Should I be afraid?????

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Travis Smith

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
After reading that post about you guys letting your girls dateing should I be afraid of you or should I become friends with you first before your daughter?

In all seriousness I really have never had the pleasure of meeting a girlfriends dad and this is really because I never really date because Im always busy. I have never been to a dance in my 2 years of high school and I dont know if Im looking forward to it either because of the "Dad" Issue.

I am more scared of the girl than the dad....

I think it has something to do with I spend more time with people over 30 than people my age and that is in all seriousness. I HAVE NO FRIENDS! :( except my bass fishing buds in the tournament trail.


I know exactly how that goes BJ. We go jeeping in the summer time with 40+ people 1 a month and every other weekend we are camping/hunting/fishing. Then in the winters I am snowmobiling and the only people I hang out with are my parents and their friends. None of these people we hang out ith have kids my age none the less no chicks to hang out with.

A little fear and trepidation is to be expected, and is a perfectly appropriate feeling to have when encountering the parental figures...

However, if your intentions are honorable, then you truly have nothing to fear...

However, if your intentions are not...

Then Yes...

<font color=red size="+1">Be Afraid...</font>

<font color=red size="+3">Be <u>Very</u> Afraid!</font>
My intentions are good so i have never been scared of a dad.....even last week when i went to pick my date for JSB up i wasn't worried about him.

B.J... Travis...

Find some "mellow" parents like Sooner and Me... Then you won't be afraid... Besides, with me you'll never see it coming, anyway. So worry is a waste of time; if I want you I have you...

You know what they say; "Death from Afar". LOL

Guys, make the effort to at least meet some casual friends your own age... You need to be examples and role models for them. You guys seem pretty sensible to me. Maybe some of taht could rub off on your peers.
sry not convincing me to be afraid..

If i was to go into their house and they were cleaning guns...not afraid...I could probably name each one...i have been around guns my whole life.....
Don't be afraid guys. Girls are wonderful. Their pink and soft and they smell good and if you ask nice they'll cook you some chocolate chip cookies.

Don't worry about their dads either. Help them change the oil on their pickup and treat their little girl with respect, call them sir, and they'll be gentle as a lamb........


I met a girl the other day Both her parents were killed when she was younger. I felt bad for her but it just hit me. I could marry her and I wouldn't have to worry about in-laws!

Also remember, It's just as easy to love a rich girl as it is a pretty one.

I should add one more thing....

I am VERY protective of my little sister. I love her more than anything else I have. I promise you her boyfriend will be more scared of me than my dad.

Look at it this way....a couple of months ago some boys in my sisters class were giving her a hard time so to speak. She didn't like it but they were a couple of her friends. I went straight to there locker room and told them both they better stop. I have two new friends at school When either of them see me they always make it a point to say hi or be friendly to me.

ALSO--because my dad is a US Marshal he could tell the boy if he was to hurt his daughter not only will my dad go after the boy but he will go after his whole family!


There is no need to be afraid if you respect me, my daughter and my family. If you were to show the least amount of respect, you would be on my sh*t list, regardless of how my daughter felt about you, and you would also know exactly how you stand with me!!! If I liked you, I would take you hunting and fishing. Your attitude would determine if you made it back or not!!! LOL!!!

Bob G.
Travis,...Bob G's. right on,'s all about respect. Give it,..and you will receive it. Just be yourself,...give a firm handshake (no dead fish or limp wrist action!!) and look her parents in the eye when speaking to them. Throw in an occasional "Ma'am or Sir" and you will blow them away, only get one shot at a 1st impression so make it count and make it Eddie Haskell crap!! LOL




I'm not sure if Travis and BJ would know who Eddie Haskell is!!! LOL!!

Bob G.
Man..... You guys are rough on the kids!

BJ and TS -

You two have nothing to fear! As I sit here every day and read your posts, I think "What a couple of great kids!" Just be yourselves; the girls' parents will love you!

I can even guarantee you that Bob G is sitting there right now wondering how he can get his daughter to date guys like you! (And NOT look for someone like her father! LOL!!)

Always be yourselves!

God Bless!


And a P.S. to BJ -

Your love for your sister shows constantly here! I'm sure it does in real life as well! It seems to me that you posted pictures of her (with her basketball team) even before you posted pictures of yourself! She is so very fortunate to have you!
No offense BJ...but I bet if you would have really wanted to go on this date you had last weekend...there would have been thoughts in the back of your mind about what you would like to do with that girl. There isn't an a straight 18yr old kid alive today that would not want to make move on a girl they liked. Now you might not do it..but I am damn sure you would think about doing both Cookie and BJ need to have more of a social life with kids your own age....I promise you will regret not being a kid when you had the chance.....

Fear keeps you alert, sharpens your survival instincts. Don't like MOM telling you what to do? Get a girlfriend and then a wife. MOM's tame by comparison. Remember there's just as many Dad's wanting to get RID of their daughters by marring them off to unsuspecting young men. Then they only have ONE woman ordering them about.


It might be a nasty outlook but it is the truth....but I really don't think there is anything nasty about it.....
Women are Evil. Remember it always. Even the good ones have a nasty evil streak. A girl can do more damage to you than the old man ever will.

Rich D