(Hi. I've seen older posts on this topic, but thought I would start a new thread with current readers of the forum...)
We have a new to us 2016 Nitro 700 LX. It was designed, obviously, for zipping to fishing spots and then fishing them. We have had boat tune up and repairs, trailer overhaul, and lots of sweat equity, with the naïve assumption that it would be a great fishing boat AND pull teens on tubes - possibly even a ski. (Why not dream big?) Two mechanics in one state said, "Yeah, just attach a harness rope and toe line..." and an employee at Bass Pro also said it was that simple.
This did not work and the third mechanic (when we got it back to NC) was the first person to say that it was probably not possible to modify our boat to be successful for tubing, adding tripods was crazy-dangerous, and it would take changing out the current three blade prop to a four-blade to try it with a Turboswing. (A product I had been researching and asked him about.) He did highly recommend an area marine supply shop that might have ideas. ("If anyone can do it...they can!") When I contacted them, the salesman told me:

Thank you!!
We have a new to us 2016 Nitro 700 LX. It was designed, obviously, for zipping to fishing spots and then fishing them. We have had boat tune up and repairs, trailer overhaul, and lots of sweat equity, with the naïve assumption that it would be a great fishing boat AND pull teens on tubes - possibly even a ski. (Why not dream big?) Two mechanics in one state said, "Yeah, just attach a harness rope and toe line..." and an employee at Bass Pro also said it was that simple.
This did not work and the third mechanic (when we got it back to NC) was the first person to say that it was probably not possible to modify our boat to be successful for tubing, adding tripods was crazy-dangerous, and it would take changing out the current three blade prop to a four-blade to try it with a Turboswing. (A product I had been researching and asked him about.) He did highly recommend an area marine supply shop that might have ideas. ("If anyone can do it...they can!") When I contacted them, the salesman told me:
- Yes, 4-blade propeller ($200+) would definitely give "more kick off" to possibly pull the tube up
- Yes, all kinds of tripods have gone flying off boats and it is a bad idea to retro-fit them
- Yes, Using a Turboswing might possibly work ($600) [Turboswing web-site lists higher number Mercury motors, ours is a 90.]
- We could also try a hydrofoil (for $100+)
- RPMs over 50 and smaller diameter...? (Wrote these in my notes but cannot remember details of how they relate!)
Thank you!!