Makenna Kirkwood.........

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Jeff Kirkwood

Active Member
Dec 28, 2000
Reaction score
Here's where we are;

The doctor came in late yesterday (Friday) afternoon and told us what the diagnosis is after they did more blood tests. She has Influenza #3, it is the beginning stages of the flu. Also, known to you and me as the croop. Until then I'd never heard of what he called it. He stated that with her only being 3 months old he couldn't give her any medication and would continue on with the suction down the throat and nose. Talk about gross! I'm positive the majority of Makenna's weight has been in her chest, it's amazing how much flem they've gotten out of her.

This morning (Saturday) at around 2am Makenna pulled out her tube that was in her nose. Then later this morning the Doctor came in and said she could go home as long as one of us took a C.P.R. class. At that time Alicia was the only one there because I was on the water, so Alicia is taking the class.

Both Alicia and Makenna will be home sometime this afternoon. The Doctor thinks we're through the roughest part but wants her back in to see her own pediatrician on Monday.

To everyone who has taken the time to call and leave messages, e-mail, post on one of the 3 web sites this was posted on and to those of you who just prayed for her without letting anyone know: Both Alicia and myself "THANK YOU" from the very bottom of our hearts! It has been such an inspiration to the both of us. I printed off everything that has been posted on the web sites yesterday after I got off Lavon for Alicia to see and read for herself.........She had tears in her eyes, just like I did the first time I read them. It has been an awesome experience to see and read so many posts, e-mails and phone messages. I'm sure this will be a great uplifting thing for Makenna to read later on in her little life. People, this one thing could be what causes her to accept Christ in her life when she is able to understand and for that alone I "THANK YOU!"

I'll have reports for both Fork & Lavon tomorrow, this afternoon I'm just going sit and hold both my little angels, Preston & Makenna.

Again, I can't tell you what this has meant to us, for you all to minister to us like you have. I hope I've been the example to you over the years like you've been to me the last few days!


Jeff, Alicia, Preston & Makenna

Fishin' With Jeff

I'm glad she's coming home. She's still in our prayers.

Bob G.

Great news..... I have 4 children and I know how tough it can be when one is ill..... I'm glad things are looking up!

God Bless and good luck... I'm sure all will be well soon!!!

Kraig Clement

Huffines Dodge Lewisville

GREAT news Jeff.

She'll be going 100 mph in no time.


Absolutely great news... My prayers are still with you and your family.
Jeff Thank You for your reply it lets us know that our prayers have been answered.

We'll keep you and Makenna in our prayers. Continue to give us updates and let us know how she is doing.