 14 years old and with being a freshman in high school the kids who are going to drink, smoke, ect. they are going to do it by the time they are in the 8th grade so I really dont think it will be a problem.

LOL at Scott!!

Great point, Travis...judging by your astute observation, I think it's fair to assume you won't be one of those kids. Keep up the great work!

BTW...what's a 14 year old doing with a 911?? You're supposed to have a duct-taped 10' jonboat!!
I find it obscenely absurd that tobacco companies are FORCED to pay for anti-smoking advertising. At least the companies producing alcohol only have to put a stupid disclaimer on every ad. As long as tobacco and alcohol are legal, I see NO reason why they can't advertise in a free market society.

Let's see, car companies advertise to kids. Do you think the Camaro was made for grandma? Kids seem to be able to wait until they're "old enough" to drive (for the most part), so why is it so hard for them to wait to smoke and/or drink?

You can blame a LOT of things for kids drinking and/or smoking, but the manufacturing of a LEGAL substance is simply the RIGHT thing to do to make money.

Anheuser-Busch is sponsoring B.A.S.S. In and of itself, that's a challenge for any company, since there are people who believe fishing is wrong. Again, it's legal, so no argument from me. I'll be happy to take a tobacco company's money, though I won't USE their product (by choice). The fact is, there are some people who ENJOY the legal products these manufacturers produce.

I'm sick of people pointing at advertising, manufacturing, etc. YOUR kids are YOUR responsibility. YOUR job is to teach them right from wrong. Peer pressure is the reason I ever smoked, dipped, or drank. I wanted to be cool. The other kids are what made is cool, not some advertisement.

The fact that anyone even considers picking up their first cigarette is beyond me, but it happens every day.

Heroin and cocaine are supposed to "hook" you after just ONE hit. Knowing that, I refuse to even try them. I never have, never plan to. It's like driving a $200,000 sports car, knowing you can't afford one. Why torment yourself by finding out what's behind "door number 2"?

I see parents in restaurants with their kids all the time, the parents are both drinking in front of the kids, none of which are old enough to drive. If you want to tell your kids not to drink and drive, by golly, don't EVER do it in front of them!

Now, quit whining about sponsorships of anything, and more importantly, quit blaming everyone except the person who picks up the first cigarette or beer. The blame for use of these products lies SOLELY on the person using them.
Did everyone here and everywhereelse forget that Miller High Life sponsored the first BASS Classic????

this is my point of view, If you have a problem with companies promoting and bring money to Fishing do to the peer presure imposed on your children then dont allow them to attend, but also maybe you shouldnt allow them to watch nascar, football, baseball, ect. I was brought up that things exsist in this world that may not be totally right but not wrong and to make my decisions that dont go against the morals that I have developed through my up bringing and life experiances. I drink very little, use snuff, and I'm addicted to bass fishing, but those choices where mine, and where not caused by advertising. When I was young fishing wasnt cool, some people used snuff, and some drank, my father fished about once a year when I could talk him into it, never chewed and I could count the beers I saw him drink on one hand. I am who I am because I'm me not because of a Bud car or boat, or kodiak add in a fishing mag. Just teach your kids to be themselfs, be open and teach them integrity in all they do by doing the same yourself. You are as a parent or older brother, uncle ect., a role model whether you want to be or not. Sorry so long winded but this is a sore spot with me. I just beleive in freedom of speech and everything else America is so much I spent 10 years+ in USAF to defend it.
Amen to Travis' comment.

Let me go back a few years - like maybe 37 - to when I was 16 and started smoking or 18 and started drinking...... Back when the Malboro Man was still riding tall in the saddle..... It wasn't the ads that got me started - it was peers and family. I started smoking because my father had smoked and all the guys around me were. I started drinking because that's the way I learned from my father to deal with pressures. No, I'm not placing blame - I'm just pointing out reality.

I quit both because my ex-wife had the guts to point out the damage I was doing to myself. I didn't go back - even after getting divorced - because I wanted my life to be better.

I went from an 18' boat to a 20 'cuz all "The Guys" said I'd like it better..... Picked up Curado's 'cuz all "The Guys" said they were the best for the buck.....

Kids - even us big ones - learn best by example of those around us.

