Son in Iraq.

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
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As a lot of you guys already know my son is in his 2nd tour in Iraq . He is in communications and also part of a special detachment based in the Green zone. He is the only Marine in the outfit .Most of the other Army & Air Force.

Mike has been spending a lot more time out and about around the whole country. He says that when he gets home if he ever here's anybody talk about how hard they have it trying to make a living he'll probably go off on them.

Anyways the reason I was posting to begin with is because he is in communications he has a cell phone (satilite) . I call him everyday and usually get a no connect message. Well to my suprize I got through today I said hay !how's it going .....are you in the middle of anything ?

He than answered Hi dad, aa ya ........big time.....Dad I'll Call you back a little later if I can, I said ok I love you . He said love you to dad, buy and hung up.

I tried to listen to the back round noise ....... I then realized that he was being shot at. As the bullets wissed by with a faint wistle like sound . I knelled down and prayed for his safety as well as those with them.

I can not hold back how proud I am and the choice's he's made, But at the same time there is a big part of me that envy's him. Because I would give everything to be there with him, to have his back.

GOD be with them all,


Take heart Mark: One thing the Marines were always good at is training their soldiers to fight and survive first, all else is a secondary mission.:angry:
Mark, thank you for your son's service. I hope he and all others return home safely.
Mark, when you talk to him again please tell him and his buddys that we are very proud of them all for what they are doing and to come home safe.I have a friend serving over there too and will pray for thier safe return. Take care.

Steve ><}}}}'>
Mark, tell your son thanks.. I know that I appreciate all that he's doing.

He is a good man as you are Mark.

I assure you that there are people all around the globe including here state side that are working diligently to try and insure his safety there.

DAng Buddy,

That had to be a hard casll to end... But, you know as I have said repeatedly he has a great head on his shoulders and is very capable of watching his and the others ones safety...

That said, as soon as you hear from him again post it here and/or e-mail me...

My prayers include him every day...

Does he have the same surface mail address? I have some stuff for him and the other guys...

I could only imagine that thoughts that go through your head after a call like that. They must go ten different directions at once.

Always keeping the soldiers in mu thoughts and prayers, hoping for their safe return soon.

Mark, As a family, we pray for him and all of the troops, weather in harms way or not, on a daily basis. Like Greg Meyer said, "that had to be a hard call to end". I would have been in tears.

I feel for you brother,

You have every right to be proud Mark,....he's in good hands when he's with his fellow soldiers!! I second what Mini said too,....I know for a fact that there's people working diligently behind the scenes to win this war on terror, long as we let the Generals run this campaign and NOT the politicians,...we'll get out of there a lot sooner!! God Speed to your son and everyone elses sons and daughters over there.....they need our prayers and support EVERY day. I make it a point to thank EVERY soldier I see in uniform when I travel through airports and around the country,....and they DO APPRECIATE it!! Every one of them is a hero!! :wub:

I just want all of you to know how much I appreciate all of your thoughts and prays. Mike will be ok and will be home in May 22.

I just hope that the insurgents don't p-ss him of to bad, Mike has one h-ll of a temper and with the weapons he has at his disposel someone could get hurt and I don't mean on are side.

Mike worked on a game reserve sense he was 12 over in Wisc. Every wknd I took him over and in the summer he just stayed out at the lodge. by the time he was 16 they would let him run the works alone. At that time he had about 8 to 10 people he was in charge of. Mike became and still is a great deligater of work and giving orders. He also knows how to take them which is more important.

HE'S a better shot then I ever was and has tracked everything from bobcat, bear and raccoon more times than I can count . Pheasent,grouse,quail . The three deer that he has taken he took with a rifle will they were running.....................:D

Thanks again guys,

There is a good omen in that Mayy 22 date... That is my oldest daughter's birthday...

Keep me posted... And, get me his addy...
Hey Mark,

You do have good reason to be proud of him.

If he needs anything, please let me know!!!!

Great NewsMark..He's SOMEONE to be Proud of..God Bless all our Men and Woman In the service....JR