ring free and synthetic oil

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Aug 26, 2001
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has anyone used ring free? i was told from a friend that used it, that since then his boat idles much smoother and the acceleration is better. does ring free just remove carbon build up?do you just add it to your tank of gas? is it safe to use on my motor? also can anyone use sythetic oils and do you have to drain the existing non synth oil before you fill it. by the way i have a 99 Mercury 115
Regular Maintenance.. including a DeCarb with Aerosol Motor Tuner every 50 Hours will only prolong motors life. I use a Premium Oil and a mild dose of Manufacturers or other quality additive in every tankful. I have tried Synthetic and believe it does have great lubricating properties, but it did smoke more which I did not like. I have a Johnson 60 Hp and use the OMC RAM OIL it can be used in any motor, contains a Carbon Preventing Additive and burns almost smoke free. I also use OMC 2+4 Fuel Conditioner or SEAFOAM in the Gas.. For the record I also have a '82 Johnson, '89 Yamaha and several others in the family and Never Had A Fuel or Carbon Related Problem
And then there is my controversial point of view........

No additives. Todays gasolines are blended so well that none are needed. 30 or 40 years ago, maybe so; but even then many of the additives were comparable to snake oil. When there is something that we don't fully understand, like what really takes place inside our engines when the spark plugs fire, we seek panaceas for things that don't really exist.......

Gasoline is, itself, a very potent solvent.

I do believe in some sort of internal coating for the engine if it is to be stored for any length of time.
