Maiden Voyage - The good, the bad, and the ugly!

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Jay Plummer

Active Member
May 16, 2002
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I finally got out on my maiden voyage. I have a 2000 185 Sport (see my library...finally got the pic up). It was a beautiful day here in MD. Took my brother (an experienced boater...I'm not), my wife, and two kids. Needless to say, a full boat.

The Good - Great day, boat ran well. I can't remember going this fast on a boat. Everyone enjoyed the ride.

The Bad - When pulling up to the ramp, we noticed the DNR police had put their boat in at this particular big deal. I really wanted to look at my checklist(thanks MO), but since my brother was an expert, I just followed his lead. Got the boat in water fine...all systems go. Time to pull out of the dock. Meanwhile DNR has come back and is now backing his trailer up next to me to remove his boat. For some reason, when leaving the dock I put the boat in Forward instead of reverse...not good. I am headed right for Mr. DNR's boat!! Brother says, RRRREVERSE as Mr. DNR stops backing up and apparently realizes I am about to hit his boat. After "freezing" for about 3 seconds, I get her in reverse like nothing ever happened and we were on our way. AHHH, my first near-death experience!!

The Ugly - On the return trip, I played with the trolling motor and placed the plate covers on the deck. Off went one of the covers....never to be seen again. Upon returning to the ramp, we were in about a foot of water. I was going very slow and then bang...I hit something. Fortunately, it was just the bottom. No damage but I was imagining $$$$ for new prop already. Then we loaded the boat on trailer...twice. Both times we got the side of the boat on the wheel well.

The really good news - I took the boat out on Monday with just the wife. I read my checklist and everything went smoothly. I am now a veteran boater. I just need to learn to fish now!!

I would love to hear other stories of maiden voyages gone bad. I'm sure there are some good ones out there. Let's see who is willing to tell the worst story and face the wrath of the board.
Two stories for ya.

1. Maiden voyage, similar to you, had the family in the boat, local lake to break her in and get use to things. Was driving slow, just cruising along and all of a sudden...BUMP! Oh no, just hit something! banged up the prop on a sand bar 50ft or so from shore...and I thought I was safe at that distance. Bought a new prop.

2. 2nd new boat, same stupid lake. This time I've been "boating" for a couple years (LOL!). Whole family again, this time dad was backing me in. Started up the motor, but her in reverse and couldn't go anywhere! What the ####? Check the winch, all set there, looked in the back, trailer is floating with the boat. ???? Ooppps, forgot to unstrap the boat from the trailer :). Now I'm shoulder deep in water trying to reach down and take the straps off. Needless to say the wind was blowing me all over and the trailer with me. Luckily we had some help from some jet skiers and about 15 minutes time. Felt like a complete idiot :). Couldn't pull the boat back out due to trailer position on the ramp either....
My maiden voyage was easy with no problems, took it out myself in the middle of the week on a warm day in February )didn't want to make all the mistakes in front of anyone). Spent about 4 hours breaking her in nice and easy. Since it was my first real boat (with a steering wheel).

BUT the first time I went with another person was different. I drove up to the lake towing the boat with my buddie in the passenger seat while I was on a conference call with my boss. Get to the lake and finish up the call while i'm preping the boat. Everything is loaded including life jackets, prime the bulb, but the keys in the boat, untie the tiedowns and remove the transom saver and he backs me in. Just when i'm floating he disconnects the winch rope and away I float and start her up while he pulls out.

Now remember i'm a project manager so I had my laminated checklist (not near as extensive as Rob's new one) but since this was my beer buddie I didn't want to look like a geek so I never looked at the list. I fire the BIG 40hp up and idle while I run thru my mind my checklist. Just as he is walking down the ramp so I can pick him up it hits me!

I FORGOT THE PLUG!!! Darn! "Hey steve, go back the trailer down i forgot the PLUG!". Yup we got her back on the trailer, water pouring out the bildge hole, put the plug in and we're back on the water again!

Second funny one was the first time I took my mom out in Galveston bay in my 14ft Jonboat with 5hp tiller. I had been telling her how GREAT my new fishfinder was because I could always see the bottom depth and never run aground. Well you guessed it, first time out were motoring full tilt (say maybe 5 mph!) along a flat and CRUNCH/BANG/SCRUNCH!!! Yup ran aground and chipped the heck out of the prop on an oyster reef. Mom says "your fishfinder not working" and I say "I don't know I forgot to turn it on!"
Maiden voyage was when I was 14 years old in a 14 foot w/ 7.5 hp merc, Grumman my Mom bought me. Forgot the plug! Man, those old boats sink FAST! LOL Had to smoke the tires on the old Bronco to get it out to drain it, in front of an entire Saturday boat launch crowd. Oh look junior and mom trying to fish! how embarassing! Well, Mom and I regularly spank those guys these days. I have made much dumber mistakes now as a full growed man see. Which I respectfully decline to list at this time.
Mine was with my Nitro 901 just under 2 years ago. I took it to a local lake that was plum full of tree stumps sticking out of the water.

Well, towards the end of the day, we headed across the middle of the lake on the main engine but at idle speed when all of a sudden we were elevated out of the water and not going any where. Shut down the engine and my buddy jumped in (having already taken a swim..thats another story) to take a look. Sure enough, we were on 4 stumps and perfectly grounded in the middle of the lake in 30 ft of water.Did I mention this was the first fishing trip for a brand new boat? All I could think of was that my new boat was going to sink on its first outing! However with my buddy in the water and my on the edge of the boat, we worked it off 2 of the stumps and used the motor to back it off. I have never gone back to that particular lake!

maiden voyage on my boat was with brother,sis in law,wife and son on a local lake,fished it with the tx-17 numerous times,let off son,wife,figured quick run around the lake,since i only had 1 hr on the motor,come out of launch,felt bump,never giving it another thought,pulled boat out seen prop mangled,and 6" of the skeg missing!!

needless to say that lake i dont fish anymore since last years skeg removal trip!!forgot to trim motor up,dragged it down the road for 3 miles.


I just started my second season with my boat. Last year I did the forget the plug, busy boat ramp blunders and I even broke a prop. However, nothing made me feel more dumb than trying to get on plane and run WOT with the trolling motor still hanging over the bow...LOL.

All of I could think of was "Why the heck am I getting soaked?" The river was like glass, the boat was porpaseing like crazy and water was poring over the bow. Then I saw the TM still in the water. I throttled back, walked over and pulled up the motor. The mounting bracket was very loose and the TM prop was gone. I had been out twice alone and this was my wife and children's first time in the boat.

As far as us "veterans" are concerned there was NOTHING bad or ugly about your maiden voyage. Any day that doesn't cost you more $$$ than gas is a good day....LOL

Have fun,

Not a maiden voyage story, but ....

I left the "save my butt from embarrassment" checklist behind, so I skipped the part that says, "Lower the outboard until the water intakes are submerged." Turned the key and said, "Man, that motor is LOUD today!"

Right, Scott?
Oh, yeah, and then (with Scott in the boat) I too took off at full throttle with the trolling motor still down.

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