2020 Mercury 250 Pro XS Shift Actuator

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2021
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I bought a new Z20 in June with the new 250 Merc 4 stroke motor. Has run fine until about four weeks ago. Out fishing, cranked up to move to another spot. Ran about 500 yards then solid alarm and motor shut down. On my Vessel View App the fault read electronic shift problems. I made it back to the launch, loaded up and went home. Brought boat to Cabelas, showed them the fault, and later that day they called and said she was fixed and running fine. Have had a trip to Alabama planned for a year. Without running my boat after said “fix”, just to see if it was ok (busy with work), I took off to Alabama last week on my trip. Launched at Guntersville, solid alarm immediately, no power and wouldn’t shift into forward or reverse. That night I did some research. (Not a lot written on this subject), but did find out for certain serial numbers, Merc 250 Pro XS, there’s a recall on the electronic shift actuator. Couldn’t find one locally so limped back home and brought it back to my local Cabelas. Told them how disappointed I was in their negligence, the money I spent on my three day tournament I didn’t get to fish, and asked them WHY, IF YOU KNEW THERE WAS A RECALL ON SOME SHIFT ACTUATORS AND YOU SAW THE FAULT ON MY VESSEL VIEW, DID YOU NOT CHANGE IT OUT FOR ME??? Very sheepish response and it just confirmed in my mind that some folks just don’t care about their job and/or their productivity. I have in the last day or two talked to one other fellow who experienced with his new motor, the same situation. By the way, my motor didn’t fall into the recalled serial numbers, yet that’s what the problem was… faulty shift actuator. They get water in them and begin corroding and shorting out. I know this is a long post, but I’m wondering how many of you out there have had this problem, and after the repair has the problem been remedied? Thanks for reading, and let me hear from you about this. Thanks
Yes. It applies to the Four Stroke V-8’s. That’s what I have. 250 Pro XS Four Stroke V-8.
Oh man that really sucks. 3 days on Guntersville would have been AWESOME . . . unless you're boat craps out. I empathize with you and hope it works out for you.

There is nothing worse than trying to deal with someone who doesn't give a **** about their job. It shows a personal lack of integrity.
Thanks for sharing this. I wonder if the recall applies to other 4 stroke V8s?

You might also post this on the Mercury 4 Stroke Forum at Bass Boat Central. (Mercury - 4 Stroke / Verado) It gets more traffic than this sight.
I don’t know what motors are grouped in the recall. I don’t know if it’s just the 250’s or could it be all the 4 stroke models? I just don’t know. Maybe one day I’ll find the time to call someone at the factory, but for now I’ll be testing mine out tomorrow! It’s a fairly easy fix, 2.5 hours labor. I’m happy it’s under warranty as the part itself cost $1005.00!
Took my boat out today and she ran and shifted just fine, so it seems Cabelas got it right this time.
I have a 2020 Mercury 175 that had the same problem. Took it in and said it was the shift actuator. Had to wait a month for the part to come in as it was backordered. My guess is they are replacing a lot of them.
Thanks for the reply BuckHunter. Fortunately for me my Cabelas had one in stock. While at Guntersville the local Boat Mart fellow called all over the Southeast and found one in Tennessee so it must be a rather widespread problem and as you mentioned on back order. I hope they get you back on the water soon!
I don’t know if it applies to the DTS models or not. I don’t have DTS.