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Great place for info and help. A few "questionable" characters that shave their heads, other people's eyebrows, pick "shrooms" etc. But other than that, the water's nice, come on in.
Watch out for the "lifeguard" here...he's known to look away when your drowning:)

Welcome aboard!

Ken Neeley said to say "Welcome!"

Here's what he looks like......
Hey! Tin or glass? Nothing else matters! LOL!

Rich D
Welcome Fishn...

hang around and have some fun...

he's glass rich...but we won't hold that against him...hahaha

Welcome aboard. Watch out for pik panties and them nasty snow dances.

you will love the site. theres only one rule, you cant ask a question about JACKNUTS.

Glad to have a new member aboard.

Good Luck with these guys and gals!


Rich - His profile says Glass "1999 Nitro NX882" :-(

We'll let him swim in our pool as long as he doesn't pee!! LOL
Welcome aboard. Pretty good bunch here that have varied opinions, but they keep it between the lines, so to speak. Jump in wherever and whenever you can.

You will see, that we discuss a wide array of topics.

You've heard of the jet set, we got the tin set (used to be one myself).

At least he isn't one of those Ranger perverts...
You will find that Ranger envy runs DEEP here. And it manifests itself in many ugly forms! LOL
"Swim at your own risk" probably the best advice you have gotten. Welcome to our "corner" (sandbox is more appropriate)...

Every member here is permitted to hold and state their opinion... However, you will enjoy the fact that it NEVER gets personal (some pretty harsh kidding among friends...but all in fun) and therefore we are pretty free to discuss most any topic...

You will like it here... Again, welcome.
So to get the ball rolling, what shall we discuss next?




Tin (Evil empire) vs Glass (the Rebellion and good side of the force)

Lamoist, I got something for you to envy right here pal! LOL!!
Ain't no trash talk here;)LOL! Just a "bunch a good ol' boys & gals" who all have something in common and lookin' for good info...which is very easy to get here and ONLY here!

Welcome, pull up a chair it gets entertaining and also very informative.

Cass :)
Welcome Mate! Sit back, relax and enjoy the freak show.