You want to do something worthwhile? Quit complaining about the sponsors and take a kid fishing! Do like MOFish - take a group of blind Boy Scouts out! Or send your old but useful equipment to the rally to be passed on to the Kentucky Sheriff's Ranch for those kids! (link below)


P.S. Travis is too old to bar-b-que..... The meat gets too tough once they reach 11 or 12!
Anything smaller than a Hummer would require two passes.

alternate ending...

make sure the deck of the boat is flush with the cap and yell fire....

And to think y'all still let me on here :)
Scott makes the point...Lack of parenting (or bad parenting) can influence. There's a little contridiction going on here also. You want me to get involved with kids, do something worthwhile.....I do. I take kids out every year as part of an after school program to keep kids out of gangs and away from drugs, alchol, etc., Now if I dip or pop a brew that's OK??? Nope, not in my book. So is it ok to be sponsored by SKOAL, or Rooster (berry chew), or Miller. Another no in my book. Sorry, I've got to take the high ground on this one. Can't wait to hear Rob chime in....Thoughts?

And I thought that I was the only person on this board more sick, twisted and demented than Mac..........

Mike, if you want the story, use the "Search" function at the top of the page to find:

"Scott's World; Episode XXXIX" - Thank you, Mark, Canoe Guides and Scouts! by Scott, 4/21/2002

P.S. We're doing it again this year!
Remember that Busch is NOT sponsoring the Casting Kids.....

Scott, I feel honored that you place me above you in the "sick, twisted, and demented" categories. So, am I in first place, or do I have competition? :)

Mini, we can remember all we want, but my take is that Busch can sponsor Casting Kids too. As a matter of fact, I'd rather they sponsor Casting Kids than the Classic anyway. Let's see, Casting Kids is completely selfless, it's about getting kids interested in fishing, taking them fishing, and having flip, pitch, and cast competitions (at least that's what we did last year). Bass Pro Shops hosted the event in DFW, donated some tackle and bait, and I'm assuming some (or all) of the prizes. This was truly a "give back to the community" affair. We took nothing of monetary value from this event.

The idea that Busch donating money to help teach children about the outdoors, outdoor conservation, etc is wrong, well, the idea is wrong! As far as I'm concerned, NAMBLA could donate money to it. As long as they (any group or company) isn't pushing an illegal product (and beer for children IS illegal), let 'em donate.

Just because you don't AGREE with a legal product, doesn't mean that company can do no good.

(As for the comment about Casting Kids vs the Classic, the Classic is for profit of the anglers.)

If you want to try to dictate a sponsor's name or logo not appearing, that's fine. However, in Toxic's situation, I'd gladly take their money -- again, if I chose not to allow their advertising, they'd probably pull the sponsorship but their MONEY is good with me.
All Bass Pro Shops stores hold Casting Kids events to my knowledge.

The reason I said that is for the people that think because A/B is sponsoring the BASS tour, they are sponsoring everything BASS is involved with. This is not the case. I think the sponsorship of BASS by A/B is a good thing too.

How many kids do you see with a Dale Jr. T-Shirt on? Who is his car sponsor? Or any other car sponsor? Bud is on EVERY car in Nascar and no one says a darn thing about it. EVERY stadium in the country has a beer/alcohol sponsor. No one says anything about the NBA, NFL, MLB, AFL, MLIS, etc.

Let it die, or fight for it......the best scenario has been said on BassFan.com. Bass fisherman NEED to organize at the pro level, and ALL levels. What other demographic with the buying power and monies spent each and every year is not represented on many levels of business and government?

Mini -

Bud is not on the cars owned by the Petty family..... To quote Kyle, "Grandma wouldn't approve." It costs them award money every year and makes them ineligible for the Bud Shoot-out, but that has been their choice in keeping with what they believe to be morally right. It wouldn't be my choice, but I've got to admire them for their's!

Mike -

I said you were more sick, twisted and demented than Mac..... I did not say you were more sick, twisted and demented than me!

I still got you beat!

Pays well?

For you, yes!

But it's only gotten me fired!

Or slapped!


I got you beat... I got a disorderly conduct ticket for telling a police officer that he was disgusting for spitting on the sidewalk. Gotta love them Dallas cops :p.

$270 bucks, for those who care. Needless to say, I'll be fighting that one.

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