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Bryan Fary

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2003
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Guess I am just bored at work. NOT! Figured I would change my alias from a boring Bryan to and EXCITING NCFishingNitro. How does that sound?

that's better then "No Class", we'd have to save that for the Ranger Crowd!!
Mac, you're just saying that cuz you gotta custom designed boat... you and I both know that if it coulda been a Nitro, you'd be a helluva lot happier and better off!

JR - Can't get used to not seeing Cecil. I think you will always be Cecil in our minds. Glad the ex-wife(s) thing is working out. LOL
this turned into more that i had expected......but hey who cares?
Everything on this site comes out more than expected...

guess that's what makes it such a GREAT site!

we all need to keep it going!

Dave,...My current boat is a "35th Anniversary" 520....the same as anybody off the street could buy.....the only thing "custom" about it is the deck lid. My NEXT one will be the custom wrapped boat....and further more,...I made the exact same proposal to Nitro FIRST, due to my long time association with them (I have been known to be loyal to a fault)......they didn't feel there was any need to help me out or improve my status with them anymore than they were currently providing. I felt I was deserving of a better deal. They did not. I took my proposal to Ranger and they wholeheartedly agreed with ME....and offered me a vastly improved sponsorship package. I made the decision to go where the opportunity presented itself. Had I stayed with Nitro out of blind "loyalty", I would not have been in Arkansas at that FLW tournament when I met the people from Action-Performance.,...who inturn, IMMEDIATELY recognized the potential of the "Scales and Tales" characters as an avenue to promote sport fishing and also provide a wide variety of marketing and product ideas for world-wide distribution. ALL of my past ideas were provided to BPS/Tracker Marine FIRST. For what ever reasons, they declined to help me and/or failed to recognize the marketing opportunities, I took my ideas and motivations elsewhere. It was a business decision on my behalf, and a damn good one at that (if I do say so myself..LOL)!! I don't have any bitterness towards Nitro or any regrets about it fate or call it luck,...but I was in the right place at the right time and there are a whole lot of people in my corner who are very happy with the way things are turning out....and most importantly of all...ME! If I could do it all over again,..I'd make the same decision again!! If I thought for a minute I'd be "a helluva lot happier and better off" in a Nitro...I'd still be in one,..ESPECIALLY if they felt they same way!! There will come a time when you will have to make the same kinds of decisions,...and you will rely on the input of a few close friends and years of experience in the industry, to make the right decision. Your decisions will be based on past history, accomplishments, goals, opportunity for growth and advancement and ultimately what it means to your personal "bottom line". Relying on all of that, and a LOT of faith and WILL make the right decisions!! I'm thrilled with the way things are turning out for me,....and if there's ANYTHING I can do to help you reach your goals,...please don't hesitate to ask!! I'll do what I can,...hope to see you again the next time I'm in Chicago!! Keep smilin''s contagious!!


Mac, Musta been a difficult decision from your perspective but from ours (mine) it was a no-.brainer. Loyality does run both ways. Nitro just missed the boat. Pun intended.
Hey Mac, great words now get back to work I wanna see scales and tales on the "silver screen" ohhhh lets say..... less than two years!! LOL How about that for a goal! Keep up the good work your makin' us proud!

Sam,...It wasn't that difficult.....Ranger made it pretty easy!!..LOL.

Donnie,.....2 years??...(probably not a bad guess!!..ahaha)

I'd love to see that happen too...that would ROCK!!!
Mac... As I have said before...they missed the "boater"... And, Ranger and A-P are very fortunate to have you and your talent to help shape their marketing. I cannot imagine a more "endearing" image booster than your "critters" in all kinds of settings and features to paste that brand in the minds of generations of fishermen...
Gee Mac, don't hold anything back!!! Tell it like it really is!! LOL You still rock, regardless of the boat you drive!

