Little Champlain Bass

  • Thread starter JAMES MOORE [URL]
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2002
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Little fish I caught last spring with Rob. Rob was gracious enough to let me have this fish after he fished the same tree for 5 or 10 minutes. P.S. caught a bigger one last weekend on Black Lake that was 8-3/4 lbs 24-1/2'' long with a 19 inch girth. Took pictures but they didn't come out. Water temperature was 48 degrees with a stiff breeze. Last time out for the season. BRRRRrrrrrrrrr (2).jpg
It works now. Up loaded picture into my library then linked it to the site.
Nice Fish...

Let me get this straight though...


OUR Rob?

LET you have the fish?

OUR Rob?

I must be missing something here...

YES our ROB.

He fished that tree before me to get that bass warmed up.

When I pulled in with my boat, we were following each other around, my second cast I caught that fish. (jig & pig)
Nice fish Jim. You didn't happen to pull that fish out of the tree right next to the Chazy river did you? When I fished with Rob, he didn't let me catch that one. He caught it for himself...LOL


That's Rob's pet bass! He hasn't let me catch it yet. I think I pi$$ed him off this year and he wouldn't take me fishing!! I had a pet LM bass on the VT side of the lake next to a stick that I could catch every week, but it was only 2lbs.

WANTED: 5 pound bass to inhabit the water near a fence post sticking out of the water. Food and cover included. Available for the month of May and must be willing to inhale my Senko as needed. Please look interested if anyone is with me. One pic will be required and will be released unharmed.

Bob G.
It was perfect bass fishing humility! I was fishing a green pumpkin jig -n- pig cause I said, "These fish have seen black and blue so much, I bet the bigger ones will want something different." We had nailed that tree the day before and pulled several toads out of it. So after hammering with about 15-20 casts, I figured we had pretty much educated the fish too well the day before. Jim pulls up with his black and stinkin blue jig, pitches in there once and BAM....there she was. LOL But on either of those two days, we each had well over 20 lb stringers each with our best fish. There were several 5's and 6's those two days also, but that beast was the topper.
Besides, I'd already caught that fish about 10 times and so was bored with her. I figured, Jim being my guest and all.....

Don't worry Bob, I'll get you out there next year. I'm only fishing the 5 tourneys plus maybe the LCI again with Buzz so I'll be open most of the summer.
What's the date on that picture? Must have been pike fishing..I know, pike fishing in the trees is great that time of year...LOL......
Mike O.,

VT side of the lake is open for catch and release with artificials beginning in mid-April. Sometimes it's hard to see the NY/VT dotted line that's on the map!! LOL!

Bob G.
You're just jealous you didn't make it out Mike! LOL Yeah, we were pike fishing. Just those pesky bass would NOT leave out jigs alone. And I could SEE VT from where we were. Does that count?
Now that is some awesome largemouth fishing! When did this take place?

I wish we had largemouth like that on Clair....


PS I did sraighten the hook on a bitsy bug a few weekends ago. It felt like a 6...

Mini, get out here in May, and I will show you what Champlain is really all about! Ask, Buzz, Mahk, Bob, or Jim. We'll load the boat with 3-6 lb Largies all day flippin jigs in the wood, then make a 2 mile run to the flats for toad smallies hand over fist. But you ain't gonna get any back to back 7 lbers on 5 casts. Sorry, if I knew how to pull that off, I'd be fishing full time pro! LOL But you will get bored with 3 lbers. I had to convince Markey Marke to not waste film on them and hold out for the 4+ toads. He figured it out pretty quick.
Pretty please? I promise to protect your eyebrows while we are there!

Having you in charge of "security" is what's scary!!! LOL

That's got "conspiracy" written all over it!!!
The more I think about it, if we all met there, we could split one of the big rooms (sleeps 4) and fish!! That would get me back up on Champlain again next year!!

Mac, mini, CIII, TOXIC, and Mr. Pink silkies.....what a group. We could even host som others from the board!! Heck, I already know where all the liquor stores are.....

Don't forget about Buzz, Doug and I from the VT side if you guys are going to have a eyebrow trimming party!

Bob G.
If you want to catch some serious hogs you'll have to come spend a day with me. Load the old row boat up, tie on some jig and pig and hit my little honey hole lake. If you really want to have fun I'll take you out on the ST. Lawrence River for some serious fishing. I saw bags weighed in this fall of 22 lbs all smallmouth caught in the Massena area.
Have boat will travel!! I would love nothing better than to get the new truck and start planning weekend trips (with a few a week long) for the summer. It is so much fun to go meet people from the board and fish different waters. I'm always open for that. I don't have the tourney schedules to worry about but I do have to spend enough time in VA to make a buck and do a little guiding!!

Never fear Mackelroy, it ain't YOUR eyebrows that will need protection! LOL We have the room for quite a few at the house. Guest room has a king, apt has a queen, the kids could stay at my moms for the weekend and free up two more bedrooms, plus the den has the couch and I have a nice inflateable queen bed. I could put up 6-7 people.

Let's see

Silk panty man

Mini the brow shavin, jack drinkin, hooter hittin, bachelor

Mackelroy, the world famous doodler

Buzz the SOSpender fashion model

Jim the bassinfool

Bob "Icabod Crane"...(my nickname when he talks smack)

Toxic the fumagator

Carlos...I ain't messin with a marine! LOL


And of course I'm sure we could "persuade" Markey Mahk to make it too! Now that has the makings for a weekend!

Oh and we can't forget our ally in brew....Pierre.

The annual BBQ at Chateau de LaMoy with the fully stocked bar. Pick a weekend when I don't have a tourney guys. This one's gonna leave a mark!!!

Your welcome any time Tox. Two extra bedrooms and free room and board for a vacation.
I'm in, pick the date and I'll be there. Chateau de LaMoy or the pink panty fest.
Oh what a time that would be.....I can't even think of the words to describe it!! Hedonism comes to mind.......We could officially rename Rob's house...."Animal House" for a weekend, I think we'd have ALL the characters covered (plus a couple)!!
