Non Boating in a tournament

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I read through Ethan's post below, lots of good stuff. I figured I would start a new thread since his was getting to the bottom of the page. This is my expierence with non-boaters in tournaments.

Friday evening at the pre-tournament meeting I met my non-boater. I explained to him everywhere we would fish and what I caught my fish on in practice.

He asked me if he should bring his own life jacket if I didnt have one. I told him if he wanted to bring his own that was fine or I had one he could wear. He told me he didnt want to take up too much space. I told him that I keep both back compartments empty for my non-boater and he could bring as much stuff as he wanted. He said ok.

The next morning he showed up with about 6 rods and two or three soft sided tackle boxes plus extra clothes because it was cool in the morning. He was able to get it all in two trips, had to go back for his rods. I didnt mind a single bit. I've been a non-boater before and its not fun having a boater get upset (never happened to me, but how would I want to be treated as a non-boater?). I have non-boated before and all my boaters were nice and I made sure I didnt bring much stuff.

My non-boater offered me $20 at the end of the day. Because its a BFL tournament the non-boater has no control of the boat. Under that situation they do not need to pay for gas. He kept offering the money and I said dont worry about it that he should have just enjoyed the day fishing. He said ok and went back to getting his stuff. When I got home yesterday and was getting a few things out of my boat, I opened up my glove box and there was the $20.
Thats a class act .... two thumbs up for your partner that day...
Those are the good ones. And most of the co anglers in the BFLs, and BWS Ts are pretty good bout paying for gas and all round good guys.

As for taking Gas money, i don't see why you won't. $20 does not cover much, and you gave this guy a guided trip of your hard work and knowledge of the particular lake. Lots of co anglers are in the BFL and BWS are just along for the ride trying to learn the lake.

Anyways glad it all turned out good, hope you did well.

two years ago when i fished as a non boater in the BFL they said at the first meeting the non boaters shouldnt feel obligated to pay gas money because they dont have control of the boat. I offered it to my boater and he never took it.

I dont feel like I should take it. I'm always up for suggestions and if my non boater asked if we could fish a certain area as long as I dont have something going i'm more than happy to fish an area for them, arent they in the tournament too?

Yes it was nice that he gave me the money, but i feel bad now....we never got into the fish...