Right outside the window

  • Thread starter Andrew Zuber [IMG]http://www.zjstech.net/~library/
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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
There's not just huge smallmouth in Michigan!!!

Hey Andy...Over here at the base golf course...I counted 26 deer laying underneath two big cedar's that had grass underneath the other day. I guess with all this snow...they're lookin' for clearings.
Nice how sweet is that....until one of you decides to blow them up.
You wouldn't believe how many I see just driving home everynight. This time of year heards of 50 to 100 deer.


We have some neighborhood "pets", also, but haven't seen any young ones in a while. They are a sight to behold!
Wow - what's up with that? The deer over here in Wisconsin don't start dropping fawns for another couple months! (and those two have already lost their spots!)

Funny. Not 30 minutes ago, I had a big doe walk right past my basement office window. Got out the binocs and enjoyed watching her.

75 yards and broadside, standing still. Oh, well. :)
Great Pics---

Makes me want to move from the city.

Thanks HaleDamage-----------------------------------Rick Hale