Sad day in Virginia...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
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Let's take a minute to remember all students,teachers and family having to deal with such a horrible tragedy.

People just ain't right anymore:wacko:
It's unbelievable what some nutbag can/will do when they decide they want to die but don't have the cahonies to take their own life and leave everyone else ALONE!!!
Now lets see how many people the media pukes can blame for this beside the one and only one person that caused it. I bet the cockroach lawyers are already lining up with ideas for the survivers to sue. The circus this has created makes me sick.

Blame the one person thats to blame period

bury the dead and pray for their souls

move on.


fatrap, not the American way shoukd here them over here in Europe and what they think and say about it....sickening of what the worlds perception is of us.....

It's been 35 years since my last Med Cruise. Everyone over there hated us then too. One of my crew was murdered others stabbed. The officials didn't even look for who did it. IMHO. You'd think that they'd turn down our foreign aide wouldn't you. Kick us out of their markets and stores when we shop there. No. They love our money.

OH Well!

God be with the families. I cannot begin to imagine the shock they are in. Damn what a freakin' phone call to get that would be!
fatrap, not the American way shoukd here them over here in Europe and what they think and say about it....sickening of what the worlds perception is of us.....

Yes, Europeans have been leading the way for several millenia as the beacon of all that is good in humanity. The Greeks, the Romans, the Germans, the French, the English, the Slavs, the Dutch...nary a hint of violence or low regard for human suffering in the history of those cultures. Just pure good and perfect intentions. Excellent role models for how to conduct a civilization.


Mac hit the nail on the head. I don't understand why these nuts can't just off themselves without taking innocent folks with them. There's not a law on the books to prevent crazies from doing things like this. Very sad indeed.
I hate to turn this into a soapbox, but here's a little something to think about.

HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee. | January 31, 2007

Greg Esposito

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.

House Bill 1572 didn
Moses? Europe is blaming MOSES??? Europe can KMA! I don't feel like getting into my

isolationist argument right now but what they are saying over there is one of the reasons

I am an isolationist.

Steve, there were a few of us talking about this last night. It's my opinion, JMHO mind you, that if there had just been at least one person who was trained and armed, this maniac couldn't have killed as many innocents as he did. And had there been more than one person armed maybe they could have dropped this guy even sooner.

I don't have a firearm in the house but have lately been working to rectify that. I want a handgun and a shotgun and I think it's foolish not to have protection these days. I wouldn't want to be standing there helpless as someone with a gun goes berserk anywhere around me.

It makes me absolutely sick what happened down in Blacksburg to those innocent people. When I think and picture in my mind any of them just standing there knowing they're going to die, I feel like throwing up. I guess all any of us can do now is say prayers for them and their families and that's what I'm doing.

Uncle Billy
Ken hit the nail on the head. French and some Germans want us to fail, and this is a percieved ***** in our armour........

Europeans seem to be self serving for the most part, but as fatrap said, they sure do want our money!!!

The Norweigans seem to be pretty neutral to us here, not as in your face as the City folks in Germany or the French are.

Rich, you are right, but they seem to overlook that?????
Put someone like Carlos there that will be ready at a moments notice.

One radio call and their ass is ELIMINATED !:D
This is obviously a terrible tradegy, and our hearts go out to all of the families effected.

But like others, I can't believe the press is already taking this into things like "how safe are our students", and the idiot democrats are already talking more gun control! As Steve R mentioned, if one or more people on campus were armed would this have gone as far? we'll never know.
I'm with Trep. I'm completely fed up with the American Press. Why in the world did the morning shows (I only had Today on, but I suspect the others are likely guilty also) have to broadcast from VT this morning. And they all had their long painted faces on to boot.

And if I see one more ^%$^&&* picture of that murderer . . . .

The moment that I turned the TV off, was when Matt Laurer asked a student (who had helped keep the gunman out of one classroom), whether any of the other students had 'thanked him'. To his credit, the student said that he pretty much was just trying to deal with all of this.

CLICK. Off went the power.

All the best to the familes and friends of the victims/students/faculty there.

How can we help to prevent a tragedy like this?.............. Start taking out the media and talking heads that keep reminding everyone what happened. Shut the F%$#K up already. Let the people grieve in private. If there is a copycat killing I'd like to see the media get sued for incouraging individuals into seeking fame by repeating the incident.


He's dead famous!

Anybody remember the names of the idiots that shot up Columbine?

I agree though that the media drills this stuff too much.:angry:
I forgot to add......:angry: after they sue the media shoot the lawyers.

There have already been ten schools / colleges with similar threats related via phone since this happened. I heard on the news this morning that ODU had one yesterday. I hope they catch all the people making these threats and prosecute them to the extend of "pre-meditated or attempted murder".

I am all for concealed carry weapons, and would encourage teachers / professors to do so. I know I would.

All the best,

Glenn,.....the more the press glorifies this crap and feels the need to "keep us informed" 24/7/365.......the MORE they give the fruitcakes in this country (and world for that matter) ideas on how they too can be "FAMOUS"....and try to out-do the last loser! :angry:

I think the PRESS is to blame for a LOT of our society's problems.......they have to constantly shove it in our faces!!..
Amen to that Mac.

I wanna move to the middle of South Dakota, no T.V., radio just my steel buddies and my fishing stuff. And Dogs

You are so right Mac, they like to hyper inflate everything and then try to sell it off as keeping us informed, what a crock.

I agree Mac.. It's just TOO much you know? I remember when we had like a 1/2 hour news show, period. Then it was expanded to 1/2 hour local and 1/2 hour Network news show and that was PLENTY. We didn't get the news about a carjacking in east L.A. or a house fire in Ames, Iowa, and that was fine with me. Now how many hours of news do we have even leaving out the three 24 hour news station. So we have "News at noon", some local "News at 4", and then the News programs at 5 and then at 6.

It is probably wrong but for my sanity at least I don't watch those shows anymore and also have stopped reading the paper. I can't do it without getting really upset and angry. If Nancy tells me something horrific I will then watch like I did with Virginia Tech. I watched that reporting for about four hours and then I figured that was enough and didn't watch anymore.

Uncle Billy