Reply ONLY if you are interested in Dale Hollow next spring

  • Thread starter John Astrello [URL]
  • Start date
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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Okay. Only reply to this thread (please), if you are potentially interested in a 2005 Rally (of some type) at Dale Hollow in Tenessee.

Informaiton requested:

Number in your party (approximate).

Time of year (month).

Length (weekend, long weekend, etc.).

Just looking for some basic information right now.

For the moment, I will act as a moderator for a potential Dale Hollow Rally; do the appropriate follow up; and then give feedback. From there, we will decide on whether we should act.

I've added a link below. Also, they have a large house that will sleep 24 total, with 8 bedrooms, and other sleeping accomodations. Three baths, 2 kitchens, etc. Sits over the marina/water. About $1800.00 for a week. Hmmmmmm.

Tex - Can you or someone post a city that is near the lake, so I can do a Mapquest search on distance.

WOO HOO Less then 5 hours from my place!!! OK, can't gaurantee, but here's my plan.

Number in your party (approximate) - 1 fishing, or with the whole family

Time of year (month) - Idealy spring break so the kids can come (Weekends of April 2nd or 9th), or after May 27th so school is out. Otherwise, I don't care, if I can come I will.

Length (weekend, long weekend, etc.). Weekend, or possibly like the last rally, Fri and Sat so folks can drive home on Sun.


Interested. Wouldn't know for sure until closer to date.

Spring, early summer

1 or 2 people.

If it is just me, I can camp. If the wife comes would need a lodge room.

Long weekend.
2 people in party.

Would go if in March,April,May or June timeframe

anytime of the week works for me.
Just so my vote is counted (sorry for that. . .)

Number in party: 2


Long weekend (3-5 days)

Lodge/motel/shared home

600 miles for me. 10.5 hours. That is do able. I would want to sleep on a bed and would probably go for a week. I can round up as many roommates as I need. I would be game.

I'd be game if I could hook a ride with someone. I'ts about 12 hours for me and I can't possibly drive that far.

Bill - Just call my Sister-n-law and ask her Hubby to join us and he can drive you down!!!! BBWWAAAAAAA
I'd go depending on my's a 8-9 hr drive for me sweat.
Definately interested won't know till time is closer

2 people

long weekend

any time of year

About an 8 hour drive from Central,IL

April - June

two people schedules permitting

long weekend
I would be interested.Fished it last year at the end of April.Seemed like a good time before the fish went deep.

Stayed at Hendriks Creek Resort,nice place just like the Moors.It's located about midway between the dam and the river(big walleyes).
3 or 4 in party

2 boats

camping maybe or cabin

April or May

Depends on work schedule, should be ok

long weekend or whatever

Awaiting details.
Iam game and maybe a buddy

1 boat

Maybe Cabin


Its only a few hours from me..
Depending on my work schedule (I work every W/E), I'm game.

1 to 2 in the party.

1 boat

Probably camp, maybe inn.

March through early June.

A long weekend is preferable.

I'm about 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours away.

Well, seems as though we are getting some critical mass with our responses. I'll do some additional 'pointed' research, and put up some additional info/questions.

Hey, don't forget us!!!!!

2 in party

march/April/ pretty much anytime. Jan/Feb if you want to do the float-n-fly!


Definetly will be planning a long weekend!

Yep count us an the woman:)Tex...I'll help out any way I can:)