Lasik Surgery

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I am just lying here thinking about how much I just want tomorrow to be over. I am having lasik tomorrow at 11am. If all goes well, I will be able to see fine and drive to my follow up appointment on Saturday. Amazing isn't it? I can't wait to be on my boat or jet ski and not have to wear glasses or contacts.

Anything I should know about before I go? I guess it's a bit late to ask. :wacko:
Let us know how it works out for you, I hate wearing glasses. It's only been 5 years and I can't them.


P.S Good Luck

My brother in law had it done about 8 years ago. He still says it is the best thing he has ever done. No pain, minor discomfort (he compared it to a dirty contact lens) for a couple hours.

Good luck!

Rich D
Good luck Teri... But just wait until you see just how ordinary everyone one here except me looks.. Oh Well..

Uncle Billy

I had it done about 3 years ago. I would have it done again in a second! Don't sweat it, I was freaking out up to the minute I had it done. Was shocked at how easy and painless it was, I remember thinking if I had to choose again between getting a filling done at the dentist or lasik, give me the lasik. Took about 15 minutes and my vision was 20/40 before I left the office. A week later it was a little better than 20/20. No more contacts drying up when I'm fishing in windy weather.
My eye doc told me if I were to have it done then I would need glasses at the computer? I think that he was afraid of losing business? I am nearsighted and only use my glasses when driving and of course fishing. I work on a computer all day with no problem, will that change? I am thinking of having it done myself. Good luck Terri and God bless.

Jeff (any and all comments welcomed)
First off, good luck Teri, I'll say a prayer for you. I inquired about the surgery a couple of years ago, Eye MD told me that since I wear bifocals, I would still have to wear glasses after the surgery. He said that they can fix either the nearsightedness or the fearsightedness, but not both? I really want the surgery, but if I'm going to have to still wear glasses why bother? Has anyone heard of any new technology in this area?

I hope everything comes out Clear and bright. My Wife asked me if I would want to have it done. I said, I am not sure? I havnt heard anyone that I know having it done. Anyway, Give us a update on the procedure. This may Jump start my idea's for having it done. I have been wearing spec's for about 35 years or so. Good luck

Max <><
Only thing I can think of no one has said is don't flinch. :D You will be fine. Go have a beer afterword.

By the time you read this, it will probably all be over, but I did it about 3 years ago as well, and can't believe how I went 17 or so years without it. Being in a boat without glasses or contacts is the greatest! Good luck!
Steve - Talk to your Dr again. They do one eye for nearsightedness and the other for farsightedness and your eyes adjust so there is no need for glasses.

I had it done about 5 years ago and wish I hadn't. I was one of the 5 percent who it didn't work for. My eyes are worse and now I have astigmatism, which I didn't have before. Would I do it again, NO!

Just remember that for 95% of the people it works great!
I had mine done 7 years ago and have no problems. I talked my wife into having it done and she also has no problems. Just make sure it's the actual lazer that they use. It's painless.

Good Luck.

Barry from La.
Thanks for the well wishes. I am nervous but I will be fine. I am going to one of the best in the nation. I had to pay a bit more but for my eyes I wanted the best. He uses all the latest technology, no blades. It is called IntraLase I think. Uses laser light instead of a blade. I will let you know how it goes (probably tomorrow). I should be able to see pretty well by the morning.

Good luck Teri,....There is one downside to it, you're going to be able to see how fat I REALLY am!!:lol::angry:

I need to get it done eye sight is getting really bad!! I'm over-do for an exam!!


One thing to remember is to expect your vision the vary day by day or hour by hour in some cases as your eyes heal over the next 30-90 days. Some days it freaked me out to have great vision when I woke up and couldn't read a street sign by lunch. This is normal but can be frustrating at times especially when you need to read something important.

Lasik surgery is just short of a miracle and the Intralase equipment is the best equipment in the industry. You probably already know this but it's the only laser that has been approved for use by fighter pilots in the military because of it's low energy feature and the ability to cut a perfect 45 degree angle of the flap that is required to resurface the cornea.

Be sure and use the drops that they give you and enjoy you new vision.
<font size=+4>Teri, I hope everything worked out ok with the procedure!</font>


Seroiusly considering it myself:cool:

I don't mindif I have to use them to read fine print....I can't wait to use any sunglasses I want and really see my targets for fishin'.
Rich that's just funny :lol:

Personally having a lazer fired into my eye socket :eek: is a rather scary thought. So Teri you are braver than I am. :)
Hope all went well, reply if it did.

But dont lose the glasses altogether....they are sexy on a woman you know.

Good luck darlin, we'll be thinking of you.:D

P.S. - Hopefully you'll see well enough on Sunday to see the Colts get SPANKED.

My wife had it done last May. She wore bifocals, and still has to wear the "drugstore" readers only for fine print. They had a tv monitor outside the surgery room, and I watched them do it. Not for me....still wearing bifocals myself. The next day after her surgery she had to return for a quick checkup. There were about 8 people who showed-up who had the surgery same day as my wife. All were wearing the big framed dark glasses. I told her it looked like a MIB reunion :rolleyes: .

Oh, and as stated above, use the drops they give you afterwards.
Hope all is well....:) Don't keep us in suspense too long...:huh: