something to think about

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
This just hit me the other day so I figured I would see what everyone else thought about it. It may have been brought up before but I don't know. What do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in a tournament. I just find I nice little cove or something. BUT In a BASS or FLW tournament and you have a camera boat following you around all day how in the world can you go to the bathroom. I know they could probably edit it out or you could ask them to stop filming for a minute....but with my luck I would end up on a bloopers tape or something!

No! They stop for things like that. They also edit out if you swear. You have to remember for 8 hours of fishing, you might have 5 minutes MAX of sound bites for the broadcast. Which usually consist of fish catching and/or losing. I've been a camera boat before. Really bites, can't fish! LOL
I carry a hospital issued "jug" for my clients who don't want to pollute the lake!!LOL It is shaped get the idea....It can also be used by women where hanging their business over the side of the boat is questionable (either ethiclly or visually). My carpet thanks me.

Yeah I have a plastic bedpan for the other half...and a peebucket for the guys.

I don't drink coffee, but I have an old coffe can with a handle screwed onto one side...very effective! LOL

I guess I'm just a heathen. I just give back to the lake what the lake gave to me. It never occured to me to take a p-can and save it for later. I do try to respect others and find a secluded place. Number two requires a trip back to the dock.

I can also report that EVERY subject has now been discussed on the NTOWS. :>)

I guess I am like Harpo. I have never thought about bringing something like that with me....and I don't think I will either..........
HEEEY !! I never thought about using the livewell. Might as well, no fish will ever see the insides of it.

.....But where would I keep the magazines?

Soooooooooo whats a guy in the middle of the Classic do if he has to..... er "Drop a load"? All my tournaments you just grabbed the tube of "WET ONES" and squirrled your way into the bushes. The "No one out of the boat rule" was waved for biological reasons. Same for the PROS? Or do all those fancy Ranger boats have a head in them? A detachable pottie seat for a livewell?

Buddie of mine has 8 year old son who everytime we take him out he has to launch a missile. ( #2 ). So we decided to take a 5 gallon plastic bucket ( like the ones paint come in )fill it with water from the lake or river, and let him do his thing,, The lids a pretty much 100% leak proof.. Cheap porta pottie.... Maybe I should send that into Bassmaster.. maybe make the tips on saving $ section....
You could always buy an Allison ,I hear they have a potty as an option you can order! Or you could rig something up like what you would fing on a fighter jet.
In all BASS (and most Pro) T's, you can not leave the boat (with/without partner) except in case of emergency at the T Director's approval during competition hours. (Most common exception without prior auth. is a mechanical breakdown. Abandon Ship!) Trust me, when the urge hits you and you can't leave the boat, you can balance like a "Flying Walenda", business half off the side off the boat, and let the moment pass. The passenger side grab handle on a 9 series works well for this. (Not the most noted selling feature!) Just hold on to the grab handle between your knees, like a rodeo cowboy, and make sure to hang on tight for your 8 seconds (or longer)! LOL!!!

The camera boats are always considerate of such things. They don't want to see it anymore than we do!
Trying to not get too personal here, but I try my best to get all my number two's taken care of before I leave the house in the morning. Better reading material there.

Gross, if those Allisons go as fast as I've heard they go then a potty should be standard.

BTW What do fighter pilots do on long flights? I was thinking about that when I was watching a show about the SR-71 the other day. They were talking about a 13 hour mission in a pressure suit.

Dan J has created this ugly mental picture in my mind...LOL

Next NTOWS topic of conversation:

"What do you use to remove the brown racing stripes from the side of the boat just below the Grab handle?"

I wittnesed (wish I didn't) a friend (who was in a different boat) step onto the swim platform, squat and hold on to the outboard while he launched missles. This guy had no shame whatsoever!

Don't the long distant jet jockies wear "Depends" under the G suit? I know the bombers have a head on them but what about the single cockpit guys?


fatrap....just that you don't want to be in the back cockpit of a dual cockpit!!

And ask is much safer to stay in the boat!!

Was camping on the Shenandoah River once (fly fishing trip)and a canoe hits the beach at about 6am while I am cooking breakfast. 2 college girls and one obviously is heeding the call of nature....she jumps out of the canoe and runs up to within about 10 feet of me (she was so preoccupied about hiding from the river she didn't see me or my tent) drops her shorts and know.........starts doing her business, TP in hand. I, as quietly and gently as possible say,

"Would you like to join me for breakfast"?

Which, of course causes her to scream and she slipped, fell backwards (because her shorts were around her ankles) and landed square in get the picture. And I say,

"On second thought, I think I'll be dining alone"

I don't think I've ever seen anyone as embarassed as her.

If you eat corn the night before, is it considered chumming?
OH My gosh!!!! I bet that wouldn't make the Funniest Home Videos!!!LOL
