Bill McElroy
Well-Known Member
OMG!!........I'm in love,...I just dumped Danica Patrick and I'm moving to Alaska..and then DC!! :wub::wub:
If you don't want to read political disagreement, don't click on a thread about politics.
I find the idea that the DNC would put a man with no experience what so ever in such a position of power distasteful.. At least they could have chosen Hillary Rodham Clinton, or Dennis Kucinich or even Bill Richardson would be better. He's only chosen Joe Biden out of fear from the Clintons on his ticket "just a heartbeat away". I would be surprised if he has ever even been to Washington D.C. in support of his constituants. His record clearly shows that. Barack Hussein Obama II is an inexperienced young man and has a history of nefarious dealings. Say what you want about his "Change" platform but as polarizing as he is I'll bet he couldn't buy a life insurance policy. This wouldn't be such an issue if the Obama campaign hadn't made Palin's so called lack of experience such an issue. It shows Obama's total lack of judgement. At no time was I ever a huge Obama fan and I would have happily voted against him in 2000 during his unsuccessful bid for the House of Representative but thankfully the residents of Illinois took care of that.
Other than the fun I had being Joe Biden* with your earlier statement above, I am shocked that you would blast on people in one thread about not knowing what they're talking about and repeating falsehoods and inuendos, then here you make absurd statements like, "He's only met Shara Palin once... couldn't know anything about her except what somebody told him about her. I would be surprised if she has ever even been to Washington D.C." I thought the "Glass House" that Hillary referenced referred to the level in our society that women have been subjugated and confined to for many years. Your continuing statements contradicting your earlier distaste of similar acts proves the glass house reference is obviously where some democrats reside, content in throwing the proverbial stones. It literally is the worldwide idiom brought to life.
Message was edited by Dan J. on 8/31/2008 at 08:54 CT
I find the idea that the DNC would put a man with no experience what so ever in such a position of power distasteful.. At least they could have chosen Hillary Rodham Clinton, or Dennis Kucinich or even Bill Richardson would be better.
I know my Dad was a devout Democrat and union man
What I find odd is that the political machine always wants change no matter who the sitting President is and they always want "one of us" and when "one of us" steps up, they then become "not qualified". I do not see what Palin has done in her political career as a negative, I do not see what has happened (and continues to happen) in her personal life as a negative. She has had to deal with what "we" have to deal with in our own lives and familys. Unwed teens, special needs children, divorce and raising 5 kids. She is not from the elite class who send their children off to boarding schools or have them raised by nannys. Isn't that what everybody loved about JFK?? His family and let's face it, he was of the elite class. Easy solution...make up your own mind, not with partisan propaganda. Look at the candidate, their stance on issues close to you and ask yourself..."Do I feel a connection" with this candidate? I feel more connected with the McCain/Palin ticket than I have in a lot of elections past. That gives me hope. Vote your heart, not your party......BUT VOTE or you have no platform to belly ache from!!