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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
What a weekend, what a blast!

Left to right:

Ken, Marke, Cathy, Kathy, Craig(back), Mac, Jill, Teri, & Bob G.
Now that is one motley crew!!!!!

Looks like every body had a great time (except for all the rain gear).
Awesome pictures, looks like you all had a bunch of fun!
Looks, like everyone had a great time, Toxic is right, it's all about the people and how we all can come together for a great time.

Awesome Pix's Teri!! Man we had a blast!! The rain gear was on for warmth (it was chilly in the a.m. and WINDY!! Wind means BIG waves and spray!!! Getting wet at 7a.m. is a drag!!) Saturday was VERY windy and we had 3footers all day,...sunday was a lot less windy but we had 2-3footers in some spots just from boat traffic!! But the run across the lake was a real pleasure,...almost as fun as just meeting everyone and having a good ol'Michigan kinda time!! Our wives all came along for the friday night bash at Big Buck and then the Culinary extravaganza at Neeley's place saturday night!! Man alive was THAT one a good time!! For all you guys who lurk here,...you GOTTA meet Teri,..she is the BEST TIME!!!!...and throwin' BobG. into the mix just made it all that much better,.. we really had a good time!

Can't wait to do it again sometime!! But where ever we go,..Neeley's doing the cooking!!!! (Emeril WHO???)

Cheer's gang!!! Thanks again for coming up to visit,...my life is now complete!! LOL

Looks like it was a good time.....just need a picture of the empty bottles/ glasses at that brewery...I know you guys/gals put a hurtin' on that place!!

We behaved pretty good friday,...everyone was fairly tired(Bob and Teri both drove a long way!!) But saturday night at Neeley's was a different story!! Details shall remain confidential!! LOL
Looks like yall had a great time. Sorry I had to miss it. Too busy working. Will be back in Mi this week.

We missed you too Mini. We actually have special pictures just for you.

Like I have said before, there is no need to wait for a Rally to meet some of the great people here. Send an e-mail or pick-up the phone and Git er Done!!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to recooperate for the next few days. Teri and Bob wore me out...LOL
you too??.....I passed out in my chair yesterday at 4pm and Jamie woke me up at 11:30pm and told me to go to bed!! ahahahhahah.......when my alarm went off at 430am this morning,..I felt like I didn't sleep at all,....man was i whipped!! Worth every minute of it though,....never had so much fun that didn't border on illegal!!!!
A short drive to enjoy a visit to the Bass Pro shop, a dinner at a nice restaraunt, 2 days of fishing with great guys, and one heck of a cookout.

If anyone wants to meet really nice people and enjoy true hospitality, I suggest a visit to Michigan. I think I gained 5 lbs from Ken's cooking. Every time I turned around there was a new dish in front of me. Very tasty indeed.

A few famous quotes to share from the weekend:

1) Marke denying his wife's story about him:


2) Mac's catch phrase:

"I don't care who you are, that's some funny $hit."

3) Ken's advice on locating smallmouth:

"They are either here or they're not."

4) Bob G. after a night of Crown Royal:

"I'm fine with not knowing what I did last night."

5) Teri trying to salvage a torn Senko while competing against Bob:

"This is not the time to be cheap while I am kicking your a$$."

This weekend was really one of the best weekends I've ever had fishing. Thanks so much to the Michigan Mafia. You guys rock!
Ok...I'm awake enough to finally post.

What a FREAKIN' blast!!!

Everyone summed it up pretty good...great friends, great food, great fun and pretty good fishing!!!

Thanx everyone for coming, and I'll cook for y'all anytime.

My poor dog looked at me this morning and said "where's that hot chick that kept feeding me???"

Mini...you missed it....but like Marke said, we have some pic's just for you...I'll put 'em up shortly.

What I get for not 'lookin in on the board often enough'!!!

One Michigander that missed all the fun...

I can however speak on Ken's cooking --- mmm mmm delicious!

One comment on the pics...

All the pics I've seen posted on this site...It took Teri to get Bob G. to crack a smile!


DANG!!! Sorry I missed the fishin and the cook-out. Kathy and I were WHUPPED after work Saturday. Looks like you guys had a blast, though.

The "Don" of the MiMafia was missing. Sequestered on Galveston Bay until it all blew over...lol


Tired? You have no idea. A week of working 18 hour days and driving all over Houston only to have to get up @ 4:00 am on Saturday and host an All Star Outing with our Redfish Cup Pro's......I was walking dead yesterday. (Oh and you KNOW I consumed my share of jack Daniel's, I wonder if the supply is getting HUGE in Mi yet)
Well they do know I will be back....lol

It is actually more expensive here in TX

"I'm fine with not knowing what I did last night".LOL

You know it was a blast when somebody says somthing like that!!!!!!!sounds like my kind of party.
Andy Z, it's tough not to smile around Teri and even tougher when pics are being taken all of the time!! I got caught!! LOL!!

I'll add two more quotes from the weekend....

"Drive it like ya stole it"

The look on Marke's face was priceless when he realizes that my truck speedometer is reading 85mph while his boat/trailer is hooked up to my hitch!!!


"Party like a Rock Star"

Whatever was said or done at Ken's on Saturday night is LONG forgotten!!!! LOL!!!

Bob G.

hahah....we were rock stars alright,...and today we all feel like Keith Richards looks!!!
"today we all feel like Keith Richards looks!!! "; That is a "killer" party!
A little hair of the dog.....I'm drinking some of Teri's Berry Sky Vodka and lemonade right now, and last night I made the lovely Mrs. Cicero some more Bahama Mama's!!!

Remember the earlier quote:

"They're either here or they ain't..."

Here's the rest:

"They ain't"

Sounds like a regular Hootenanny! Great pix!

Rich D
Ken, you have to try Skyy's new Melon Vodka with lemonade. I could drink that with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack.