Small Fish, Big Smiles

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Ah, I was just teasing, not looking for "other" comments.
If i could figure out how to upload a pic to the site i have a pic for you teri or a few for that matter..i will have to have my mom scale down the size of the pics so i can put them on here....


No, I know you were teasing and I know that there are more thn a few that will rise to the occasion!!!!!

You Rock Teri, need to make a road trip up here next summer to'd have a blast fishin' with us!!

Mini, Craig, "Mock", me, Neeley,Gene,Andy, Smitty,...we'll all get together and whack'em!!! Anybody who wants to come is invited,..but NO,..I'm not planning a RALLY!!! LOL
I'm 1st in line for that trip Mac, I'll even drag my rig up!! Careful Teri you are gonna lose your dink reputation!! Those are respectable fish!!........

stay away from the "size" comment Tox...c'mon, you can do it.....just hit reply and leave well enough alone......

Toxic,...when you come over here,...don't even think about coming without Carlos!!! LOL....
Better than what I have done this season! Nice Job Teri!

Rich D
Mac, you name the weekend and I will be there.

JR, the bass in the 2nd picture is from Patoka. We caught some really big crappie the last 2 weekends.
She's coming to the Rally first, Mac!

(You are, right, Teri?)

You, Trep and I catch the same sorta fish!

We could team up as the Fearsome Threesome for the Tournament!

Love the smiles!

That's what fishin' is all about!

Cool!! We'll hook up sometime in May/ won't need to drag your boat up either,...we'll pick an open weekend next spring after we all know what our '04 schedules look like,..but you'll have a blast up here...the fishing can be awesome,..but the good time will be GAURANTEED!!!

Mac, why wait till summer? Let's go NOW!!! Marke and I are on a roll!

yeah,'ll be rollin' around in snowmobile suits in about a week too!!! LOL
Me, I am planning on coming to the rally. I just sent the website link to a friend of mine so she can decide what room to rent. I may have to bring my dogs if I can't find a sitter. Any suggestions on cottages to ask for?
#22 is right at the top of the hill next to the lodge. It would be the most convenient IF you wanted to be near the rest of us!

On the other hand..... #31 is on the far side!
Gret looking pictures Teri!

See you next year, beware this lake has been known to make people move long distances just to be

I am already milling around the idea of moving to Louisville so the lake may just make up my mind. Milling around the job market right now.

I've noticed within the past 3-4 weeks, that the general Job Market (I'm in IT Project Management) is really starting to pick up. I get a weekly list in the areas that I'm interested in, from each week. About 3 weeks ago, the list started getting longer and longer, with specific jobs that would interest me.

Looks like the job market turnaround, at least in some areas, is finally starting to materialize. Once this 'ball' gets rolling down the mountain, there are lot's of folks going to move.

Best luck in your search/decisions.

Nice pic's and fish!

Tex, our company is outsourcing a massive amount of IT jobs to India. This is a growing trend with big companies. I used to have 10 people on my team and now it's down to 2 actual employees. They don't lay people off, they just put them in other jobs that they may not want. My job has completely changed into being a babysitter and managing these people who don't have the proper skills. We (Americans) are training them to take over our jobs and it's not for me. I am talking to other departments here to maybe move within the company but I am also starting to look outside. I don't want to move too far from Indy but would for the right price. I have been looking on There are tons of jobs for SAP but I would have to move quite far (East coast). I will find something when the time and job is right. Unfortunely, I may have a hard time starting over and making what I make (not that I make a ton but I do ok). I really want to move where the weather gets no colder than the 30's-40's. I would love to fish year around. Ok, I am done venting.
Sounds EXACTLY like where I work, doubt in my mind that we're being "sold out" in the name of "cost savings",...we're losing jobs by the thousands to Mexico/China/India and Brazil......very cheap labor!!!

Makes me sick....a friend of mine just lost her job,..she worked for MET Life handling the benefit program for a major US Auto maker.....they outsourced her entire dept. to India!! Imagine that, they have to call New Dehli to ask questions about their benefit pkgs!! LOL!!!
Teri, you know anything about Siebel? my company is looking for some Siebel people. I know its further then you are looking to go but in my opinion my company is one of the best places to work, itsa company that values its employees and is a very family oriented place.
Unfortunely, I don't know much about Siebel. Thanks for the thought though. That was very nice. You are lucky to work for a company like that. My company preaches those words but actions are something else. IT is not their core business so they don't really care about them.

Nice pics!! It looks like you have moved past the ranks of Trep and Scott with your recent fish! LOL

Bob G.
IT isnt our core business either, we make speakers, radio's and home theatre systems but the company has realized that IT has value and that we could not succed as a company without IT. We run plenty of SAP here as well but that group is fully staffed as far as i know.