Yeah Mac then we could have NTOWS premier night where we all show up pulling our rigs!! Now that would rock!! Hey I have often wandered i guess you, as an artist, have "voices" for all the critters right?? Kinda in your head as you draw them out. If so who do you see doing the voices if "per say" you did get the gig to do a full 'toon on the big screen??? Costner, Will Smith, Jack Nicholson??? Come on you know you have thought about it!! LOL

I also have to agree! Tracker Marine missed the boat on this one and Ranger Boats will reap the benefits of Mac's talents.


Bob,'s easier to tell the truth than it is to squelsh the rumors!!! LOL! and wait'll you get a ride in a 520 with a 225,'s SWEEEEEEEET!!!!

Donnie,...There are about 14 characters in the S&T family..

"Lucky" is the Male Bass and main character,...I can see Jeff Foxworthy doing his voice!!..LOL (Nothing like a sourthern comedian to get the point across!!) "Rosie" is the female,...I envision Dolly Parton doing her voice. "Gumbo" is the old awnry cajun crawfish with the big mustache,....I see John Goodman doing that one!!

"Isaac" is the bullfrog,...born in a drainage ditch in Detroit,...that's Eddie Murphy BIGTIME!!! LOL "Spinecrusher" is the Musky,...he's just plain mean!!!

I picture Sam Elliot or Jesse Ventura doing that voice!!..LOL "Snorkel" is the skinny little worm...I'll have Trepman do that one!!..ahahahhaahahhahha...."Uncle Silty" is the Carp....I picture him just mumbling, the Grandpa in the old cartoon Hillbilly Bears! "Jiggy" is the Walleye,...he needs a "Minnesota accent"...gotta have Al Lindner do dat one!! (or Jesse!) "Clay" is the clam..he won't say anything,'ll just be sound affects. The Crawfish Family are the "Rockashellers"....they could deffinetely be Jack Nicholson and Fran Drescher...ahaha

and "Lenny" the Lizard,...he's GOTTA be Steven Wright!! LOL!...what a cast!!

Thats great! I knew you had put some thought into it! When will the next "big" annoucement be??

as soon as the turkey calls me back and we strike a deal!!

We met in New Orleans,..talked for 2hrs in private and we are both on the same page,......when all is a "go" I'll say more.....until then it's just "in the works"....sorry I can't say more. Stay tuned.

Only Ranger you'd catch me in a Ford!!!

Mac - OK i'll practice my Voice Overs up in Canada next week for "Snorkle"! Now can you put one of him on my shirts???
He's on one of the new designs. Don't know if BPS will carry them or not,...time will tell. BTW,..was told lasnite that BPS is "discontinuing" the current line of S&T shirts,..due to poor sales,.....oh well..we tried!! Buy'em up when you see them....'cuz they won't be back after they're gone!
Hey Mac.... That grumbling ol' grandpa... I'd be type cast... But, I'll audition!!! I even have legitimate "stage" credentials from my "ute"... (as in "two utes"...LOL)
Ok Mac how about adding a new S&T Character to the line?? How bout a Bloodhound named Elvis??? I think it would fit...big goofy dog underwater with his ears and wrinkles swayin with the currents of the water. I have the perfect bloodhound to prototype!

I don't have to worry right Mac, you've got my and the kid's shirts on the table next to your AP work ready to go!!! RIGHT!!
Trep,...I've asked my buddy for your shirts SEVERAL times over the past few mos. and they never seem to get sent to me...(he'd rather sell them then give them away) but now that he's probably stuck with a few that he was counting on selling to BPS,..MAYBE,..just MAYBE,..he'll send a few to me CHEAP!!!...I'm not going to bug him anymore though,..I'm sure the whole thing is a sore subject with him right now...

but I'll ask him one more time.....but I'm NOT driving to Texas to pick them up!! LOL!!
Heck Mac tell him you'll pay him market price plus shipping and just email me the price, i'll have Beka mail you a check!!
just givin' a little mac, guess i better expect to get a little back... "-)

GO MAC!!! Your point about Nitro vs Ranger is right on. It business - not personal. It's just that simple.... And you did the honorable thing -- you gave them first chance... Now just go make it happen!!!!

Oh, yeah. almost forgot. Sam Elliot all the way. His voice is perfect....

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